
Showing posts with label Self-Help. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Self-Help. Show all posts

Wednesday 30 August 2017

How To Save Money in 10 Easy Steps

The Adventurer's Guidebook

How To Save Money in 10 Easy Steps

Once upon a time, long long ago (a few years), I was just like you. A peasant! No offence. It seemed to me that whenever the gods blessed my bank account with money, it was always in a nick of time, pennies to my name, beans for breakfast, picking change up off the floor. Truth be told, money was not the enjoyable trading asset it was designed to be, but rather made my stomach feel like a pot bubbling with stressful mud. I never had enough and was always ridden with guilt when I spent it, and slowly my monthly value weighed me down like stones tied to my ankles. I realised I was drowning and knew at that point, there had to be a better way.

And that is where my personal adventure began. I was aware that "money" had become a very popular topic in the town, and by this logic, I concluded that there must be people with the same troubles as mine. And one thing I do know with all certainty, is that where there is mass trouble, there is always some sneaky hustler ready to exploit said trouble for their own financial gain. And I was right. It didn’t take more than a few clicks on the internet machine to discover an extensive underground community of people dying to stretch their paychecks further, with an abundance of knowledge in all formats readily available, far too much for any one man to digest in a lifetime. But I was hungry, and I gave it a go, devouring the freely available blog posts as well as purchasing various books (I Will Teach You To Be Rich by Ramit Sethi standing as the most useful one, by the way) and I am proud to announce to you the following: I am still rubbish with money.

However, that is not the point! The point is that I have reached new levels of consciousness and I now know exactly what I am doing, sort of. The turmoil I used to experience has been cured like placing the ointment of knowledge onto my crusty skin. Every month is no longer a desperately wary crawl towards the next lump of income, but rather, a game, one where I distribute my resources intelligently and laugh at those who are broke all the time, ha ha ha. Which is why I felt like I was in a worthy position to write this blog. The best position, some might say. Because I am not a money wizard like those others who mumble fancy jargon and conduct lengthy abbreviations as if casting spells in reverse Latin. No! I am but a simpleton, and simpletons speak the language of simpletons, which is probably your language. I read some stuff. I tried some stuff. I noticed what stuff stuck and worked for me. And if these simple techniques worked for me, they can work for you, no problem.

My only concern is how much of this article will suffer due to my objective of making something timeless and globally relevant. This held me back from going higher grade and revealing what hot deals are available to you right now, because once this script is released to the world, I doubt I will ever be assed to update it again. On the plus side, however, this means that these tips and tricks should remain somewhat relevant even 10 years from now, and that’s pretty cool, I guess. As for anyone undertaking the mission outside of the United Kingdom, do not fear! Simply ignore the mighty pound sign and replace it with your own currency’s symbol. No one will get hurt.

Furthermore, this article was written with monthly paydays in mind. Do not let this bother you either, as even if this does not apply to your income patterns, you will still find many words of value on offer and enjoy the awesome read you have before you. Believe me, it’s amazing, I would know, I wrote it.

Finally, I understand money can be a boring or even petrifying topic. Which is why I do not want you to treat this as a finance text book. This is not an investment guide about stocks or bonds or mortgages, nor is it a system which promises to double your money in 30 days. What it is, is an adventurer’s toolbox, filled with magic tricks and shiny weaponry which will train you up on how to fight the scary money beasts that come in many forms, and expand your pouches without having to earn any more dough than you already are. With enough courage and valour, you too can become a warrior sorcerer just like me, and one day, you will hopefully accept me as your king. But that’s a different story.

All Step images created with this Magic The Gathering card generator, thanks!

Step #1: Escape the Debt Quicksand First and Foremost, or You Shall Never Play the Game

This imperative first step of your mission may be (for some) slightly tedious or even obvious, but just in case you haven’t yet mapped your strategy, allow me to spell this out to you in no uncertain terms: if you’re in debt, whether it be a loan or a credit card or both or many of, do not even fuck with saving money. You need to get out of the quicksand which is filling your pockets with dirt and cleaning them out, and you need to do so immediately.

If you’re not entirely convinced, you are stupid, but for the sake of argument, remove your calculators from your potion belt and let’s ponder over some simple maths. Say you carry a mere £500 dent on your credit card with a standard UK average APR of 18.9%, and you are currently stabbing at it with the minimum monthly payments of around 3%. This would mean that by the time you’ve finally escaped the debt pit, you would have paid an excess of £189, a burden which would have also cast a shadow over your head for four years (which isn't even considering whether or not you were silly enough to get a loan with annual fees, yeech). We are looking at a decent chunk of coins for a very moderate story, all of which you could be putting away to work towards the thing you love the most. This cash and so much more can all be yours by simply striking your card as hard and as fast as possible.

Work out your own specific scenario by using Money Super Market’s nifty little calculator tool here.

Naturally, not everyone's quicksand is going to be of the same depth, and there will always be those rare examples when the urgency to crawl away from this pesky obstacle won’t apply. Perhaps you are still knee deep in a student loan with 0% interest rate, in which case, it isn't of the same critical mass of bleeding cash, but nevertheless, it's still worthwhile to regularly hack bits from it for your own peace of mind. Even less likely, is that you have somehow acquired such a low credit card APR rate and/or high interest rate savings account, that the interest lost vs. interest gained still works in your favour if you are saving money at the same time. Nicely played, if so! However, even if this is your situation, you are still not fully reaping the benefits of your mighty savings account, as every penny lost in the debt abyss could rather be multiplying over there instead. Use your calculations wisely, and no matter who tells you anything, always listen to me: keep this sacred step as your foremost priority regardless of the path you come from.

For the most part, however, we are all normal people with normal accounts, which makes this debt cavity a much more dangerous cancerous growth. Now, I know what you’re thinking: “Damnit Jared, if it was that simple to pay off my debts, I would have done it already! But my credit cards/loans are really big and scary so I think I’ll just ignore them until they goes away”. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work like that because people want what they are owed and nobody cares about you. Except for me. I am the only one you can truly trust. I’m here to help, so listen.

An obvious (and highly recommended) solution would be for you to google different ways to get out of debt, because my advice is a one-size-fits-all type of deal, and there might be a slight variation somewhere better tailored to your body type. However, one thing I can urge you to do that so many adventurers overlook, is to pick up your phone-device and call your credit card provider, as the difference this can make is what fairy tales are made from. Tell them that you’ve decided you want to pay off your owings as fast as possible and you would love for them to lower the APR (monthly interest/annual percentage rate) for you. If you’ve been paying on time (read: always pay on time, or your worth will be penalised beyond recognition and your credit rating will weep blood) and are a longer-term customer, use these facts as mini-spells to work in your favour, hopefully wooing them into submission. Tell them about other cards you’ve seen with lower APRs (do some research, better if you can name them by name) and gently threaten them with these findings if needs be. This whole performance is not guaranteed to work every time, granted, but it does work some of the time, and you have absolutely nothing to lose.

The first time I called up my credit card company and asked them to do this, they lowered my 31.9% APR down to 23.9% in a few minutes. Literally one phone call, people. One phone call.

Another (slightly more courageous/foolish) plan, is to locate a card specifically designed to transfer your debt onto. These are called Balance Transfer cards, and often have a muuuuch lower (or even sometimes, non-existent) APR rate, which bandages up the wound that weeps excess cash whilst you tackle the problem in a more secure corner. Another option could even be getting another loan elsewhere to pay it off, but either way, idea remains the same: you find someone/something willing to give you a load of money to pay off the big debt monster (always tackling your biggest debt first, of course), and as long as the helpful borrower has a lower interest rate, you will save money in the long run. But be oh-so-fucking-careful with this! Some cards do come with a transaction fee, and even worse, your previous credit card may have a penalty system in place for doing so, which is why you should always always read the fine print, or at very least google it. It’s a somewhat dangerous game, rife with complex terminology and secret greedy hands that are trained to snag you along the way, so be 100% sure of what you’re signing or the bad men and women will get you. They always do. It's their job. Their sole purpose in life.

However, if all else fails, you could just do it the old fashion way: pay off your debts, bit by bit, as often as possible. And that’s where the rest of this article comes in. I will provide you with many techniques and examples which serve to collect up slivers of money which you can shove into your debt’s face until you suffocate it to death. And what’s more, you will learn how to play the credit game in a much smarter way to safeguard you from this ever happening again. But for now, what I suggest you do, is to get out your trusty pen and paper, read the rest of this blog, and make note of every single cent you save over the next month or so. You want to know how much of these savings you should be putting towards your debt? All of it. No questions. No excuses. Because once you’ve liberated yourself from this evil quicksand, that’s when the real fun begins.

After you’ve destroyed your credit card issues, call your provider and cancel them. Don’t just cut your cards up like they do in the movies. An empty card with no activity can negatively affect your credit score, and there is no reason for that.

On a final and related note: you should seriously consider cancelling your overdraft right away, especially if you find this is your natural place of habitat. You are living in it for one reason: it’s there. If you tell people that "it's for emergencies", then why do you have an emergency every month? Are you ok? Yes, certainly there will be a period of hell following as your finances balance themselves out and you have to learn to live within your means again, but once it all stabilises, only then can you start abiding by one of the most important rules of having money: don’t spend cash that isn’t yours.

We will be taking a much more advanced look at all of this in Step #9, but for now, you are simply not ready. Baby progress, let's move on to this now:

Step #2: Everything You Spend Should Be Traceable

So now that you are well wise about the dangers of debt, we can actually begin today’s lesson. Welcome to the true heart of my system, you’re going to hate it.

What you want to do, from now until the rest of your life, is keeping track of every single bit of money you spend. I know, I know, this sounds like a total exhausting mission, right? Well, I have news for you: it may very well be a total exhausting mission, but a worthy mission of the highest calibre, potentially the seed of most potent growth, wrestling back control over the personal inventory you once had. Here, take my hand, and I will guide you through how I approached this step, and maybe you’ll find something here that will work for you too. We’ll take it slow. Let’s tackle the first month together.

What you are going to need, is a place to document all your spendings. A pen and paper might be your preferred technique, and that’s fine, especially if you’re a granny. But in this modern day and age of wonderment and smartyphones, you might want to download an app to make your life a little easier and more portable. Go ahead and google “finance manager apps” or “expense tracker apps”, because I never did. I simply settled for the first one I found, which was called Toshl. I still use this app regularly because it’s simple, it’s free, and it did exactly what it said on the tin. And what the tin said, was this: when you purchase absolutely anything, you punch the total amount into Toshl, give it a tag to remember it by, and then submit it, providing the app with everything it needs to neatly save a little database of your spending habits to mock you with later. If taking out your phone every time you go to the bar feels a little embarrassing to you, another quicker method would be to always ask for the receipt. Place said receipt into a pocket you’ve reserved for receipts, and then once a day or so, transfer those numbers from the paper ink into the world of digital Toshl. What’s important here is that you should recycle your receipts, because you want to be a better person. But what’s also important here is that you do not, I repeat, do not, skip the recording of any expenditures, no matter how small. Otherwise, this won’t work, buddy!

Once your first month is up, Toshl (or whatever app you decided to go with, as long as it includes this feature) should provide you with a nice little pie chart clearly illustrating what the biggest black holes in your wallet may be. For example, my top five worst troubles were: Bills; Drinking; Party Tickets; Food; and... (drumroll please)... the all informative label titled Misc. I have no doubt in my mind that Bills will be on your list too, so we will be addressing that hurdle separately in Step #5, ignore that one for now. Rather, you are left with your own personalised selection of four monsters which you are going to have to learn to fight waaay better. Maybe they are the same as my monsters. Maybe they are not. It doesn't matter, as all monsters can be fought and weakened in much the same manner.

The next step of our program is entirely dependent on you knowing who these enemies are, so please do ensure you have some idea of what I just told you to do, or at least pretend.

Step #3: Chopping Flesh off of Your Scariest Monsters

You have now acknowledged the four biggest monsters which are attacking your bank account. You know your enemy. And this can very well be your greatest asset to winning the war.

Obviously your top four money suckers are there for a reason, you’ve probably even grown somewhat fond of them and probably don’t want to (or cannot) completely get rid of their presence. This is fine! But we can hack them up so viciously that they lose an arm and a leg, rendering their efforts of crippling your financial bricks much harder on their part. Draw your sword, let’s get medieval.

The plan of attack may be a word you fear, or a word you already subscribe to, but your emotional human reaction is irrelevant. The simple truth of the matter, is that every single money saving guide ever written throughout history will tell valuable tales of this defence. Bitch, you gotta budget.

Luckily, we have grown so much as a society that those images of your mommy scribbling in an accounts book are no longer relevant to our funky new age options. There are so many modern platforms promising to help us live within our goals, and I’m sure it won’t take long for you to find one perfectly suited to your needs. That said, I am personally recommending Goodbudget, partially because it’s free, partially because it works on your phone, and partially because they have this cute little envelope mascot who I have developed feelings for.

Download this or that or whatever, and set up your envelopes. What are envelopes, you ask? These are the sections of your life which are in the most dire need of budgeting, and thanks to Step #2, we already know who they are. Your four big monsters. Your true adversaries. Stick each of their names on a different envelope, and then calculate what you should be spending on them over the course of the next month. Once again, if you followed the previous step correctly, you should already know the amount of money each monster swallowed the month before, which brings us onto a system I have developed all on my own. You won’t find this anywhere else in the world, so appreciate that I am actually losing time and money by giving this away for free so that you can save time and money.

The trick here is to set each separate envelope budget to the same amount you spent on their corresponding monster the month before, except subtracting £10 from each. Now it’s as simple as taking note in this app of every penny you spend within those categories, and keeping a diligent eye for when your phone warns you that you are headed to bust one of these limits. With a tiny bit of caution, you should hit your next payday within your budget rather easily, because, let’s be fair, spending only £10 less than the month before on food or clothes or travel or whatever, is not a lot to ask. And there you go. You will have saved £40 extra in one month with such a minute adjustment that you didn’t even notice the difference.

But you don’t stop there. The next month? Subtract £10 more. The next? Subtract £10 more. The next? Yeah? Do you get what I’m doing here? I’m not asking you to suddenly change your lifestyle or run head first into your monsters with guns blazing. I’m asking you to make slow, gradual alterations to your spending, from month to month, so you can reap in massive benefits without even being aware of any behavioural changes. And the benefits are fucking massive. How massive? Glad I asked.

Let’s look at it this way: if you keep up this £10 a month deduction process for a mere four months, based on your initial spending habits, you would have saved £10 (first month), then £20 (second month), then £30 (third month), then £40 (fourth month). That’s £100. Multiple that by four (for each of the monsters), and that’s £400 extra saved in four months. £600 in five. £840 in six. Depends how low you can go, really.

As before, the only slight annoyance is that you will have to continue keeping track of everything you spend for the rest of your life. For some, this may seems like an exhausting exercise, but it doesn’t have to be, especially once it becomes a habit. As soon as you buy something, quickly plug it into your Toshl app or shove a receipt into your reciept pocket, and deal with it later. Once every few days or so, spend 10 minutes getting your budget planner app up to date, recognising which monsters are becoming dangerous (or which ones you can spend more on if you like!) and then living freely without the weight of money worries on your adorable brain.

Inevitably, however, there will come a month when you simply cannot duck under an envelope's budget. You’ve hacked the monster to the bare minimum and you can’t seem to slim it down any further. This happened to me, and will happen to anyone, when the bar has simply been pushed too low for your preferred lifestyle. But if you’re 100% honest with yourself and you feel proud of how much you’ve managed to chop off anyway, perhaps you can accept that you've hit your cement point and are ready to chill. Consider not lowering the budget anymore. This is your fixed budget from now on. Stick to it.

Story time.
This practice can also be altered if you suddenly have a larger expense charging on the horizon, like a holiday or a festival or repairs to your car. This happened to me not so long ago, when I was about to embark on a three week trip from France to Spain to Portugal. I essentially work to travel, so when it came to money, I did not want to even think about budgeting while I was on my holiday. So I devised a little plan...
For three months leading up to the excursion, I halved my alcohol budget. This meant I could still drink, but had to be way more selective about when and where. Furthermore, when I did buy a beer, it caused me great regret and grief, because I knew that was one less beer I could have in a much more exciting environment. Perhaps I am an alcoholic, and perhaps my motivation was alcohol, but the point of the story is... I failed every month. I always went over budget.
However, the looming limit did keep me in relative check, and by the end, I had a few extra hundred quid at my disposal, completely guilt free holiday cash to spend on whatever I wanted, and I had such a wonderful time. The beer did taste much better over there, actually.
Alcohol, drugs, take out, restaurants, taxis ... these are all things you could cut drastically out of your expenses, and would probably add up to a fuckload more money saved if your life is as disastrous as mine. I also do Dry January every year, and the alcohol cash I save from that is sickening.

There are a few other paths you could explore, depending on how deep into the forest you want to go. I went pretty deep and have a spreadsheet where I record every single cent I spend too. It’s a great pedantic reference point if I ever want to keep track on how much more I am spending on vinyls this month or how much I could have saved if I only quit smoking a year ago. Perhaps you consider this to be overkill, and then by all means, don't do it. But you should still consider keeping a brief monthly diary of your adventures, updating it every payday to evaluate what went well the month before, what didn’t go so well, and what goals you should strive towards going forward. It doesn't need to be exhaustively detailed and should even be a fun exercise, not only because its associated with the glorious feeling of payday tradition, but also because it will fill you with pride and only encourage you to improve your situation as it goes on. This is a game!

Above all else, I can promise you this: by simply keeping track of your finances, you enter a higher state of money awareness. An economic third eye, if you will. Everything you purchase will have to be cleared through a much stronger security system in your mind, because you will hesitate and consider whether your budget envelope can withstand the blow. Just by doing this alone, you will save money, guaranteed.

Finally, I want to bless you with another small move I utilise to keep me in check. Normally a week or so passed payday, I look at how much money is in my account, and then divide it by the number of days left until the next amount of money is coming in. The resulting number is exactly your daily allowance, and should hopefully scare you straight into touching your finances as little as possible. This can actually be very rewarding, because each day you don’t spend that designated money, you are kinda earning more cash, in a roundabout way. Think about it: if you have £20 left per day for 20 days, and you don't spend anything today, your daily allowance becomes £21.05 tomorrow, increasing as it gets the cut of what was left over, whilst being split over less days. This can become very exciting, because with a bit of care, the closer you come to payday, the number of days sharing the profit becomes so small that the excess handed over grows like mad. I’ve had (rare) months when I managed to get my daily allowance up to £30 a day with four days left. That means that if I don’t touch it, it becomes £40 a day with three days left like a fucking snowball of money. Recently I walked into my paycheck with £200 spare, bang, straight into the savings, didn't feel a thing.

Step #4: Chopping Flesh off of the Bill Monster

Without a doubt, the biggest common enemy we all have to face is the Bill Monster. He is a central figure in all of our bank account’s list of antagonists, mouth gaping wide and inhaling cash like he deserves it or something. His infamy is so far reaching that most of his victims simply accept his presence as a part of life, like some immovable force we have no control over. But that is a weak attitude, and you need to be a better fighter than that.

As like before, the best way to defeat your enemy is to pick apart the elements that make it whole. Calculate how much you’re spending on each individual bill, divide, and then conquer. One of the best ways to do this, is to actually get the monster to fight itself until it knocks the shit out of its own face and you come out slightly more victorious. And this is how you do that:

Pick a bill, any bill (gas, electric, phone, internet, contact lenses, whatever) and then shop around for another company offering the same service, except at a better rate or at least with some fancy introductory offer included. Then call up your current provider and tell them what you’ve been thinking about. If they value you as a customer, they will try beat this offer or at least try and gift you some other fancy thing you may like. If they don’t value you as a customer, then why even waste your strength? If you want to be the best warrior you can be, you need to sever all loyalty and go with the more beneficial option, because trust me, in one way or another, everyone is ripping you off. That’s how they make their money.

If you’re anything like me, this concept may fill you with fear, as I loathe the telephone, but if any financial book has taught me anything, it’s that by simply making a call, you’ve just gone forward with a move that 99% of people won’t do, which puts you in a much higher league of soldiers—a league which is so rare, in fact, that these companies actually have it in their budget to deal with you, paying you off to go away. And just like before, if you only manage to cut off £10 from four different bills, that’s potentially £480 a year from just four phone calls. And I reckon you could do a fuckload better than that.

Keep a spreadsheet (or whatever) where you document every call you make to these types. Note the the date, the time, the company, and the representative's name who you spoke to, as well as whatever the call was concerning and the general outcome. This can be useful if you ever need to call again about a related issue, because as soon as you start name-dropping with an associated time/date, they will be very quick to realise they are not dealing with an average customer. They will sit up straight and pay attention very quickly.

There are other ways too, best illustrated by examples:

When I, for the millionth time, joined up to a gym, I had very little faith in myself that I was actually going to use it (based on my past success rate). Which is why, with this torch of reluctance, I signed up for a 3 month rolling contact rather than anything more permanent, which cost me £76pm. Too much!
After a few months rolled on by, I realised I was surprisingly committed to the gym now, and so I phoned them up and asked if I could sign a new contract, this time for a whole year. Naturally, they were more than happy to have a confirmed paying customer for that guaranteed length of time, and my monthly bill got knocked down to £67. That’s £9 saving a month, £108 savings a year. Pretty decent for one phone call.
I then discovered that my job at the time offered a voucher (more on this later, see Step #8) which allowed employees to knock a further few % off of their gym memberships. I excitedly told my colleagues about it, and they confessed they had no idea this even existed. Anyway, a quick email sent to my gym, they applied the voucher, and my monthly bill got knocked down a bit again, now standing at £60. That totalled to a £16 saving a month from the initial amount, £192 a year, from just a little bit of research, one phone call, and an email. Easiest money I’ve ever made. Maybe.

I have another story actually, one second.

For a while back then, I was hosting four websites, which cost me something like £80 each a year = £320, just to have my amazing pages up and running. For an embarrassing amount of years, I just paid that without thinking about it, because they were my babies and I’d do anything for my babies.
To skip to the end, one day I eventually noticed that each one of these sites were hosted with an “unlimited amount of storage space”. Obviously, that’s a lie, but if we had to take them on their word, that would mean I had infinite webspace four times over, which is stupid, because as with anything in life, one infinity is enough. So I emailed up the company and asked if I could host all my accounts under one roof, and then just pay for the separate domain names instead. They seemed surprised I’d never asked to do this before, and happily set it up. So now I pay for all four sites for the price of one. Such a stupid oversight initially, and doesn't say much for my savviness, but the lesson is a good one: sit down, look at each bill, refuse to swallow any of them as “just the way it is”, and make a plan. In this example I am saving £240 a year for literally half an hour of effort.

Ok, but let’s be real for a second. You don’t have to tell anyone, just whisper the answer to yourself: Are you even using your gym membership at all? If not, cut that bill out completely. Or if your vanity fears that this action will be surrendering into a fat defeat, do a little calculation. How much does a day pass at your gym cost? Multiply that number by the amount of times you’ve been to the gym in the last three months, and then divide that total by three to get a fair monthly average. Is that number lower than what you’re paying for your contact? If so, there is some free money right there for you if you want it.

Maybe this specific scenario doesn’t apply to you because the gym sucks, but you can apply the logic to anything you like. Signed up for a porn website you hardly ever wank at? Subscribed to a magazine that has the same content online? Sports channel you watch once a month? Insurance for a phone that you’ve not busted for over 3 years? Slice those bastards off at the roots, and it your riches will add up substantially.

Step #5: Collecting Enough Coins to Obtain the Junk You Want

Up until this point, all the money coming your way from me (you're welcome) is a slightly lengthy automated system that requires patience for your stash to be rewarded. But what good does that do you in modern society, as a player who is undoubtedly craving instant gratification, salivating over the idea of having more stuff right this instant.

Well, maybe you should just chill out a bit, ok? By following steps 2 - 4 and keeping track of every coin you part with, you should develop a natural awareness and fear of spending anything, and that alone can become a very profitable bonus immediately. However, money is only the skeleton of true power, because why we actually want money, is to trade it for tangible things. Shiny things. Heavy things. Things that we hope will bring us some happiness, despite what Buddha tells us. And that's what Step #5 is all about: the best way to accumulate possessions during your adventure without making so many holes in your nest that your eggs fall out.

The trick here may not be any hushed secret whispered on the wind of oak trees, but it is a science that requires hefty elaboration in order to stitch together a proper protective blanket. Simply put, you need to look for deals. If you have your eyeballs fixated on something, don’t just click them buttons on Amazon in a feverish haste, because the chances are, you can find it cheaper somewhere else. Google the thing you want. Look at stores which specialise in the type of item you are hunting for. Even if you can shave £3 off of the shipping, that’s easily a free lunch right there. And who says no to a free lunch?

A good place to start is to research bargain sites and then locating one which homes the object of your desire, pausing to look left (ensure their price is lower than what Amazon is offering), and then right (ensuring that the provider is trustworthy according to unrelated sources), and then left again (ensuring there is no print so small that you need to increase your screen resolution just to read it). But an even better ally in this quest, would be the previously uttered magic words “introductory offers”. Perhaps a shop that stocks this object will offer you 20% off of your first purchase if you sign up to be a member. So do that, order the item, and then NEVER USE THEIR SERVICE AGAIN WITHOUT THE UTMOST CAUTION, because there might be some hidden clause that fucks you once the initial pampering has expired (a tiny bit more on this later in Step #9). Mark their emails as spam, and move onto the next item, the next shop, the next introductory offer, perpetually stealing money from those hardworking companies. It’s fine, they’d do it to you in a second. They probably already have.

However, this is still a war, and you can’t say warning without war, so please do pay heed: if you don’t play your hand with a strategic restraint, you may get burnt and lose a life. Looking for deals is fine if you already know what you want. But if you have a compulsive shopping disorder, there are traps everywhere designed just for you, throwing glitter into your eyes and charming you with colourful fonts until you are giving out your bank details to a complete stranger. Do not buy stuff for deals' sake. You might end up with a billion glowsticks for half the price, but you never wanted glow sticks in the first place, so where did you save money there exactly?

Another devious manoeuvre the enemy likes to play, is that of comparison sites. You may think you’re being smart by taking this initiative, and in some ways you are, but be very wary. Even comparison sites are businesses (key word) who make their money by telling you which competitor is offering the best deal. But where do they think they are getting their money from? Are they doing this out of the honour of their hearts? Or maybe, just maybe, is there some sneaky bribe taking place? Some underhanded payment which ensures their partners get to the top slot on their list every time? I believe so, which is why I trust these guys as much as I trust anyone. Which is not a lot at all.

Is any of this helping? If not, I have some other tasty goodies which may interest you, right this way.

Take a brutal look around your room. Do you really need all of this crap? What haven’t you used for a while? That old thing? Sell it! Sell it for such a low price that it’s a steal! Because even if you don’t get that much, what does it matter, you weren’t using it, and it’s just a gulp of extra fuel from a completely free resource. On that topic, do not be so up your own class that buying cheap knock-offs or second hand items is below you. If you find the thing you are looking for with an exceptionally reduced price, even it isn’t 100% what you want, you should go for it. Not only will you be saving money, but you will also be saving the environment from having to deal with more junk being birthed into it. Or an even better idea (if you are this way inclined): find something that could be quite different from what you want, or even the raw materials for it, and put it together yourself. It will take more time, and time is money, but with this approach you will have a one-of-a-kind-custom variation of something you barely paid for, not to mention an end result that you will have loads of pride associated with. Maybe your friends will see it. Maybe your friends will want it. Maybe you will start to sell them and become rich. If that happens, please buy me a beer.

If you're planning on going holiday anytime soon, or even if a good friend is, it might be worth looking into how much the item of your eye costs over there. What happens next might surprise you.

Finally, here is a super gangster trick I heard over at Money Saving Expert, but please keep in mind that I have never tried it, so I do not exactly approve of it by experience. It sounds legit though, so it’s worth mentioning. You know how some shops guarantee that “if you can find a better price, we’ll beat it!”? Apparently, sometimes this promise works even after you have already bought the product, and you have about a month to claim the deal, to which they pay the difference. So here’s how you essentially commit fraud: come Xmas time, buy all of your presents from a shop that offers such a promise. Naturally, after New Years, almost everywhere in the world drops their prices as they clear non-purchased stock from the Xmas rush. Simply find another shop doing a clearance sale that sells an item you bought previously, and then bring that figure to the original shop who made you the “we’ll beat it” deal. In theory, free money, but I’d be a little bit careful with this as it might not work and you might go to Hell.

This literally just happened! It's so good that I had to share!
A few days ago I ordered a Macbook from Currys, and it arrived impressively promptly, all in one piece, fully functional, shiny and new.
The only downside was that literally the next day, the Currys website lowered the same Macbook's price by £150! I couldn't believe it. What were the chances?
I started to toy with the idea of triggering my return policy, getting my money back, and then repurchasing the item for the discounted price (and I totally would have), but decided to first give them a call to get their opinion.
I spoke to a very lovely lady named Gwen, who totally agreed with me that returning the machine would be a lot of unnecessary effort and paperwork for both parties, and she refunded me the £150 within 10 minutes. Done. Much appreciated Currys, here is some free promo for you.
The lesson even I learned here is this: if you make a big purchase, always check back to the website you bought it from. If the price is lowered within your refund date, threaten to exercise this right and they'll more than likely bend the knee without questions.

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10 Reasons to Become Vegetarian
10 Reasons to Become Vegetarian

Step #6: The Age Old Penny Pinching Legend

Do not underestimate this pistol in your holster, for while it may seem like an insignificant array of tiny bullets, with enough of them, you can still tally up quite a few hits of severe damage. Because if you think about it, shaving £5 off of a grocery shop every week, totals to £260 extra savings a year, which is quite a lot if you want to runaway from home.

Some of these tips may seem obvious to you, but do you do them? DO YOU? For example: if you buy a tin of spaghettios every week, and there is a deal which allows you to by six for the price of five, that's a no brainier, buy that instead. Yes, you spend a bit more this week, but then each shop after that is a little bit cheaper, you dig? Two for one, three for £5, half price ... these are the smoke signals you need to develop your ESP for. Buy in bulk, and freeze things that you won’t be using immediately. However, as like before, if you never intended to purchase said product in the first place, do not be fooled by their dazzling cuts. That’s how the monsters trick you. Move on.

Another important defense you need to become aware of, is that brand names cost more because you are paying for the logo and the packaging. The few extra quid you pay them goes directly onto their advertising, which is the only reason you know of them in the first place. You are literally paying them to convince you to buy their products, which makes no sense. Now, I appreciate pride plays a part and it’s always slightly embarrassing when you have guests over for dinner and you whip out a no name mushroom sauce to feed their pompous mouths with, but if you do a bit of research, you’ll often find that what’s inside the box ... is exactly the same no matter what’s on the outside. It is even likely that the products were made in the exact same factories, packaged differently, and shipped off to be labelled at completely different prices. You can shave off pound after pound per each purchase by avoiding the fancy colours, and that’s where the magic in this step lies.

I have a great story which illustrates this even better, sit down, bitch, be humble.
I adore Uncle Ben's rice. ADORE. For those of you who don’t know, these yummy offerings are packets of rice that come in all sorts of amazingly tasty flavours, which cook in just two minutes and then you’re super happy and everyone is impressed. I used to buy a few every week and felt no shame.
The only problem is that they (currently) cost £1.69 per 250g, which is supposed to be two servings, but I used to eat that shit one shot because I have the metabolism of a gazelle.
However, once I started my ninja money training, I began to realise this was probably not the smartest attack in the greater scheme of richness. I found out that normal Tesco brand Everyday Value plain long grain rice was £0.45 for 1kg. That works out to 11p for 250g, which is £1.58 cheaper than what my uncle was offering. So let’s say for argument sake I ate exactly 250g a week (I eat loads more than that, by the way), that would mean a savings of £82.16 a year. ON FUCKING RICE!!
So, yes, it takes a bit longer to cook. And, yes, it doesn’t ever taste as good. But just for shits and giggles, I did a little check, and for that price (as I type this) I could fly return to Lisbon, spend a night in a dodgy hostel and buy a beer without even touching my bank account because I ate some rice that was a bit plainer. Do you think I would be mourning Uncle Ben’s? Do you think I'd be thinking about rice at all? Hell no, I'd be Lisbon.

There are plenty of other systems in which you can collect up your coins to build a wall. Looking out for coupons is a great start. Another is to check if your local favourite grocery (or any) store offers a rewards card, and sign up right now, before you even finish reading this article. Every time you buy something, you essentially get the tiniest portion known to the whole universe back. It may seem pathetic at first, but if you use it enough, you often receive some free shit at the end of each month, or even offers to make more points, which definitely adds up. I usually get at least one free lunch out of this a month, and it’s a good day every time.

In a similar blood stream, I only recently realised that I've been a complete moron because I'd never used cashback websites. Stupid! Believe it or not, there are sites that literally pay you money for buying something you were going to buy anyway. It completely depends on what you’re looking for, but in my case, in one month I bought a couple of books, some vinyl, and a rubbish bin—all things I was going to buy regardless—and I got just under £5 back. I checked Amazon (which I always urge you to do matter what), and the prices were identical, except I got paid by going elsewhere. One of the shops even allowed me to order a book to a branch of their store, which I did, and picked it up on my way home from work, saving about £2 on shipping. Which all adds up to a really nice free lunch! There are various cashback websites to choose from, but the one I use is obviously for the UK, called TopCashBack. I get additional money if I refer a friend, so if you’re feeling kind and grateful for all of this free advice I’m giving you, a nice way you could return the favour would be to sign up through my personal link here? Thank you! You won’t regret it! I love you!

Another great way to pinch pennies is to literally pinch pennies. My method is this: any change I get below 50p, goes straight into a little money box, forgotten about, making friends. I don’t even think about or even miss them, because as singular units, they are rather useless. But maybe once every four months or so, a big bill might fuck me or I simply must get on a plane, which leaves all my budgets under serious threat. That’s when I bust out the box, take the contents to one of those coins to cash machines, and watch as them clangy bits of copper get spat out as real paper moneys. I’m talking probably about £40 or more every time I do this, which if you’re desperate enough, could pay for your lunch every day for the whole month maybe.

Finally, speaking of lunches, do you take your own into work? I can't even tell you how much money I save by doing this. It’s one of those things everyone tells you to do, but damn, the amount of quids you can shave off this way is forceful. Make extra food at dinner, and that’s you sorted. I often put together a massive pasta or rice dish that lasts me days. It’s really down to what’s more important to you: taste variation or money. My guests don't let me feed them anymore.

Step #7: Stashing Your Riches

In some meandering way, this step is the heart of the whole approach here. Because the most important thing to remember above all else, is that this scripture is about saving money. The previous steps gave a grand guided adventure through the forest of obtaining more coinage to shove into your pockets, but if you are a fool who carelessly treats this additional power as merely a larger source of expendable income to go into circulation, you will very quickly grow comfortable within spending that dough as fast as your last stream of revenue, and then you’ll be back to the first square. In fact, it’ll be an even worse consequence than that, because you would have exhausted every attack I have taught you, and it will be very difficult to get that back.

The magic move here is this: once all debts are gone, every cent of money you’ve managed to save from this article should be put away. The reason is because your life will remain exactly the same, but your special nest egg will only continue to grow. As you put these ideas into practice, you should get into the habit of taking note of how much additional cash you have managed to avoid spending, and that amount should be exactly how much you are putting away. It doesn’t matter whether you are saving towards a goal or if you just like to look at big numbered statements, the whole very purpose of your mission is to learn to hang on to it. Which brings us to the unfortunate truth: the best way to create a sturdy structure for your empire is to utilise the corporate banking system. This is because, if you play them right, you can get even more money for your money.

For the most part, this whole step has only been included in order to create a full body of resource, but most of this information will not be news to you. However, on the off-chance I am writing these words for an eight-year-old, there is a thing called an APR (annual percentage rate) which is how much interest (money) a bank will give you (or take away from you, in the case of debt) based on how much cash you have (or don’t have) chilling in your account. Now, I could sit here and list which companies offer what, but that would run the risk of damaging this article's timelessness or international appeal, as all the confusing combinations and weird laws come and go and change at such an alarming rate that it would be a full-time job keeping this text relevant, and I'm not willing to do that. Instead, I leave it up to you to research your own local banks with the one mission in mind: who is offering the best deal?

However, there are some factors which completely depend on your circumstances that should help you make the best decision. Here are some pointers you should consider on your search:

If you do not need your money instantaneously because you are saving up for a rainy day or something massive, the best bang for your buck will always be a Fixed Savings Account. These will only allow you to access your cashish after a certain of period of time, but they always come with a much more delicious APR.
If you want your money to be ready whenever, you will probably find yourself considering just a regular savings account, because they have the word “savings” in it. But then again, there is always the chance that your current account actually offers a much higher APR, which is often the case right now in the UK. Worth a look.
And finally, if you think the bank you are using are actually using you, it could be in your best interest (geddit?) to look out for another bank that not only offers a better APR, but also offers you other stuff as well. Some banks will actually pay you to switch to them, which is like taking free money from the money machine's mouth. That said, be verrrry careful of nasty penalty charges which may occur when the bank you have abandoned grows bitter from the rejection and strikes out with its angry hand.

The most difficult aspect of all of this, is how abundant the amount of information is out there. It can be very overwhelming and scary because it’s been designed that way to keep you confused and ignorant. However, there is a trick to learn everything you need to know from the people who know it all, and it won’t cost a dime. Simply go into any bank, tell them you’re looking for a place to keep your money with the best APR, and they will gleefully sit you down and go through what they offer. You might even get a free cup of tea with it, who knows? They will answer any questions you have, they will explain everything in a language you understand, they will even desperately list the ways in which they are better than any competitor you name, and then when it comes time to sign on the dotted line... DO NOT SIGN ON THE DOTTED LINE. Politely tell them you are 100% interested in this deal, but you simply cannot make the decision before talking to your husband/wife/dog/cheese sandwich first. Shake their hand and be on your way to further your research armed with a brand new set of understandings, free from the manipulations that they are trained to rain down upon you. Do not feel bad, for while these are people and we must love all people, by profession, bankers are the human disciples of financial demons. And if you do what they say, they will take a cut of whatever you agreed to.

Great! So now that you’ve armed your mind with protective gear, get ready for the real kick in the head: unless you’re already really rich (and I doubt that, because here you are), the money you’re going to make from interest is never going to be astounding. If you have £1000 saved at a (somewhat UK average) 1% APR, you’re looking at £120 a year, which is awesome free money, don't get me wrong, and hugely worth your while exploring, but it also relies on so many other boring factors (Are you leaving your money alone? Does your account actually offer as much as 1%, because many don't?). However, what can often equate to much more beneficial outcomes, is the hidden little gems your bank can offer you. They are normally very proud of these things and every bank has them, so go to their website and take a look. It might be deals on purchases, or cash back options, or even free money, all ready for you right now while you’re sitting there letting it slip through your fingers like sand.

A good example of this would be when I discovered an interesting offer from Barclays Bank, so strange to me that at first I didn’t really believe it was true.
If you have a current account with some direct debits going out of it (which most people do), they can set you up a separate account called Blue Rewards. What this account does, is automatically takes £3 from your current account every month and then puts it into itself, along with an additional £4 from the bank.
If you work that out, it’s £48 free money from the bank every year. Then if you consider it with the additional £3 from your account that you won’t even notice is gone, you can end up with £84 a year in an account for no real reason.
I can’t tell you how many times it’s been the day before payday and someone wants to go out drinking and then I suddenly remember this magic account I have. I tap my phone a few times in the right spots, and the money is instantaneously in my account. Voodoo shit that is.
I’ve told people who have Barclays accounts about this before, and they had no idea it existed. Ever wonder what else you might be missing out on?

I want to end off by acknowledging that we are all human, for the most part. There will come days of desperation that for whatever reason, you will simply be forced to dip into your savings. As an occasional measure, that is actually ok, because that’s what it’s there for. But for the love of Money, keep track of what you have stolen from yourself and make it your next priority to pay it back in full along with whatever your other monthly amount is by this point. Because we want to be rich one day, yeah?

Step #8: Pillaging Your Job

This step is primarily pointed out for those of you who are currently employed permanently, usually in a company, the bigger the better. If you are self employed or unemployed or contracting or freelancing, you could probably skip along passed this section quite happily without losing too much valuable advice, even if it pains me. But for everyone else who is caught in the miserable 9-5 rat race of the corporate world, there are methods you can use to wring your job for every penny you’re worth.

To get this done requires a bit of action on your part as I can’t do everything for you. Read your contract. Read the company’s handbook, if they have one. Speak to your colleagues or HR, any resource you can find, with one question on your mind: what can they do for me? Because, much like anything, jobs usually offer some perks to their committed employees, and it is your duty to suckle on every teat until they run dry.

The most obvious and popular scheme you will find, is the pension. Even if your job doesn’t offer one, you should consider starting one up independently, because by contributing even just a small % of your monthly salary and forgetting about it, it will only grow, duh. In my opinion, the best pensions are what they call "Lifestyle Funds" in the UK, because they will automatically be invested in stocks and bonds which directly correlate to your age—a higher risk when you’re younger and a lower risk when you’re older—which makes perfect sense and also means that when you do eventually retire, you will be able to buy all sorts of lunches with it. However, what makes your job involvement so special is the common practice of today’s companies matching what you put away, within reason. Do not fuck around. Max this opportunity out to the nth degree with everything you can muster. If they match 3%, put 3% away. If they match 5%, put 5% away. If they match 20%, put 20% away, if you can. Do whatever is in your power without breaking the bank. Because if there ever was such an idea as free money—especially a substantial amount of money—this is it.

Let’s do some maths! The average salary in the UK is £27,271 a year. That about £1,803 a month after tax. If you put away 5% of that, that’s £54.09 a month. If your company matches it, that’s £108.18 a month. That’s £1,298.16 a year. That’s £12,981.60 after 10 years. Say you retire in 30 years, then you’ll find yourself with a cool £51,926.4. And that doesn’t even include whatever interest you are earning along the way, which I imagine is a lot, I don't know. Basically, double your fucking savings, just like that. Look after your older self.

But the treats from your company may not even end there. Savings on groceries, special gym membership deals, medical aid, dentist bills, tickets to things, gift vouchers... don’t ask, and you’ll never know.

Something pretty cool happened when I was writing that last line.
I remembered that I had signed up to a Health Plan at my work which covered all sorts of medical bills, and I hadn't looked at it for a while.
So I double checked my package, noticed my contact lenses were included, sent off a receipt and got £100 dropped into my account after a few days. POW!
It's almost like I got paid for writing this article after all!

Of course, the whole “job thing” is a two way street, and when it comes to employment, you are still getting paid to do something, which may leave you a little low on the ladder without too much weight to throw around. That said, you are still an important snowflake, and the more your company knows this, the better your cash situation can get.

Here is the main thing you need to understand. Pretty much everyone’s job description is exactly the same, and it reads it this: Make Your Boss’ Life Easier. If you focus on this primarily, it won’t take long before your role becomes more crucial, or even indispensable. Get your work done to a good standard, volunteer to help whenever you can, and then keep a diary of everything you did right, because you are going to use it for your advantage later.

Later, as in right now. You should demand a salary review/appraisal at least once a year. Use your list of amazing achievements as ammunition. Check salary comparison sites to see if you’re even earning what you should be earning for additional firepower. And then blast them (nicely) with everything you got, fearlessly asking for an increase way beyond your wildest dreams, so that even if they only meet you halfway, you’re still a fucking spaceman.

If this all works in your favour and you get a raise, here is the true golden key: as with everything, you are already surviving without it. So any additional money placed into your bank account should not be spent, otherwise you’ll eventually begin to live within those newfound means again, and you'll have no idea where that raise even went. Instead, take the newly granted excess and put it away, watching it grow like a baby made out of dollar signs.

If this doesn’t work in your favour, however, and your company refuses to play ball, then I can only recommend that it’s time to pack your bags and say bye bye. Start by spending 10 - 30 minutes every day working on your portfolio, writing your CV, refining your cover letters, and sending them around. With a little determination and research, you should find yourself in a much happier place that pays you a substantial amount more, and that’s when you’ll find that being valued and respected is the most important thing there is.

Step #9: Not All Cards Were Created Equal

And now we get into the more higher grade side of this article, so please, do not even attempt to venture down this road until you have extensively travelled those that came before and you are absolutely prepared for it, because with great power comes great responsibility, and without the proper care, this move could very well topple on top you and then crush your pretty little skull with the rubble of immovable debt.

This step is all about bringing them evil credit cards back into the game, but rather than viewing them as the weighty logs we did in Step #1, we shall be sharpening them into weapons for our own gain. How to do this is to locate a credit card which rewards your spending. Do not even concern yourself with the interest rate here either, because sometimes the worse it appears on paper, the better the prizes can be at the end. Use your google machine and unravel a card that offers you something you could make use of—whether it be flight points (like me!), groceries, or even cashback—and then apply. It can be fairly insane what these guys will offer you for absolutely no money, so take a look around and take your time.

Once you’ve managed to convince a credit card company to agree with you and send you the card of your desires, the object is to use it for literally anything that doesn’t charge you for its use. Any direct bills you can set up to be paid from here? Any online purchases on the horizon? These are the scenarios where your card becomes the go-to numbers to punch in.

Never draw cash out of a machine with a credit card, they will charge you lots of money and sadness to do so.

BUT HERE IS THE THING YOU SIMPLY CANNOT FUCK WITH: every time you make one of these purchases, move money from your current account into a different account (whichever one has the highest APR benefits for extra score) as if you were paying for these things from your current account anyway. This will not only help you keep track of what your credit card’s damage is looking like, but you will also run no risk of accidentally spending that money, rather keeping it safe for you to summon later. And summon it, you shall! When your monthly credit card payment is due, you draw that money out and pay off whatever credit debt you’ve racked up IN FULL. Anything not paid will be charged interest, and you lose money. And if you miss a payment, may the gods be with you, because you are about to brutally attacked by the most vicious of APR monsters you’ve ever faced, complete with penalty spells and a black marker to scribble all over your credit rating. However, if you follow my instructions to the letter and have cleaned up the debt in good time by using the money you’ve already put aside for it, you are charged nothing whatsoever. What’s more, you will reap whatever rewards your card initially promised you. Which. Is. Free. Stuff.

And, of course, this naturally does wonderful things for your credit rating. Before you know it, you’ll have credit card companies literally drooling at your feet, any card you like just an application away, potentially with even better rewards? Unlikely. Either way though, perhaps this is the moment you can say you’ve truly won the battle? Haha, just kidding, you can never win this battle, we will all be slaves to the capitalist system until we die, but you know what I mean.

As a rule, you almost always want to refuse those cards they send you in the mail though. I don't even understand the point them, their APRs and rewards are always rubbish, and you just know they are hiding some very vicious hooks at the best of times.

While we’re talking about credit ratings, I do understand that some of you may have fucked yours up so badly that no company would dare touch your leper reputation, and you can see no easy way to play this step, which is a shame. However, there are ways to slowly fix this. Check out these dudes called Credit Building/Repair Cards which are designed to do just that—repair a tattered rating. Grab one of those, use it sparingly, pay it off in full every month, and your blacklist should gradually start to grow more grey. You can also improve your overall score by getting on the electoral role, not moving house too often, or even getting married, which may not be the best reason to do so, but I know some people who got married for worse reasons. If you are curious to know what your credit score is right now, I’ve heard via the vine that Experian (UK only, soz) lets you request one for free now without damaging your score, which is usually a concern. But whatever cautious means you use to find out your worth, you should always keep in mind that there is no such thing as one big black credit rating ether that potential lenders can dip in to and out from. Every single place will do their checks with their own parameters, no two credit scores will judge you equally, so do not fear too much if one place tells you that you're buggered, but maybe still fear it a little bit. Regardless, it’s still a good thing to do, because sometimes your rating may have taken a hit due to some incorrect details, and simply by updating someone’s database, you can become a more stable entity.

Ok, so we’ve looked at little ways to get little things, but what if you want something big and you want it NOW!? Well, once again, if executed with respect, credit cards can come to the rescue as a valuable ally rather than the cursed plague some of us recognise them as. You see, in the olden days, if you wanted something expensive, you’d save up for it, but this can come with a risk where, by the time you’ve finally got enough money, the price has only increased massively (read: flights!). Rather, we can now do the whole process backwards, pay for it now whilst it’s cheap, and then “save up” by paying it off in exactly the same manner. There are so many credit card companies offering purchase cards with 0% interest for months upon months as an introductory offer, and so if you pay it off bit by bit ENSURING you pay it ALL off before the 0% APR runs out, you have been charged no excess whatsoever. A total free loan. Never pay interest on anything ever. Excellent.

And once that free period runs out? Get rid of the card. Call them up. Cancel it (always!). Cut it in half. Find a new one. Start again. Credit rating on steroids right here. Just play safe, kids.

I want to end off by driving the point as hard as I can that not all cards are created equal, and there is one card above all else that you must NEVER EVER TOUCH, otherwise your skin will go scaly, you will age much faster, and you stand to lose so much money it will make your mother faint. And these are called Store Cards. Legend tells us that they were once fused by the devil himself, disguised much like your run of the mill credit card, except only used in the specific store offering them. They often try seduce you with an introductory offer which will grant a discount off of your first purchase (which isn’t something I’m totally opposed, just so long as you ONLY EVER USE IT FOR THAT OFFER), followed by an interest rate so big that it makes your average credit card look like a petty pickpocket. It may create the illusion that you’re walking into your favourite store and purchasing whatever you fancy with just the tap of a card, all cool like, but behind the scenes in Hell, they are charging you up to 30% interest you don’t pay it off immediately. That's pretty much worse than anything, they should be illegal. Avoid these with the strength of the bear.

Step #10: Choose Your Own Adventure

This may be dubbed the 10th and final step, but it isn’t really a step whatsoever, rather me giving you my blessing and wishing you well on whatever you choose your next steps to be. You have listened well, and I am confident that you will use your new found knowledge for good rather than evil as you dance along your own way.

Perhaps you have been inspired to keep the momentum running, and if this is the case, you may want to consider the trip into stocks and bonds, but that is a whole different ball game which we won't be playing now. Perhaps you are looking to get a mortgage or find a faster way out of one, and then I can only hope the tools I have provided you with here, will provide the blueprint for the stairs you build. Or perhaps you are more like me, a simple human with simple tastes, aching only to jump on a plane and fly far far away. Whatever happens next is now in your capable hands, but if I could leave you with one last potent bit of advice, it is this: no matter what you decide to save money towards, someone has walked this road before you, more than likely been completely violated by horrific monsters along the way, and as a result, have found the most painless and cheapest method of getting there. The information available to us right now is endless, and the sooner you get in the habit of googling every money move you make before you make it, the sooner you will smile every time the ATM spits your receipt at you.

Some quick travel bits while we’re here (and I have nowhere else to put them)
Don’t use travel agents, they take a cut.
Packaged holidays usually mean cheaper flights even if you don’t use the hotel included.
Always order your currency online before you travel.
Use local currency when you draw cash in a foreign country because different places make up different exchange rates.

And eventually, there will come a day when this blog will be of no more use to you. You may find you have run out of idea steam and have oiled and tightened up your machine so well that you actually have become sick of the whole process. That’s where I am at now. Money is no longer a burden or a scarce resource, but an automated set of mechanics that hold together independently and are always doing their best to turn a profit out of everything. And that’s why I got off the horse here, and feel no massive urge to take my journey any further (for now). Perhaps your breaking point will be before mine, or perhaps much further on, but whichever way you go, I wish you nothing but the best of luck at becoming the financial wizard you were always meant to be, Harry. And who knows? Maybe these 10 steps are only the beginning...

Spend your money on cool shit, and you will never regret a thing.

Wednesday 31 August 2016

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps
Wow, the 26th of June 2014 was a day I probably won’t be forgetting any time soon. There I was, innocently eating my pesto pasta lunch at my desk, probably watching a video of someone hitting their head on something, when I was suddenly struck by the most peculiar, exciting feeling of all time. It was like I was going up on a roller coaster! But I was only at my desk! Wheee! Except when my stomach started to flutter so rapidly that my chest decided to get in on the action, collapsing onto my heart so tightly that I couldn’t remember how to breath, I suddenly wasn’t so sure about this. Oh my God, am I having a heart attack? Yes. Yes I am. Jesus, I’m having a fucking heart attack! I need to immediately find a place to crawl under and die, out of sight because I’d be far too embarrassed to pass away in front all these people! The only issue is that I can’t really move because my eyesight had changed channels to that TV static one, and even worse was that I’d already just about shot out of my body, no longer a part of myself, observing me from a distance. Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my first ever panic attack to the scene, at the ripe old age of 29.

And, of course, it was not my last, because that would be far too easy. No, rather the next one came an hour or so later. The next one was not long after that. And this became my life, for over a year to come. Naturally, the dramaqueen inside of me initially refused to believe this was as pathetic as a simple panic attack. Oh no, not me, I was not a statistic. I was the best! I was not one of them anxiety kids! This didn’t happen to people of my age! This was surely a legit heart condition and I was dying! However, after countless doctor appointments and even a trip to the hospital to get my body covered in wires and blood sucked from my veins, it was confirmed that my heart was the pinnacle of health and I was going to live. Which annoyed me because I was forced to admit to myself that I had become another loser, a victim to the impossibly high stream of life’s demands, and was no longer in control of my brain juice. I needed to accept that I too had now joined the ranks of people who lived as a nervous-wreck, every single fucking day of my life.

Sound familiar? I assume so, because here you are, reading my amazing words, which is great for me as I thrive on attention. But this is also great for you! It shows you are making an effort to fix yourself, and honestly, that’s essentially the only thing all of these 10 steps are going to ask from you. To make an effort. To apply yourself to each one as best you can, and then eventually use them to overcome panic attacks once and for all, rising to become the greatest person in the world! (results may vary)

However, before we jump into it, I feel it’s important to give you a bit of insight into my own emu situation first. Without going into too much detail about what may or may not have caused my affliction (although the sister article to this one may give a clue), you must firstly understand that my specific incarnation of panic was very situationally based, most likely to occur when public speaking, or in crowds, or at the urinal, or having a conversation, or anything involving other people in any circumstance whatsoever. It was a type of agoraphobia apparently, a proper panic disorder, and because of this, it’s difficult for me to sway the following findings away from my own personal experiences. That said, I have still tried my best to keep all other types of trouble in mind, and hopefully the majority of this guide should be loose enough to apply to all of ya’lls, or at very least provide some direction for you to make up your own individually tailored approaches. Because you’re an adult now. I can’t do everything for you.

That said, I can wish you all the strength and love for this journey. I know it sucks, believe me, I know it sucks, maybe the suckiest thing like ever ever. But just remember that, no matter who you are, you do not deserve this. You were not designed to be this way. And it can be fixed. But only you can fix it. I'm ready when you are.

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps, Step 1: One Step To Rule Them All

Step 1: One Step To Rule Them All

“Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase.” - Martin Luther King, Jr.

As it is with every single guide ever written in the HISTORY OF THE UNIVERSE, the first step is always the most important one. And who am I to break the formula? Jared Woods, that’s who. But I’m still not going to break the formula.

Ok, so here it is... the pinnacle of urgency... the apex point you must consider the most vital... the singular step you must prioritise for your mental comfort... and it goes like this: Make. The. Decision. Make the decision right now that you are not going to stand for this any longer. Nope, not gonna do it, not anymore. From this point onwards, you will do whatever it takes to rise above and ultimately conquer this rubbish festering within your tummy. You will approach and embrace every idea that comes into your head with open arms and the valour of a storybook hero. No matter how difficult it may seem, and no matter how much these ideas threaten your vision with the exact same fear you are trying to subdue, you will take this upset head-on. No more excuses. You are now declaring a war.

"Strength and growth come only through continuous effort and struggle." - Napoleon Hill

Exhausting thought, eh? Of course it is, because this isn’t going to be easy. But you must know on some level that (by your very human nature) you have the ability within yourself right now to overthrow this distress, right? People have climbed Mount Everest (or died trying, which is still the point). People have built rocket ships that survive in space. People have reportedly cured cancer with the power of thought alone. The end to human capabilities is yet to be found, so for you (no matter who you are) to strike at and potentially defeat something as commonplace as panic attacks, is a concept you cannot logically deny yourself as wholeheartedly capable of. This anxiety is not who you really are. You’ve got to fight to get back to your true self. You’ve got to fight to regain control of your life. And there is nothing more worth fighting for in the whole wide world.

“Don't be afraid of your fears. They're not there to scare you. They're there to let you know that something is worth it.” - C. JoyBell C.

If you aren’t willing to do this, fair play to you, good luck, get off my blog. Go back to your life where you avoid situations and cower in permanent despair, anticipating the next demon's jumpscare. Hell, there’s probably a part of you that quite likes being a neurotic wreck, isn’t that right? You’re almost proud of being a little bundle of anxiety, hey? It means you’re 'complex' and 'special' and have a convenient excuse to run away from things when you get the slightest inkling of threat, correct? Yeah, I know you, bitch. Keep at it! You’re so unique. You’re so deep. You just weren’t born into the right world. Get back into your bed and let the big kids take care of business.

"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will." - Mahatma Gandhi

For everyone else willing to do this, congratulations! You’ve pretty much laid all the groundwork for everything you need to do already. The rest of this article is just a stew of ideas which you can use at your own will in order to build upwards and out of the swamp, mostly designed to point you in a few directions, encouraging the breeding of your own ideas, which will work even better for your particular case of ouchiness. It’s not going to be a summer stroll, but the closer you get to victory, the more powerful you will become, eventually turning into an entity much stronger than anyone who hasn’t been through all of this. Believe me when I tell you that.

“That which does not kill us makes us stronger.” - Friedrich Nietzsche

Ok, so you ready to battle this monster? Take my hand! Here’s a good first move:

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps, Step 2: It’s Legitimately Somebody Else’s Job To Fix You

Step 2: It’s Legitimately Somebody Else’s Job To Fix You

I want to start this article by taking it slow and gradually easing you into the recovery process, because I love you and I want you to be comfortable. And so the first thing you want to remember, is this age old cliche:

“Prevention is better than cure.” - Desiderius Erasmus

So true! Which is why I am going to spend the next several steps focusing on things you can start doing right now and in your own time, which is useful because I don’t think you’ll be able to read these words mid-panic attack. And here is the first one: seek professional help.

“Admitting that you need help doesn't make you broken. It makes you fixable. And teachable.” - Anonymous

Perhaps you’ve already given this a shot, in which case, good on ya! Feel free to skip this action and be merrily on your way. However, for many of us (including me) this was a very difficult step to take. An embarrassing step. An admission of weakness. A surrender into defeat. I was supposed to be invincible! How the fuck did this happen to me??

If you feel this way, allow me to smother your apprehension right now: Doctors don’t actually care. They hear cases like yours every single day, and while they have practiced their sympathetic pout down to an art, they’ll probably forget your sob story the moment you walk out of their door, right until they open your file once again. I'm sorry, but they don't actually care about you, they get paid because people with ailments like yours exist. If anything, they depend on you to feed their kids, which makes you a giver, so feel good about it, if anything.

You must also always remember that anxiety disorders affect 18.1% of adults in the United States alone. That’s 40 million adults between the ages of 18 to 54, without even considering the rest of the world whatsoever, because the US don't consider the rest of the world whatsoever. You are not a special little fingerprint with some unique type of freak out designed just for you. You are actually just another schmuck crumbling under the high pressures of modern living, and as a result, are a well documented story, mundane, mainstream, and very treatable, for centuries now. So swallow your fat pride with a big cup of orange juice, do I headstand until you are over yourself, and make that appointment. Right neow.

“You can be as miserable or angry about anything as much as you want, at the end of the day getting emotional will not solve any of your problems. The only thing you can do is keep moving forward because whether or not you are ready, life will always go on with or without you.” - Anonymous

Ok, so what happens next? Why you asking me? You think I know? I’m not a doctor. However, I am a bit of a psychic, and predict the following two suggestions will come your way:

(1) I see medication on your near future tarot cards. Perhaps you’re already there, and if so, I have a star sticker for you right here, but when it came to my own personal story, I was always wholeheartedly against the practice of shoving pills into my mouth just to be normal. But when you’re desperate, it can be the flashlight from God in a dark maze of scary devils. Think of it like this: when you have a headache, you take painkillers, so why should this agony be any different? Which is why I surrendered, gracefully accepting a prescription for Propranolol (lol) initially, and then swiftly moving on to 5 HTP for a while afterwards, the latter of which you can buy on Amazon right now if you like (and they are a lot of fun too, the druggie in me recommends them highly). IMPORTANT TO NOTE THOUGH that these little soldiers were never intended as a permanent crutch, but rather as an elevated platform from where I could just about get my head above the murky waters long enough to locate an exit point. And they worked for a bit, maybe not as the miraculous cure you’d think or I'd hoped for, but at least enough to wave away some of the fog. Eventually, I tipped my hat to them out of respect and then kicked them the fuck out of the door, going into battle alone, a method I'd recommend you practice too, if you can find the strength. And you can find the strength! You know where? Point two, after the quote.

“But the main thing is that medication, too, is not all the help.” - Tanya Tucker

(2) Therapy! And in all honesty, of all the weapons I attacked my anxiety with, I feel like this was surely the most beneficial. I’m not sure where you live, but I am very lucky that my sessions were covered by the NHS and we could even have our conversations over the phone, meaning once a week I’d sneakily book a meeting room at work and whisper out my problems to some lady I never met on the other side. And (I shit you not!), during the very first phonecall, we hit a massive break through, exposing the root of all my panic attacks, a cause so obvious that I cursed my own predictability and nearly hung up in shame. Regardless, the bottom-dollar is that sometimes we need a professional outside mind to unveil our trademarks, and once I had my eyes opened upon my own foolish neurosis, it became much easier to stare it down without blinking. And it didn’t even end there either, because our chats continued to provide various other bullets to combat my mind’s ordeal (many of which are included in this blog) until we finally reached a point where we closed my case. Needless to say, I had pretty much fallen in love with this lady by this point without ever seeing her face, and so even if it’s hugely unlikely, I hope to one day give her a hug out of thanks. Anyway, the point is, this should be one of the first pitstops on your mission, because I've never heard of anyone who went to therapy and got worse.

“I love therapy! There's nothing like talking to someone who has no emotional tie to your life.” - Eva Mendes

As with everything, neither of these will be the end-all solution to our issues, and I personally had to fight with many other angles every single waking hour just to find some relief. But the wobbly days had large arrows to follow, and I consider this step to be one of the most valuable in your arsenal. If you do not have the same experience, I’d recommend seeing a different doctor.

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps, Step 3: Read Much Too Far Into It

Step 3: Read Much Too Far Into It

Just the fact that you are right here right now on my supreme life changing blog is an indication that you are already well underway to taking this specific step. But whether you came here by someone’s suggestion, or a bit of a googly, or because you love and me and read everything I write (xxxxx), I suggest you keep this thing going, not only with my magical words, but all over the show. Religiously spend at least 10 minutes a day researching your ailment online, and you will slowly begin to uncover many things, such as: stories from those who are exactly where you are; new and 'exciting' methods to scrape your own dirt away; and perhaps even getting to the core of your specific hiccup. It’ll be more beneficial than wasting 10 minutes on Facebook, I assure you of that.

“The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” - Dr. Seuss

But WAIT! Why stop there? Take this bitch even further, always always. One suggestion I have is to buy actual legit self help books which specifically deal with this type of problemo. As is the nature of such things, you may find some of them are not very relevant, but I am yet to read a single guidance publication that didn’t give me something to take away (no matter how small), and even more importantly, you will at very least get a sense of pride that you’re not taking this battle lying down. And there are so many to choose from that I have no doubt you’ll find one or two which really smack your tummy around. Public speaking? Large crowds? Small spaces? Drugs? Your job? A break up? Your inadequacy? Your mortality? Your mother's face? They have a book for that! Hell, even if you have no idea what’s going on, that’s cool, there are tons of other pages out there simply dealing with anxiety attacks themselves, no matter which way they are striking from. Read a bit in the morning to start your day off with strength, read a bit at night to calm your mind into sleep, and sandwich your day between the advice of others.

“I went to a bookstore and asked the saleswoman, 'Where's the self-help section?' She said if she told me, it would defeat the purpose.” - George Carlin

On a personal note, a little selfy-helpy booky-wooky named The Happiness Trap by Russ Harris probably helped me the most, and a fair amount of information from said printed material has been molested and digested into a couple of treasures you’ll find on this very page right here. So if you want my two cents on which direction to get the ball rolling towards, I’d undoubtedly recommend this one above all others. You’re welcome.

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps, Step 4: Throw Your Brain Away

Step 4: Throw Your Brain Away

“If you have fear of some pain or suffering, you should examine whether there is anything you can do about it. If you can, there is no need to worry about it; if you cannot do anything, then there is also no need to worry.” - Dalai Lama

Running the risk of getting a bit too hippie here, there is a method which is frequently cited as one of (sometimes, even) the greatest reliever above all of the others. And it's meditation, don't be scared. The reasons for such a high regard are plenty, but for me personally it was two fold: (1) every day, I took the time to break away from life, practising the process of separating the stream of insanity we call 'thoughts', from the calm inner-being which yearns for peace; and (2) by regularly stroking this path, accessing a certain space in the brain became easier, which was invaluable in times of agonising pressure.

“Meditation makes the entire nervous system go into a field of coherence.” - Deepak Chopra

Now, this is not a how-to blog, and I’m not going to sit here and give you some grand guide on the different methods to achieve said zen—mostly because I’d fuck it up and say it wrong and then people will stop listening to me. However, there are plenty of resources out there, from books, to blogs, to YouTube videos, to even studios offering sessions and information (often for free), so just do a little clickie and explore this avenue, because this could very well be the main thing you are looking for. And if you are reluctant, fearful that mediation is a gateway drug into veganism and tie dye bandanas, all I can ask is that you don’t knock it until you try it. Because I knocked it. And then I tried it. And now I don’t knock it anymore. It’s been praised for millenniums for a reason.

“Half an hour's meditation each day is essential, except when you are busy. Then a full hour is needed.” - Saint Francis de Sales

However, I must be honest with you here, it didn’t move mountains for me. I seriously thought it would too, like I’d find God and he’d give me a mushroom pizza and I’d calculate the exact formula to see through walls, which didn’t fucking happen. But some stuff did happen, and I found just by dedicating 10 minutes to it every night (or perhaps before a stressful situation, if you get a chance), I did begin to work it better and better. Transcendental meditation was a good candidate, but I got the most value from guided meditations (of which there are all sorts on YouTube for you to experiment with) because they help take the hand of your thoughts and then gently lift them away from themselves. Some days were better than others, granted, but just the focus on breathing alone probably saved me many an embarrassing meltdown in public. However, as shallow breathing is the NUMBER ONE ENEMY to the panic victim, I won't focus too much on it here and will rather dedicate some more time to it later. We’re talking about meditation here, ok? Jesus, Calm down. Don’t have a panic attack, hahaha.

“If you want to conquer the anxiety of life, live in the moment, live in the breath.” - Amit Ray, Om Chanting and Meditation

Ok, wait, actually I’m done, lol, let’s move on to the next topic, which is

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps, Step 5: Run Away From Your Demons

Step 5: Run Away From Your Demons

I have this theory, right, that goes like this: all anxiety consists of, is an excess of energy. It certainly feels that way, don't it? As if this super siayan amount of explosive motion is threatening to tear your entire body apart. So, within this hypothesis, what’s the most straightforward way to defeat said energy? Simply by wearing it out.

“Exercise is really important to me—it's therapeutic. So if I'm ever feeling tense or stressed or like I'm about to have a meltdown, I'll put on my iPod and head to the gym or out on a bike ride along Lake Michigan with the girls.” - Michelle Obama

No matter what your problems in life, there is very little that exercise can’t help you with (except maybe broken bones or something, but whatever, stay on topic). If you’re anxious and depressed, but spend all day lying in bed or watching TV on the couch, you can’t expect to ever get better. So with this idea in my head, I started running and regularly hitting the gym in the mornings, which meant by the time I started my work day, my body was far too destroyed to even contemplate an escape, while my brain swayed from a wave of endorphin happiness, just stoked to be included whatsoever. Believe it or not, I didn’t actually make this method up myself, it’s a fact observed and reported a billion times by a billion different people. Activity breeds serenity, you already know this. Join a netball team or a yoga class or train for a marathon, anything you like, just don’t be a lazy fuck and then complain about your anxiety. I can't imagine why you wouldn't give this a shot, it's a guaranteed substantial rise in your mood or a full refund.

“Today, more than 95% of all chronic disease is caused by food choice, toxic food ingredients, nutritional deficiencies and lack of physical exercise.” - Mike Adams

On that exact same page, there are many other healthy things your mommy told you about that you really should already be doing anyway. If you are miserable all the time but are living on a diet of garlic bread and chips and chocolate, you need to step back and realise you are a complex structure made up from chemical compounds, and are completely fucking with the normal balance you were designed to survive on. It's natural science! Once again, I have no sympathy for you if you are complaining about your stressy life and yet you fuel your brain with junk. Just do a little bit of research on nutrition, don’t skip breakfast, eat your veggies and fruit and beans and nuts, and drink fuckloads of water. Save the crap for the weekends where it doesn’t count (fact).

“Health and cheerfulness naturally beget each other.” - Joseph Addison

Finally, alcohol and drugs are definitely not going to do you any good. Now, this is a tough one, because I get intoxicated all the time, but this affliction does make me somewhat of an expert on the subject. Simply put, it definitely has done me the opposite of any favours, and I have had some pretty vicious attacks as a result of a hangover—and many other people attest to this trouble themselves. So cut that backwards as far as possible, which I did, and it helped loads. It is also known that smoking narrows the blood vessels, which isn’t very beneficial to someone who is in genuine need of more oxygen, so look at ways to limit your nicotine intake, if you’re into that sort of thing. And, for the love of God, stop drinking caffeine. That stuff is a panic attack in a cup waiting to happen, you’re literally fighting fire with matches there, you do not need any more of that hype, and I personally quit the stuff for well over a year during my darkest journeys. That said, now that I’ve achieved a better balance, I have started drinking crazy amounts of coffee again and it’s such a thrill. Love that evil shit. But you should stop.

In summary: a healthy brain will love you and want you to be happy. Meet it halfway at least.

“If you don’t take care of your body, where are you going to live?” - Unknown

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps, Step 6: Tell Everyone

Step 6: Tell Everyone

Ok, so now that we’ve covered all the obvious factors which you probably already knew, how about we delve into the higher grade techniques, yeah? Yeah?? You ready??? YOU FUCKING READY, MATE????

If you're anything like me (and you're probably not), I’m sure the last thing you feel like doing is calling any attention to this already annoying annoyance, and would rather dust it beneath the carpet of your best poker face, until everyone leaves you alone. Unfortunately, as with most things, this won't really help, and you'll have more luck treating honesty as the best policeman. Someone once told me that 'shame dies in the light,' and I have found this to be true.

“No legacy is so rich as honesty.” - William Shakespeare

Let me tell you a story, my child. During my early stages of freaking-outs, I was naturally at a loss. My brain was perpetually threatening to faint in the most inconvenient of places, and my heart found no greater pleasure in testing how many BPM it could reach before I screamed. There was even a time I got up and walked out of a meeting because that’s how much of a wuss I am. I recognised this was very unprofessional behaviour, and knew this was not the type of action I could regularly find an excuse for. My very job was under potential threat. And eventually, I realised that I was going to have to explain myself one way or another.

“Honesty is the first chapter of the book wisdom.” - Thomas Jefferson

Now, granted, I am a very lucky boy in that my company prides itself on a homely vibe and everyone is super chill and I get along with my boss very well. I am endlessly grateful for such a thing, which was enough to give me the confidence to do what I did. And what I did, was take my boss out for a few pints, and when I got enough liquid in me to talk about my emu feelings, I broke the news to him: I was experiencing panic attacks regularly at work. But this wasn’t some sob cry for help, please take note, but instead a reassurance. I told him that I was not giving up, detailing the various methods I had tried on this list already, about the doctors, and the therapy, and my determination to beat this thing, and my refusal to take any stupid shit without a fight. And, most importantly of all, I told him not to go easy on me nor let this make his job any harder. I wanted to still go to the meetings and I wanted to still be placed in high pressure situations, because I knew it was the only way I was going to defeat this beast.

And he listened and he was very open to my pathetic troubles, ultimately telling me that he appreciated my honesty, and kindly informing me that if I was ever struck by a panic attack in front of him again, I just needed to give him a signal and then leave, and he’d cover for me. What a good guy! Furthermore, can you actually comprehend the type of relief that came with this support? I actually now had permission to have panic attacks! One secret hand gesture, and I'd be out and off the hook! And what's even better is that this simple permission came with such an immediate relief that I never even had to use it. Just to have this get-out-of-jail-free card at my disposal was enough of a defence for me to keep the exit in my sight but never walk through it.

“What happens when people open their hearts? They get better.” - Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood

But why stop there? Push this theory as far as you can! Next time you feel the evil creeping over you, simply lean over to the person next to you and ask them: 'Do you want to see what a panic attack looks like? Then watch this!'. Interestingly enough, 9 out of 10 times, it will be like sneezing. You won’t be able to pull it off with the additional attention and pressure to perform. Hell, if you’re feeling upto it, maybe even start your day that way. Walk up to random people and inform them 'just so you know, I am prone to panic attacks, and might have one right now.' Best case scenario, they think you’re joking, such a funny person, everyone laughs, they love you, and you go on your adored way. Worst case scenario, you break out into an epileptic fit and foam onto their shoes, and then at least you warned them.

“Everybody will help you. Some people are very kind.” - Bob Dylan, I’ll Keep It With Mine

To summarise: despite what your newspaper is telling you, people are generally pretty cool, and anxiety is a super common thing now. Nobody thinks it's contagious, and nobody is unfamiliar with the concept. So rather than suffering in mute, talk to your friends, your family, your colleagues, the guy next to you on the tube. Help them understand what is happening rather than trying to shove it down, because the panic demon thrives on oppression and will only boil over. Expose the fucker, and its power will dissipate immeasurably.

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps, Step 7: Say Yes!

Step 7: Say Yes!

Cool, so here's something else you’re not going to want to do at all: let’s try induce panic attacks! Scare yourself shitless! So much fun! Yay! Sound like a stupid idea? Well, it’s not. Just trust me, ok? It’s my blog, so I tell you what to do now.

“Thinking will not overcome fear but action will.” - W. Clement Stone

Right, so what you are going to do from now on is pretty much just agree to everything. If someone asks if you want to do something, and you feel that twitch of 'omfg, that sounds terrifying, why would I do that to myself', then that’s your queue to shut all thoughts off, and say 'yes' immediately, booking yourself in, double stamp, no erasies. Hey, does anyone want to say a few words at this open mic poetry night? Of course, I’d love to. Someone keen to be photographed for a project I’m doing? Sure, I can be a model. Want to watch me get my nipple pierced? I can't think of anything I'd rather do. Have you ever been bungee jumping? No, but I’d totally be up for that death feeling. All of these examples are things I committed to during my worst of times, just by the way.

“Expose yourself to your deepest fear; after that, fear has no power, and the fear of freedom shrinks and vanishes. You are free.” - Jim Morrison

The idea of this one should be obvious, but I’ll break it down for you anyway: you are building a strong shell around your core. Slowly but surely, every day life will no longer have the artillery to scare you, because you’ve already scared yourself, only much worse. And next time you feel that flutter of 'oh shiiit' poking about in your intestines, you can breathe around it with an air of condescending arrogance, reminding yourself of that time you jumped off a crane with a cord attached to your ankles. Remember how scary that was? Very scary. Way scarier than whatever your anxiety is trying to pull off right now. And hopefully, within these recollections, the panic will cower back to where it came from whilst you float above it, stronger than ever, each time you win a battle.

“It’s okay to be scared. Being scared means you’re about to do something really, really brave.” - Mandy Hale, The Single Woman: Life, Love, and a Dash of Sass

This step may perhaps be one of the most difficult to execute, true, but it is undeniably a very powerful one nonetheless. And if nothing else, is by far the most fun when you look backwards at the end of it all, because you have a whole bunch of cool shit decorating your CV. Once again, you gotta trust me on this. Would I lie to you, baby? Would I lie to you? Oh yeah.

"Decide that you want it more than you are afraid of it." -Bill Cosby (which maybe isn't the best advice if you want to rape women, but in context, it's still pretty sound guidance)

Important Interlude

These previous steps are all fine and randy, but each of them suffer from the same fatal flaw: they are done in your own time. This does not guarantee anything, especially when you’re out on the battlefield. Which brings us to the final three items to tackle, designed to be utilised specifically when you find yourself in the middle of the scariest scary. Try remember these as best you can, because as with any respectable list, I’ve saved the most potent for last...

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps, Step 8 (and Rule Number Fucking 1): Whatever You Do, Do Not Run

Step 8 (and Rule Number Fucking 1): Whatever You Do, Do Not Run

Remember the first step? The one I dubbed the 'most important step of them all' or something like that? Well, this is the second most important step, and RULE NUMBER 1, so please take this all very seriously.

“Panic causes tunnel vision. Calm acceptance of danger allows us to more easily assess the situation and see the options.” - Simon Sinek Read

But before we go on, let’s take a moment to admire panic attacks themselves, and analyse how they work. It goes like this: a (usually external) event comes along and rudely triggers the emotion of fear within you, which causes a buttload of adrenaline to pump throughout your body, preparing you for a concept you’ve probably heard of, known as fight-or-flight mode. This mental crossroad is preparing your person for some heavy physical action, and if you step back and think about it, this is actually a really good thing! It’s an essential defence mechanism built into our biology which could very well save your life some day. So on some level, appreciate this weird thing that happens. However, as you are already painfully aware, there are some bugs in this system.

“Fear was the hand of the devil holding a scalding hot branding iron and touching your brain and your stomach and yelling at you to run with leaden feet.” - Dan Groat

The first obvious problem is that we have come a long way since our monkey ancestors, and the code is slightly outdated now. The chances of an animal attacking us in the wild is not quite as immediately threatening as it once was, and our minds have excelled in such complex directions, that for some of us, our neurosis has taken control and kinda just malfunctioned, activating this thing for no real justifiable reason. It’s almost funny, if you think about it that way. Almost...

Which leads us to our next problem. The situations presented by our modern lives which most commonly provoke us into these states of spazz-response, usually don’t leave much space for a fight. You can’t exactly go on a punching spree because you get struck by claustrophobia in a crowded elevator, right? Which is why most of us opt for the latter: flight. Spread your wings and fly away as fast as you can! Leave your problems in the dust as soar back to your nest and regurgitate worms into the mouths of your little babies! Wheee!

“Running away will never make you free.” - Kenny Loggins

Except it isn’t really that much fun because your problems know how to fly too. So what, then? Literally the only thing your natural instinct is telling you to do is run away, are you really expected to rebel against the request from every atom in your body? And the answer is, of course, yes. Yes, you are. And I’m sorry. So very sorry, because believe me, I know what this is like so fucking well it makes me want to cry. But the basic fact is that by running, you simply will never defeat this monster. Retreating will become your only reliable defense, and you will be trapped in this hell for ALL ETERNITY. Is that what you want? No? Then don’t run, duh.

Directly on topic, this applies in the exact same way as avoidance, which is kinda like running except before you even get into trouble. If there are certain situations guaranteed to unearth a nasty panic, then once again, it is in your best interest to walk full force into them, despite what your knotted intestines are begging you to do. Do not make excuses. Do not call in sick or hide in the bathroom or get your friend to break your leg just to get out of it. You must go into this with an army march, because that is the only way to get through it, and you know this. If you’ve been paying attention, this is pretty much a repeat of what I’ve been saying for a while now.

“Anxiety's like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you very far.” - Jodi Picoult

Scared yet? Of course you are. That’s what this is all about. It’s the scariest thing in all of possible existence, there isn’t a much scarier level in the depths of the human psyche, that’s why it’s called panic. But what we are trying to achieve here, as we've covered before, is to induce panic attacks. The more attacks you have, the better you will become at predicting them, the better you will be at recognising them, the better you will get at disguising them, the better you will be at surviving them, and eventually coming out of the other side victorious. YOU MUST WELCOME YOUR PANIC ATTACKS WITH OPEN ARMS. YOU MUST LEARN TO LOVE YOUR PANIC ATTACKS. You need to become an expert at this, and the only way to advance, is by playing their game and then beating them at it with their own moves. Or something like that. You know what I mean.

“I tend to stay with the panic. I embrace the panic.” - Larry David

Ok great, so how do we play? We’re not running anymore, and now we’re staring down the wicked laugh of anxiety squeezing our lungs and licking our palms. So awesome. What now? How the hell is this a game? This isn’t fun at all! What kind of life will you live if you’re walking into extreme terror every single day? And I will tell you: not a very enjoyable one, which I inform you with much experience. However, by enduring panic attack after panic attack, I personally did begin to maintain some sort of a grasp on rational thinking, and worked out a few tricks along the way. And that’s what these final steps are about. Hopefully some of these will apply to you, or at least give you some ideas of your own, but no matter what happens, remember this: there is nothing wrong with fucking up. As long as you give it your best shot and progress little by little, eventually you may even grow up to be as gangster as me.

Try this:

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps, Step 9: Preparing Yourself For A Panic Attack

Step 9: Preparing Yourself For A Panic Attack

Obviously no two cases will be identical, but I guess I was 'lucky' in my ailment because my anxiety attacks were quite specific and almost predictable as to when they’d strike (i.e. pretty much any time I had to speak in front of an audience, or to someone I didn’t know, or to anyone whatsoever). But while I recognise the silver lining, it ultimately became my biggest curse, because I could see Satan coming a mile away, and then I started to get panic attacks worrying about my panic attacks. As soon as someone asked me to attend something, I’d freak out that I might get struck by an attack, and then ended up having one anyway just because of that very thought. It was a self-fulfilling prophecy nightmare. It was the worst thing ever.

“Man is not worried by real problems so much as by his imagined anxieties about real problems” - Epictetus

That said, there are only so many times you can walk into a high pressure social situation and practically faint in front of an audience, before you kinda get used to the repetitiveness of suffering, and begin to experiment with your own mind. And so here are four thoughts I found helped me as I was walking into my situation of doom.


1. “I must enjoy this moment. It will probably be the most exciting part of my day.”

Say what you will, panic attacks are crazy exciting! Everything completely falls apart for no reason as you have enough energy in your fingertips to tear open your manager’s stomach just to get away from him/her. And when you look back exhausted upon your day, that bout of anxiety spasm will probably stand out as the most notable event that took place. No, it wasn’t the most fun thing in the world, granted, but I found these outbreaks made everything else in the previous hours seem quite tame in comparison, and so simply by registering it and attempting to appreciate them in a 'if-my-life-was-a-movie' type of way, it nearly (but not really) turned the whole ordeal into a positive one. I have used this angle to successfully ward off anxiety plenty of times before, by treating it as a highlight of my daily script. Weird, I know, maybe try the next one instead.

“Anxiety is the dizziness of freedom.” - Søren Kierkegaard

2. “This is going to be greatest performance of my life.”

This one is tailored specifically for those of us who spent our youths standing in front of our mirrors, accepting our revered awards with humble speeches, dreaming of fame and the applause from our adoring fans. I still fantasise about this actually. Which is why I found great relief in pretending anything was a gig of some sort. When I knew my turn to talk was fast approaching (and as lame as this may seem), I’d imagine a crowd chanting my name “Jared, Jared, Jared,” eagerly anticipating my presence and my superior celebrity words. The nerves would still be there, but with a little research you’ll find even your favourite artists of all time suffer from a bit of pre-show nerves themselves, so you can possibly relate to them in that moment, 'this is what David Bowie probably felt like,' etc. Perhaps this idea petrifies you, and if so, hurry along, but for me, it would put my mind right in the middle of my fear, and yet by hanging on to the dream, I could view the stress as practice for the big time, refusing to let my theoretical crowd down. This one helped me a lot.

“A little bit of stage fright, then I'm ready.” - Faith Hill

“I've never told anyone this. But I suffer from terrible stage fright. True. You can't tell though, can you? Unbelievable, the panic. I nearly die of fear before I go on stage. Something wicked. I can't eat a thing the day before a gig. It'd make me vomit.” - Johnny 'Rotten' Lydon, Sex Pistols

"I have stage fright every single concert I've ever done. I have at least four or five minutes of it. It's absolute living hell." - Brian Wilson, The Beach Boys

“I’m not particularly a gregarious person. I had an unbearable shyness; it was much easier for me to keep on with the Ziggy thing, off-stage as well as on. Who was David Bowie and who was Ziggy Stardust? It was motivated by shyness.” - David Fucking Bowie

3. “I’m going to show these fuckers exactly what a panic attack looks like.”

I've already covered this in step 6, but it works such wonders that it warrants repeating: don’t fight it. Actually try force a panic attack. I’d attempt to provoke the biggest anxiety explosion I’d ever had, because if I was going to shatter in front of all these people, I wanted it to be the biggest meltdown the world has ever fucking seen, no half measures, these assholes are going to see a fucking show before I’m done with them. And, of course, the attention kills the whole thing. Try it right now. Have a panic attack. C’mon, just do it, where you are, have a panic attack. You have them all the time! Just have one right now! Why aren’t you having one?


Finally, scream some random funny words in your head every time the thought comes up. Do it in different silly voices. What would the cookie monster sound like saying these negative things? Less threatening, I'm sure. Keep it as stupid and as random as possible. Be the comedy you want to see in the world.

“I'd love to tell you I had some deep revelation on my way down, that I came to terms with my own mortality, laughed in the face of death, et cetera. The truth? My only thought was: Aaaaggghhhhh!” - Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief


When walking into situations which were coated by the eggshells of my neurosis, I realised the best way to swerve left of an episode was to achieve comfort as quickly as possible. And I eventually worked out that the shortcut to said comfort was via my very nemeses itself: other human beings. Of course it would be, because that’s what Life is like. Life likes to play with you.

“Instruments sound interesting, not because of their sound, but because of the relationship a player has with them. Instrumentalists build a rapport with their instruments, which is what you like and respond to.” - Brian Eno

Break the ice as immediately as you can. Build a rapport before anything has the chance to tighten. Talk to surrounding people. Take control of the conversation right away. Be light. Make jokes. Treat these humans like they are already your friend, and hopefully by the time it comes to anything even remotely serious, you’re already quite chilled within the company and everyone has accepted you into their tribe, keeping it calm, keeping it casual.

“You’ll succeed best when you put the restless, anxious side of affairs out of mind, and allow the restful side to live in your thoughts” - Margaret Stowe

Unfortunately I know these methods apply to quite a specific form of nervousness, but I hope you can perhaps get an idea and modify it accordingly. However, if not, here’s two we all can do:

1. Find a song which soothes you. I’ll shamefully admit, I never used this one myself, which is stupid in hindsight, but two of my friends reported great relief was to be found within organised sounds (one finding better vibrations within the magic of The Antlers, the other, Felix Laband, which are both excellent choices). Such an approach will always heavily rely on tastebuds, but once you find one which works for you, pop it onto your headphones before your adventure, and get lost as far away from reality as possible. Hell, maybe even listen to whale sounds or traditional Indian chants or an audiobook about prosperity or an interview with your favourite comedian (I actually did this one!). Just a little extra handbag of encouragement to prop under your armpit and fall back to when forwards has become daunting.

“Music is a higher revelation than all wisdom and philosophy.” - Ludwig van Beethoven

2. Keep a journal. I have read quite a few similar articles which swear by the success they’ve had from this approach, noting the events which lead to each attack, noticing patterns, as well as pinpointing which methods of defense seemed to work better than others. The reason why this pathway can be so beneficial is because it turns the disaster into a game, one where you try beat your mind, where you end up thinking about how to document the experience rather than just enduring it, and if nothing else, leaving you with something material to show your friends at the end of the day. How do you think this whole blog started, eh? That’s right. You are reading the last page of my diary right now, enjoy it.

“Writing is a form of therapy; sometimes I wonder how all those who do not write, compose or paint can manage to escape the madness, melancholia, the panic and fear which is inherent in a human situation.” - Graham Greene

How to Overcome Panic Attacks in 10 Steps, Step 10: What To Do During a Panic Attack

Step 10: What To Do During a Panic Attack

The big red button has been pushed! The alarms are screaming in your head so loud that you can’t hear anything outside of your own skull! Bright fuzz is blinding your vision and your very soul is trying to burst out of your body! Oh my God, everything has gone tits up! All our preparation has failed! We are in the process of having a full blown panic attack! Fuck! What the hell now??

It’s a difficult one to address, because as we all probably know, the most difficult aspect of an anxiety onslaught is that your usual inner dialogue gets sucked right out from your eyeballs and all rational files are impossible to locate. How is anyone supposed to remember what Jared said when you are practically shitting yourself in fear? Not easily, that’s for sure.

“Stress is something that is sort of out of your control. You get stressed out over looking at the finish line. Stress is something that is an outside thing. Stress is an anxiety.” - Joe Torre

As we covered earlier, the reason this is so problematic is because you have essentially become an animal, your brain flipping the switch and dumping a pint full of adrenaline into your operating system, now ready to react based on an instinctual basis rather than any logical one. Which, obviously, isn’t the best when you’re supposed to be pretending you’re a normal functioning human member of society. And the sad news is that there really isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution to escape this snag you are currently tangled in.

However, if you can hang on to one thing, it’s this: your goal is to maintain a grip onto reality as best you can, slowly bringing yourself back into some form of physical matter, hopefully allowing the outside world to once again direct your thoughts rather than the brain blaring orders of the EMERGENCY EVACUATION PROCESS INITIATED. And here are some of the ways I’ve found which help me.

First and foremost, for the love of Jesus: DO NOT FORGET TO BREATHE! Anyone will tell you that. And I’m not talking shallow little breaths (which is probably what you’ve been doing, hyperventilating yourself into passing out), but rather... slow... deep... breaths. Take your time, dude. Pull in some oxygen through your nose for five seconds. Hold it for five seconds. And then release it for five seconds out from the mouth. Experiment with this timing, imagining the anxiety as a mess of colour swirling within your solar plexus, then breath around it, count your numbers backwards, unwind. These actions alone will slow your heartbeat which counters the process which the panic itself is trying to induce here. It’s the most commonplace advice for good reason. It is the single most effective biological warfare you have.

"Fear cannot be banished, but it can be calm and without panic; it can be mitigated by reason and evaluation." - Vannevar Bush

Hopefully this will give you a bit of sobriety and space to aim your next move, to which I’d start by splitting your brain into two: the you you, and the anxiety voice. Give this anxiety voice a stupid name, like Samuel The Wonder Boy, or Boris Johnson. Change this anxiety voice to sound like Mickey Mouse or Spongebob, so when it tells you to freak out, it will at least have a flavour of comedic ridiculous associated. And now, address this anxiety, as a person, as condescendingly as possible, and inform it of the following points:

You are what you are.
You are a little panic attack, and that is all you ever will be.
I know this, because I’ve met you before, and you are an asshole.
You are not dangerous, you do not threaten me.
You cannot kill me even if you tried.
Go ahead and try, you little fuck.
I don’t even resist you, just hurry up and do your thing.
You will be gone soon, and I will still be here.
You do not have enough power to dictate my existence, and do you know why?
Because you are too silly.

“All profound distraction opens certain doors. You have to allow yourself to be distracted when you are unable to concentrate.” - Julio Cortázar, Around the Day in Eighty Worlds

While it’s good to repeat these reassurances in your calmest internal voice during this dreaded intrusion, it is even more important that you get out of your head as fast as possible. To do this, try slowly taking a sip of very cold water. Swirl it around your mouth. Ask yourself questions about the water. Really feel the temperature on your gums. Play with it through the teeth. Swallow it. Focus on the outline of your throat as it slides down. Marvel at the incredible nature of your body and appreciate its ability to consume liquid. Hold the cup or bottle it came from. What does it feel like? How cold is it? When does it expire? Does it have branding on it? What does it say? Who designed that? Could you do a better job?

There are plenty of variations to this approach. Chew some gum. Define the flavour. Aren’t teeth weird how they fit together? How does the tongue translate this taste into my mind? What kind of intricate patterns can I press into this gum using the roof of my mouth alone?

Hold an ice cube. It’s fucking freezing. Secretly stab your arm repeatedly with a pin. That really hurts! How fucked up am I that I’m doing these things! Take off your jacket really slowly. Streeeeeetch! Pick the dirt from beneath your fingernails. How long can you hold a squint for? Would anyone notice if you doodled a picture of a hippopotamus? I bet you can't do it, drawing a hippopotamus off the top of your head is pretty hard, I struggle to do that myself, and I'm an excellent drawererer.

You get the idea, right? You’re trying to secure yourself back into reality by focusing on the outside, using your immediate surroundings to gently gravitate towards. Make no mistake, your mind is a tough fucker to beat and there will be a power struggle to dominate the situation, but if you take it slow and don’t fight it so much as recognising it and then trying to move on from it, you will get better with practice. You won’t always win, but you will learn your own ways as to not pay these detriments much notice.

“Letting the radio play on without giving it much attention is very different from actively trying to ignore it.” - Russ Harris

HOWEVER (and this is a big HOWEVER and a WARNING): try not to repeat the same techniques too often. The reason why is what they taught me during my cognitive behavioural therapy sessions: if you rely on one specific defence mechanism, it becomes a crutch and merely another cog in the cycle. The ultimate idea is to eventually train the ability to face these fuckers head-on, learning to deal with them via your raw self and not some fancy trickery. What I suggest is to find something above (or elsewhere) that works, and then begin to wean yourself off of it. Feeling a little stronger today? Don’t bring water with you. Keep the jacket on. Leave your lucky skittle at home. That’s how you’re truly going to get stronger.

“Let me not pray to be sheltered from dangers, but to be fearless in facing them. Let me not beg for the stilling of my pain, but for the heart to conquer it.” - Tagore

Of course, this all ignores the fact that someone might expect you to say something or do something at some point, and in my experience, this was always the worst. The actual catalyst to most of my fits, in fact. So what’s the way around this? I have no idea, but I did find a few things which helped. For example: reminding myself that if I can just keep a semi-straight face, no one will have any idea what I am going through (although I have been known to turn different shades of green at times, but that’s not an every day worry).

Another approach which has been INVALUABLE to me is to always have my first sentence planned out. Do not script out everything you are going to say, because that can overwhelm your already stressy brain and your thoughts may scatter, but instead just keep your first sentence in an easy-to-access brain pouch, repeated few times in your head, ready to spit out whenever someone expects you to say something. Even if you change the topic, fukkit, makes you look cooler. Just remember to speak as slow as humanly possible without sounding like you’ve had brain surgery. Take a short moment before responding, maybe even clear your throat. Blurting out shit really fast will reveal your edginess, but by granting your words some space, you suddenly seem chilled whilst offering your speech some additional control. And then hopefully, once that first sentence is out, the rest of your words will flow much easier from there.

“Well-timed silence hath more eloquence than speech.” - Martin Farquhar Tupper

Related, and another SUPER POWER TRICK I learned all by my lonesome, was to try and say something relatively funny if the scenario calls for it. Nothing (and I mean NO-THING) takes the edge off quite so immediately than someone laughing at what you said. For me and my chronic longing for validation, it literally evaporates all tension, my entire demeanour shifts, my mojo comes rushing back, and I spend the rest of the time focusing on winning them over even more. It’s great. That said, if you have a shit sense of humour, maybe don’t give this a try, because I imagine nothing would be worse than standing there, about to pass out, stammering a joke, and having no one laugh. I think you might actually literally die.

“Laughter is the closest distance between two people.” - Victor Borge

But if none of this works, and you are forced to ride it out old school like, just remember that statistically, anxiety only affects people of a higher intelligence. So if nothing else, at least you’re one of the smarty chosen ones. OH LUCKY YOU. Seriously though, you got this, you will only get better at it, and you will be fine. I love you, anyway.

“Happiness in intelligent people is the rarest thing I know.” - Ernest Hemingway


It is with a heavy heart and a facial expression resembling self pity that I end this article on a bit of a disappointing note. You see, I have been a bit less than honest with you, dear reader, about my own personal journey through the depths of uneasiness, and am now going to come clean. I'm still not 100% ok. Every day, without fail, a spark of nerves flicks in my stomach at some point, and for a brief moment, I will tense up, the whole scene playing before my eyes where the walls of my hard work threaten to tumble upon and crush my fragile skeleton once more. I wish I could tell you that I'm thoroughly cured, that this vicious stalker of nerves has been utterly defeated never to return, but that would be untrue.

What I can tell you with all the pride in the world, however, is that 19 out of 20 times, I am able to snuff it out within the same very second it flares, my mind now equipped with so many automatic procedures that these distorted thoughts are quickly misdirected, snagged and disposed of, quickly replaced without even a twitch of my eyelid. Sometimes they are a bit more determined and get a bit further into my safe zone, and every now and again, the ordeal turns into a full-fledged battle once again, where I have to dart my focus and fire every trick I've invented just to avoid running back to my daddy's arms. Perhaps a part of me will forever have to deal with this, and that sucks balls. But it does not discourage me.

Because at the end of the day, if I ever need some reassurance, all I need to do is think back to where I used to be before I took Step 1. Before I made the decision not to be controlled by this weight, and began the slow long walk towards the promise of liberation. And when I pause and made this observation, admiring how far I have come, I sometimes nearly break into tears, as timid as that seems. I feel legit sympathy for my former self, over how hard my life was not so long ago. And I feel legit gratitude as to how easy my existence is now in comparison. And this proves, above all else, that with a bit of application, my approach actually works, and that is why I felt confident enough to write this blog in the first place. That fact alone warrants its existence.

But no matter where you are in your current struggle, I want to leave you with this final thought. Right now, someone is having their first panic attack ever. They don't know what it means, and they probably think they are about to die. They could be a teenager with mommy issues or a middle-aged business man with a bad hangover, it doesn't matter. What matters is that this will never be us, ever again. We know what this shit is. It may catch us off guard from time to time, but it can never truly sucker-punch us like it once could, because we've endured it before, we've done some research into its ingredients, and we have an idea on how to deal with it. And it that regard, even if you feel weak at this point in time, you are actually stronger than most. You have a new playing card, you have earned a new stripe, and in time, a panic attack will be just like stubbing your toe. It will be uncomfortable. You will never enjoy it. But you will be able to brush it off and walk on with or without it, while everyone else next you simply crumbles. And that is why, if people like us are around for the end of the world, we will inherit the earth. God bless, or whatever.

“Don't Panic.” - Douglas Adams