
Monday 5 April 2010

My Top 10 Fav Concept Albums

Originlly Written: 29/10/07

For the life of me I can't remember when I was first introduced into the intense world of concept albums. I have a feeling it may have been Marilyn Manson's typtch that turned me on to this crazy way to enhance your product and in doing so, present an album in such a unified way as a solid story. But regardless when or what it was, it changed everything for me. Suddenly, every album I recorded at home had to have an elaborate underlying theme even when I really didn't want to. It stuck with me, and my obsession for them has grown and grown as time has gone on, now seeking out and collecting as many as possible, as well as researching to find the best of the best. And that is why I am writing this note, to pass on some of the knowledge I have accumulated thus far.

But for those who are unsure what I am on about, here is a quick definition of what a concept album really is. Basically, it's exactly what it sounds like. An album with a concept, "unified by a theme, which can be instrumental, compositional, narrative, or lyrical", yes thanks wikipedia. The difference here is that the majority of standard album's consist of a group of unrelated songs, while concept albums take on the ambitious task of (instead of using songs as separate pieces of work) using the entire album as a single massive entity.

It is just another example of value for money and bringing art into music over and above the necessary. And it gets me wet. So without further adieu, here are the top 10 best concept albums I own (and by own I mean, I actually own them, not downloaded, this is important because with concept albums the cover artwork generally plays an important role). Note that the order is based on the concepts themselves and not the overall album:

Frank Zappa - Freak Out
10. Frank Zappa - Freak Out! (1966)
Concept: It was Zappa's "satirical attitude based on his unique perception of American pop culture". It's a very loose concept, some songs steering off the topic a bit to go off about love and what-not (actually a very good break-up album) but it is important because it was also Zappa's debut. His body of work grew to an apoloclyptic size, and it has been argued that his entire catalogue could be viewed as one unifying concept, filled with characters and hilarious situations (this album introducing Suzy Creamcheese who became a staple part of his collection on the albums Absolutely Free, Mothermania, We're Only in It for the Money and Uncle Meat).
While Beatle scholars bare teeth and clench fists arguing that Sgt Pepper was the "first ever rock concept album", Paul McCartney himself blushed and admitted that Pepper was his attempt at "Freak Out!" (and ofcourse The Beach Boys' "Pet Sounds", another possible concept album that came first). Zappa then parodied Sgt Pepper with his somewhat better album "We're Only in it for the Money".

The Who Sell Out
09. The Who - The Who Sell Out (1967)
Concept: While the songs themselves are unrelated, the idea was for the record to sound like a radio station that played nothing but Who songs. It came complete with jingles and adverts written by Radio London Jingles. After this album, The Who were sued left right and center from not only the company who's jingles they used, but all the products they mentioned without permission (like Heinz Baked Beans, Odorono, Medac, Coke-a-Cola etc). The title and the artwork go together nicely with the band using oversized versions of products as if they were using their name to sell them (aka, Selling Out). The whole album is quite hilarious actually.
It is with much shame that I admit that The Who have a much better concept album which I do not own, and if I did would no doubt be a much higher entry. The album "Tommy" is a staple of any concept collector which I haven't come into contact yet, and as a result, I felt compelled to at least have something from The Who here. With interesting characters and a great storyline which was turned into a film starring Pete Townshend and Elton John, the only thing I can say is: doesn't someone want to buy this for me??
(Please note: I now own Tommy)

The Beatles - Sgt Pepper
08. The Beatles - Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967)
Concept: a fake band of new characters each represented by a Beatle, supposed to be their way of "touring without touring". It's an album which was meant to show a band holding a concert with an audience of people they admired, all of which are featured on the groundbreaking artwork, definitely my favorite cover (and album) of all time.
No other album has been argued over as much by concept collectors. While some fight viciously that this is the first real rock concept album ever, other people say it is not even applicable for the term. Originally the idea was one of uniting all the songs, each member becoming a new persona, but they only got as far as Ringo becoming Billy Shears (as he was introduced on the second song "With a Little Help from My Friends"). From there, the idea dies off and the songs do not connect to eachother, except for the second to last song which was a reprise of the first track, which became a huge center point of argument for those fighting for the inclusion of this as a concept album. I am on that side, the focus being that they did become a fake band for this release, completely shedding their mop-top pop days and growing mustaches, wearing funky clothing and venturing deep into the psychedelic artsy sound-orgy side of their personalities. This is their magnum opus and, if nothing else, brought the term "concept album" to attention of other artists as well as the media, and definitely changed people's thinking into what an album could be.

Mars Volta - DeLoused in the Comatorium
07. The Mars Volta - De-Loused in the Comatorium (2003)
Concept: A character named Cerpin Taxt tries to kill himself by overdosing on Morphine and ends up on a surrealistic journey through his comatose mind, eventually coming to the end where he has the option of dying or living, and he chooses to die. It is based on Julio Venegas, a poet and musician who knew the band and tried to kill himself by shooting up rat poison. He went into the said coma, did awake and then jumped off a building. Funny enough (or not funny at all) this album featured a sound-manipulator named Jeremy Michael Ward who died one month before this was released from a Heroin overdose, at age 27, becoming a lesser famous member of the 27 club.
This was The Mars Volta's massive and critically acclaimed debut, a band who rose from the already majorly influential band At the Drive-In. Although I don't agree or disagree, this is still hailed as their best work to date. A small book has been released explaining the lyrics.

Marilyn Manson - Holy Woods
06. Marilyn Manson - Holy Wood (In the Shadow of the Valley of Death) (2000)
Concept: The final installation and prequel to the extremely intelligent and researched Tryptch, which also consisted of Mechanical Animals and Antichrist Superstar. Any given of these 3 could be included here for their own unique contribution to the story, but I chose this one because it does seem to be the most thought out.
It goes like this: Antichrist Superstar (IIV) focuses on a boy who is born and grows up in a world he doesn't understand. He starts to reject the Christian morals and the celebrities on TV. He stands against it so hard that he eventually becomes somewhat of a prophet and then ultimately another product, worshipped by the very people he despised and becoming exactly what it was he was rejecting. He shoots himself in the end. Mechanical Animals (15) took the perspective of the two sides of this person's rise to fame, Alpha as the introspective alien who is confused and scared at the level of his success, while Omega was the typical Rockstar. But Holy Wood put an interesting twist on everything, pointing out the martyrdom of JFK and John Lennon, and how Jesus was the first celebrity, all of who's violent deaths made them icons of American Culture, placing his character (called ADAM on this release) among those. Full of references to the columbine massacre (which Manson was almost solely blamed for despite absolutely no connection), the number 6, guns, God and the government, it is a very tight and aggressive concept despite not being my favorite of Manson's. Parallels to The Wall, Downward Spiral and Ziggy Stardust are all evident, and when you are familiar with Manson's techniques, you can see that he was greatly inspired by those records and definitely took parts of them to form this. A book and movie were set to be released but he ran into obvious problems by using non-fictious characters in the storyline.

Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero
05. Nine Inch Nails - Year Zero (2007)
Concept: The story is still unfolding and tells of the year 0BA, the beginning of the end of the world in an alternate universe, which still references the Iraq War and 9/11. It's strongly political and talks about Natural Disasters and Global Warming, the government releasing mind control drugs into the market, and basically everything going to shit. It's kind of difficult to truly explain what is going on, but a movie is coming out and I suggest you keep an eye on this page:
Although Downward Spiral is hailed as NiN's best work and is a story itself, this is the most important concept album of our time and has redefined the very nature of concept albums. The promotion was no less than astonishing, kids were finding USB drives in the bathrooms of NiN's concerts, with tracks or some static which, when put through a spectrogram, revealed information. Similarly, binary code on t-shirts were being cracked by computer nerds and even the disk itself (which was black) turned white when heated up, and revealed further binary code. These codes led to websites and phone numbers, and when used, the concept started to reveal itself, and continues to do so, people still frantically searching for another key to the story. It was really above the line of duty for Trent Reznor to pull out a product like this (especially after the disappointing With Teeth) and the music stands up for itself. It is almost guaranteed to spawn thousands of replica's and similar promotional techniques, and I don't mind. Trent, you innovative genius.

David Bowie - Ziggy Stardust
04. David Bowie - The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars1972)
Concept: The world is ending in 5 years and the world is distraught. Only an alien rock-god can save us with music, and he comes down from Mars to do just that. However, he gets so wrapped up in the rock 'n roll lifestyle of drugs and promiscuity, he looses his head and dies. Damnit.
Bowie is the king of changing persona's and more so, has released such elaborate concept albums that he admitted that he nearly lost his mind at times, forgetting who he was supposed to really be. However, none are praised as highly as this album and it is a definite contender as one of the greatest most influence albums of all time, particularly in the concept field. Bob Marley named his son after this character, and he has been referenced in works from Def Leppard and The Smashing Pumpkins. And much like most these entries, it doesn't rely on it's concept alone, it's a damn good collection of songs, never steering too far away from the storyline, except for covering Ron Davies' "It Ain't Easy". Notice the similarities between this album and Manson's Mechanical Animals, an almost direct rip-off.

Cradle Of Filth - Cruelty And The Beast
03. Cradle of Filth - Cruelty and the Beast (1998)
Concept: Retelling the true story of the Hungarian "blood countess" Elizabeth Báthory. When young virgins began to go missing, rumors started to surface that the countess living in the giant castle in the center of the village was a vampire, drinking the blood of these girls. The truth wasn't far off, hundred of virgins were brought to her castle where she would torture them by burning and mutilating their bodies, starving them, freezing them, biting them and sticking needles into them. She would end them off by draining their blood so that she could take a bath in it. She believed that it preserved her youth. She was found guilty and was under house arrest in the castle until her death.
Despite the shoddy production (which I actually love) this is my favorite Cradle album. With such an awesome original factual subject matter, which prompted me to research this crazy lady further, how could I resist awarding it such a high position? And CoF are never shy of conceptual work, their 2003 Damnation and a Day is another would be top contender with the story of St. Lucifer's fall from heaven. Wicked stuff.

The Streets - A Grand Don't Come For Free
02. The Streets - A Grand Don't Come for Free (2004)
Concept: An ordinary Geezer looses £1000, meets a girl, takes ecstasy and thinks he saw his new girl kissing his friend, complains about his broken TV, gets in an argument with girl, learns about the affair and starts to blame his friends for his missing money. The real gem is the final track where there is a double ending. On the first half he gets drunk and loathes everyone, calls the TV repairman and thinks the guy is trying to rip him off, and they end up having a brawl in his kitchen. In the second half, it rewinds with an alternate closer. His friend that made out with his girlfriend comes over to try and help him fix his TV as a peace offering. In the back he finds the £1000. The Antagonist has a party celebration where he reflects and concludes that his friends are good people with their own problems and his life isn't as bad as he had made it out to be.
What should be obvious here is that there isn't some massive epic story trying to convince us something, with cryptic lyrics and out-of-this-world characters. It is a word for word account of a seemingly ordinary day in comparison to all the other entries, from ordering take-outs and losing his place in the line when he spots a pretty girl, to returning a DVD to the store and realizing he left the disk at home. That's the beauty of the Streets in the first place, Mike Skinner is not hiding anything and not trying to be something that he's not. It's an everyday simple story full of humorous moments and, like The Street's sound in general, a really fresh down-to-earth style.

Pink Floyd - The Wall
01. Pink Floyd - The Wall (1979)
Concept: Pink, our protagonist, is going insane. His father was killed in World War II, he was smothered by his mother and was oppressed at school. He becomes a famous rockstar and starts to loose it, building a mental wall around himself for protection and to go insane behind. He is forced to keep doing shows despite his deteriorating state, eventually spiraling to the point of believing he is a fascist dictator and his concerts are Neo-Nazi rallies. He then goes on mental trial in his own chaotic head and the judge orders him to break down the wall.
Just holding this album in your hands gives you an epic feeling, from the name to the cover to the chunky packaging, you know you are looking at something a little beyond your average project. It's a double album worth of songs which, like most of Pink Floyd's work, details insanity so finely that just by listening to it, you feel like you might be loosing it yourself. That is why I don't enjoy Pink Floyd whatsoever, it is too much for me, a bad trip, but still so incredibly talented one can't deny their genius/insanity. I recommend to anyone to watch the movie, it's so well done, arguably the best album-to-movie ever done, and really injects new life into the concept. Undoubtedly one of the biggest inspirations to many conceptual albums afterwards, like The Downward Spiral by Nine Inch Nails and Mansons Tryptch, it's position is unchallenged.

Not Quite:
A Perfect Circle - Thirteenth Step
The Beach Boys - Pet Sounds
Bjork - Medulla
Coheed and Cambria - The Second Stage Turbine Blade
Fantômas - Delìrium Còrdia
Frank Sinatra - In the Wee Small Hours
Gorrilaz - Demon Days
Greenday - American Idiot
Mastodon - Leviathan
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade
Neutral Milk Hotel - In the Aeroplane Over the Sea
Pete Johnson - Pete's House Warmin'
The Residents - Not Available
The Smashing Pumpkins - Machina/The Machines of God

My Top 30 Rock Gawds

Originally Written: 25/10/07
Disclaimer: I don't care what you say, the emphasis is on the word "MY" not "THE" so it is an opinion thing. However, all "Masterpieces" are based on ratings above 80% on, which is the greatest music website in the world, check it out, I don't agree with everything, but it's a damn good place to start.

Prayer: Dear Lord, please give me the charisma, the stage presence and the utter insanity of any given one or combination of the following. Amen.

John Lennon
01. John Lennon (1940 - 1980)
"Half of me thinks I am a loser, the other half thinks I am God Almighty."
Masterpieces: [with The Beatles]: A Hard Day's Night (1964); Help! (1965); Rubber Soul (1965); Revolver (1966); Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967); Magical Mystery Tour (1967); The Beatles (1968); Abbey Road (1969) [solo]: John Lennon / Plastic Ono Band (1970); Imagine (1971)
Justified: I feel I am John Lennon reincarnated, I know this seems a little crazy, but I am busy compiling the evidence for that note, so be patient before judgment. Synonymous with Rock God. Part of the biggest band in history. Ability to write poppy number 1 hits and Avant Garde pieces which changed music. Everybody has to love him or they are not worth my time. Politically active. Conspiracy theories run wild still to this day over his death.

Jim Morrison
02. Jim Morrison (1943 - 1971)
"I see myself as a huge fiery comet, a shooting star. Everyone stops, points up and gasps "Oh look at that!" Then — whoosh, and I'm gone... and they'll never see anything like it ever again... and they won't be able to forget me — ever."
Masterpieces: [with The Doors]: The Doors (1967); Strange Days (1967); LA Woman (1971)
Justified: No frontman before or after had the stage presence of the Lizard King. A member of the 27 club.

David Bowie
03. David Bowie (1947 - present)
"I always had a repulsive need to be something more than human. I felt very puny as a human. I thought, 'Fuck that. I want to be a superhuman'"
Masterpieces: Hunky Dory (1971); The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders From Mars (1972); Aladdin Sane (1973); Station to Station (1976); Low (1977); "Heroes" (1977)
Justified: Writing pop songs beyond the formula. Changing his persona more times and much better than Madonna ever could.

Bob Dylan
04. Bob Dylan (1941 - present)
"I consider myself a poet first and a musician second. I live like a poet and I'll die like a poet."
Masterpieces: The Freewheelin' Bob Dylan (1963); The Times They Are A-Changin' (1964); Another Side of Bob Dylan (1965); Bringing It All Back Home (1965); Highway 61 Revisited (1965); Blonde on Blonde (1966); John Wesley Harding (1967); Blood on the Tracks (1975); The Basement Tapes (1975); Desire (1976); Time Out of Mind (1997)
Justified: So many masterpieces over so many years. Unarguably one of the greatest lyricists to ever grace our ears.

Kurt Cobain
05. Kurt Cobain (1967 - 1994)
"I use bits and pieces of others personalities to form my own."
Masterpieces: [with Nirvana]: Nevermind (1991); In Utero (1993); MTV Unplugged in New York (1994)
Justified: The reason why I picked up the guitar. Started and destroyed the Seattle Grunge movement. Glamorized depression, heroin and suicide. The face of Generation X. A member of the 27 club. An interesting conspiracy theory surrounds his death.

Freddie Mercury
06. Freddie Mercury (1946 - 1991)
"I'm so powerful on stage that I seem to have created a monster. When I'm performing I'm an extrovert, yet inside I'm a completely different man."
Masterpieces: [with Queen]: Sheer Heart Attack (1974); A Night at the Opera (1975)
Justified: Flamboyant performer and almost oblivious to what went around him on stage. A voice better than almost all other entries. A genius composer. A proper legend.

Paul McCartney
07. Paul McCartney (1942 - present)
"Somebody said to me,'But the Beatles were anti-materialistic.' That's a huge myth. John and I literally used to sit down and say, 'Now, let's write a swimming pool'."
Masterpieces: [with The Beatles]: A Hard Day's Night (1964); Help! (1965); Rubber Soul (1965); Revolver (1966); Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band (1967); Magical Mystery Tour (1967); The Beatles (1968); Abbey Road (1969) [solo]: Ram (1971)
Justified: Continues a successful solo career. Member of The Beatles. Holds so many world records it's disorientating. Refreshingly optimistic.

Elvis Presley
08. Elvis Presley (1935 - 1977)
"I don't know anything about music. In my line you don't have to."
Masterpiece: Elvis (1956)
Justified: The King. Come on now, I don't need to justify this.

09. Morrissey (1959 - present)
"That's why I do this music business thing, it's communication with people without having the extreme inconvenience of actually phoning anybody up."
Masterpieces: [with The Smiths]: The Smiths (1984); The Queen is Dead (1986) [solo]: Vauxhall and I (1994)
Justified: Partnership with Marr only second to Lennon/McCartney in my opinion. My favorite lyricist of all time. Pessimistic and melancholic, introspective and clever, self loathing and self worshipping. Still running a successful solo career.

Bob Marley
10. Bob Marley (1945 - 1981)
"I love the development of our music, that's what I really dig about the whole thing. How we've tried to develop, y'know? It grows. That's why every day people come forward with new songs. Music goes on forever."
Masterpieces: Soul Revolution (1971); Catch a Fire (1973); Burnin' (1973); Natty Dread (1974); Exodus (1977)
Justified: God of Reggae. Spread love and peace and awareness of the benefits of marijuana. Considered a prophet of the Rastafarian religion. Not 'Rock' per say, but he still rocks.

Jimi Hendrix
11. Jimi Hendrix (1942 – 1970)
"I've been imitated so well I've heard people copy my mistakes."
Masterpieces: Are You Experienced? (1967); Axis: Bold as Love (1967); Electric Ladyland (1968)
Justified: Pioneer of psychedelic rock. Generally agreed as the greatest guitarist of all time. Part of the 27 club.

Joe Strummer
12. Joe Strummer (1952 - 2002)
"Yesterday, I thought I was a crud. Then I saw The Sex Pistols and I became a king and decided to move into the future"
Masterpieces: [with The Clash]: The Clash (1977); London Calling (1979)
Justified: Member of the greatest most talented popular punk band of all time. Liberal rather than Anarchy. Politically active. Just really fucking brilliant.

Frank Sinatra
13. Frank Sinatra (1915 – 1998)
"I'm not unmindful of a man's seeming need for faith; I'm for anything that gets you through the night, be it prayer, tranquilizers, or a bottle of Jack Daniels."
Masterpieces: Songs for Young Lovers (1954); In the Wee Small Hours (1955); Songs for Swingin' Lovers! (1956); A Swingin' Affair! (1957); Frank Sinatra Sings for Only the Lonely (1958); September of My Years (1965)
Justified: The real first pop star. Academy Award winner. One the earliest recordings of a concept album.

Ozzy Osbourne
14. Ozzy Osbourne (1948 - present)
"Sharon gave me these two doves, told me to go into the conference room and throw them up in the air. I did that, but one of them didn't I picked it up, bit its head off and threw the body towards all the suits around the table...hoping they would, you know, see the funny side."
Masterpieces: [with Black Sabbath]: Black Sabbath (1970); Paranoid (1970); Master of Reality (1971); Vol 4 (1972); Sabbath Bloody Sabbath (1973); Sabotage (1975); Heaven and Hell (1980) [solo]: Blizzard of Ozz (1980)
Justified: Complete mad man, lives up to reputation. From being declared a Satanist that will lead your kids to suicide, to a house hold name comedy act on The Osbournes. Biting heads off animals and murdering cats. Yep, the real deal.

Thom Yorke
15. Thom Yorke (1968 - present)
"It's always confused the living shit out of me that people can shag to our music. This one girl comes up to me, she shags to Paranoid Android. How?"
Masterpieces: [with Radiohead]: The Bends (1995); OK Computer (1997); Kid A (2000); In Rainbows (2007)
Justified: Modern day music hero. Read my note on Radiohead.

Frank Zappa
16. Frank Zappa (1940 - 1993)
"You can't always write a chord ugly enough to say what you want to say, so sometimes you have to rely on a giraffe filled with whipped cream."
Masterpieces: Freak Out! (1966); Absolutely Free (1967); We're Only in It for the Money (1968); Uncle Meat (1969); Hot Rats (1969); The Grand Wazoo (1972); Over-nite Sensation (1973); Apostrophe (') (1974); Roxy & Elsewhere (1974); One Size Fits All (1975); Zappa in New York (1978); Joe's Garage (1979); You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 1 (1988); You Can't Do That on Stage Anymore, Vol. 2 (1988); The Best Band You Never Heard In Your Life (1991)
Justified: Timelessly weird without substance abuse. Multi instrumentalist in many genres. 57 studio albums. Never commercially successful yet phenomenally influential on the underground.

Mike Patton
17. Mike Patton (1968 - present)
"I got one entire song from fortune cookies. On another one, I took words from different Frank Sinatra songs and pasted them together. Another one, I was just driving around and there was a piece of paper on the ground, so I stole it."
Masterpieces: [with Faith No More]: Angel Dust (1992) [with Mr Bungle]: Mr. Bungle (1991); Disco Volante (1995); California (1999) [with The Dillinger Escape Plan]: Irony Is a Dead Scene (2002)
Justified: True use of voice as an instrument. Own record label to produce countless works, much more than one a year. Member of so many bands it's daunting. Has achieved commercial success and a huge cult following. Collaborates with the biggest names. Pioneer of Nu metal which he rejected before it was cool to reject.

Iggy Pop
18. Iggy Pop (1947 - present)
"I stare at myself in the mirror and I think, 'Wow, I'm really great-looking.'... I think I'm the greatest, anyway."
Masterpieces: The Idiot (1977)l; Lust for Life (1977)
Justified: Godfather of punk. Insane stage antics like cutting himself up and rolling in peanut butter. Said to invent the stage dive.

Anthony Kiedis
19. Anthony Kiedis (1962 - present)
"Chemistry is beautiful and important to any musical endeavor, and it's also impossible to figure out or force it."
Masterpiece: [with Red Hot Chilli Peppers]: Blood Sugar Sex Magik
Justified: One part and co-founder of a massively talented and commercially successful modern day band. John Frusciante means more to me, actually. Original style. Read Scar Tissue if you are lacking respect.

GG Allin
20. GG Allin (1956 – 1993)
"I believe I am the highest power, absolutely."
Masterpiece: Eat My Fuc (1983)
Justified: God here we go. Shitty yet productive musician. The real deal, forget Manson and Ozzy. Defecated and urinated on stage. Got people to defecate and urinate on him. Cut himself up. Was born "Jesus Christ Allin". Beating up his crowd. Threatening suicide on stage. Going to jail often for things like rape and torture of prostitutes. John Wayne Gacy Jr (serial killer homosexual pedophile who dressed like a clown) painted a portrait of him. Died of overdose, naked and covered in feces, body was never washed and fans were invited to perform oral sex on the corpse, washing drugs down his dead throat with Jack Daniels. These are just a few highlights people.

Lou Reed
21. Lou Reed (1942 - present)
"Why aren't I on the cover of Hip Hop Magazine? I never sung a note in my life. I was fucking rapping since '65."
Masterpieces: [with The Velvet Underground]: The Velvet Underground & Nico (1967); White Light/White Heat (1968); The Velvet Underground (1969); Loaded (1970) [solo]: Transformer (1972); Berlin (1973)
Justified: A pioneer of new tunings, distortion and lo-fi. Recorded a double album made entirely of guitar feedback. Taboo subjects in songs became a trademark. Early connections with Andy Warhol and the Chelsea girls, most notably Nico who recorded songs on Velvet's debut.

Marilyn Manson
22. Marilyn Manson (1969 - present)
"When all of your wishes are granted, many of your dreams will be destroyed."
Masterpieces: Antichrist Superstar (1996); Mechanical Animals (1998)
Justified: Huge concepts to albums. Known for his intelligence. Constantly evolving. Always in trouble. Scapegoat for columbine. One of the most controversial artists of our time. Painter. Writer. Film director. A ton of style.

Robert Plant
23. Robert Plant (1948 - present)
"You know, people can't fall in love with me just because I'm good at what I do."
Masterpieces: [with Led Zepplin]: Led Zeppelin (1969); Led Zeppelin II (1969); Led Zeppelin III (1970); Led Zeppelin [IV] (1971); Houses of the Holy (1973); Physical Graffiti (1975)
Justified: He was in Led Zepplin. Jimmy Page deserves this spot just as much. Mystical lyricist, impressive range. Has been called the quintessential rock frontman. I believe he has channeled the Devil in some recordings.

Trent Reznor
24. Trent Reznor (1965 - present)
"The Grammys make me hate music, and certainly everyone in the ass-licking music industry."
Masterpieces: [as Nine Inch Nails]: The Downward Spiral (1994); The Fragile (1999); Still (2002)
Justified: One man band. Multi-instrumentalist. Discovered Marilyn Manson. Redefined concept albums in 2007.

Pete Townshend
25. Pete Townshend (1945 - present)
"I smash guitars because I like them."
Masterpieces: [with The Who]: The Who Sell Out (1967); Tommy (1969); Live at Leeds (1970) Who's Next (1971); Quadrophenia (1973)
Justified: Inventor of Rock Opera. Pioneer of smashing instruments on stage, blowing stuff up and major feedback. One of the biggest influence for the Punk movement.

Frank Black
26. Frank Black (1965 - present)
"The truth is that critics are by definition critical. That's their job."
Masterpieces: [with The Pixies]: Surfer Rosa (1988); Doolittle (1989)
Justified: Unconventional lyrical themes. One of the main (if not the main) contributors to the quiet/loud/quiet/loud clean/distorted/clean/distorted sing/scream/sing/scream formula.

Keith Richards
27. Keith Richards (1943 - present)
"I looked upon myself, in a sort of romantic and silly way, as like a laboratory."
Masterpieces: [with The Rolling Stones]: Aftermath (1966); Beggars Banquet (1968); Let It Bleed (1969); Sticky Fingers (1971); Exile on Main Street (1972)
Justified: Unusual entry as not a frontman but decidedly more rock n roll than Jagger. Known for his innovative rhythm. Taken more drugs than almost every other rockstar yet lives. Snorted his father's ashes (he stands by this story whatever his publicist says). It has been said that besides cockroaches, he would be the only thing to survive a nuclear war.

Sid Vicious
28. Sid Vicious (1957 - 1979)
"I just cash in on the fact that I'm good looking, and I've got a nice figure and girls like me."
Masterpiece: [with The Sex Pistols]: Never Mind the Bollocks - Here's the Sex Pistols (1977)
Justified: Couldn't play the bass or sing to save his live. Part of the most overrated album of all time (my opinion). Died of overdose while awaiting trial on the murder of his girlfriend, Nancy. Conspiracy theories run wild. True rock n roll, no matter for the music.

Steve Tyler
29. Steve Tyler (1948 - present)
"We believed that anything worth doing was worth overdoing"
Masterpieces: [with Aerosmith]: Toys in the Attic (1975); Rocks (1976)
Justified: Energetic performer. The Demon of Screamin'. Huge vocal range. Tyler/Perry one of the greatest partnerships in music of all time (Toxic Twins). His daughter is Liv Tyler.

Chris Cornell
30. Chris Cornell (1964 - present)
"When I was maybe nine years old, I listened to the entire Beatles catalogue, non-stop, for about a year, being a naive child, I didn't know who sang what song. I didn't know it was a different guy."
Masterpieces: [with Soundgarden]: Badmotorfinger (1991); Superunknown (1994)
Justified: Powerful vocalist. One of the very few true pioneers of the Seattle Grunge movement. Large body of work. Good looking bloke really.

Honorable Mentions: Madonna, Tupac, Eminem, Michael Jackson, Britney Spears, James Hetfield, Brian Wilson, Bruce Springsteen, Syd Barret, Billy Idol, Chuck Berry, Cat Stevens, Eric Clapton, I'm sure there is more