
Wednesday 15 August 2012

John Lennon/Stephen King Did Not Say This

John Lennon Happiness Stephen King Twilight Potter Quote

Misattributed quotes are nothing new. Misattributed quotes on the Internet are in some ways more common than the genuine ones. And why not? If I could think of an inspirational phrase likely to fit a famous candidate and then spread it like some meme STD, I would go for it. It's an artform in itself. However, in the last year or so, two specific examples of this behaviour cropped up onto my feeds, and it completely destroyed my faith in the Smart Use of the Share Button Theory. I simply felt I had to make a stand against it just this one time, and so please try not to see this as a personal attack, but rather as an education, you fucking idiots.

"Harry Potter is about confronting fears, finding inner strength and doing what is right in the face of adversity. Twilight is about how important it is to have a boyfriend." - Stephen King

Look, I get the appeal of this one. We all loooove to hate Twilight even if we haven't read it yet. So first I'd like to explain that Stephen King himself actually would back this quote up (which is probably why the image was so believable). He has said many nasty things just like this statement before, so here is one REAL excerpt I found on

"The real difference is that Jo Rowling is a terrific writer and Stephenie Meyer can't write worth a darn," King told USA Weekend magazine, comparing "Harry Potter" writer J.K. Rowling and the "Twilight" mastermind.

So don't panic! He likes Potter! He hates Twilight! It's all good!

But the thing is, I am a huge fan of Stephen King, especially in my youth. To date I have read 17 of his books, which let's face it, is probably more than you. So when I came across the above quote, I was suspicious on a fan level, and did what all fans should have done: GOOGLED IT! And guess what - I was right all along (obviously). This statement was made by a girl on Tumblr named Robin Browne and then stolen and misquoted by trolls just for the hits. Shameful! So shameful, in fact, that one guy has taken it upon himself to scour Tumblr, correcting everyone who posts said image.

Glad that's over. Here's the next one:

"When I was 5 years old, my mom always told me that happiness was the key to life. When I went to school, they asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up. I wrote down “happy.” They told me I didn’t understand the assignment and I told them they didn’t understand life." - John Lennon

As the reincarnation of John Lennon this one bothered me the most, because I never said that. In fact, no one even knows who said that. I remember this quote floating around for years and years until some smart-ass decided it sounded Lennon-y enough, and faked it as above.

Except it doesn't really, if you know anything about Lennon. And I know everything about Lennon. The very moment I heard that quote I knew he didn't say it, because the whole phrase just didn't have that same cynic John ring to it, like everything else he has said before. It was far too "awww" and "inspirational cloud on a summers day" for the guy. But what proof do I have to back myself up with? Well, for starters, John Lennon didn't even live with his mother at age 5, he lived with his Aunt Mimi. Secondly, Lennon came from Liverpool, where the word "assignment" (as an American term) isn't common place, rather "homework" would be used. You look those up if you like, I don't need to.

But still, I recognise it would be much easier for me to back-up my statements if anyone actually knew who the original author was. But as someone who has read countless John Lennon books, and have come across millions of his quotes before (almost every John Lennon/Beatles saying has been written down to death, trust me, it's The Beatles) it really bothered me that a Brand New Lennon Quote would suddenly manifest to light, especially when the earliest date we can find it posted to the Internet was this site in 2001, according to the discussion here.

Hell, people give Wikiquote shit, but the point is that you are required to reference your shit there. And yet on a page this size, why is there no sign of that text? Surely a saying so potent would be there if anyone could actually find a good source? Exactly.

If you don't think this is enough proof, then prove he did say it. Surely that should be fairly easy to do if it truly was him, right? I can find quite a few examples where it blatantly states it's unsourced.

I have since found multiple sources (here and here and here and here and here and here) that claim this quote was from a German Tumblr user named Hazel Weatherfield, the original text written in her own language, like so:

"Als ich fünf Jahre alt war, sagte mir meine Mama immer, dass das Glück der Schlüssel zum Leben sei. Als ich in die Schule kam fragten sie mich, was ich werden möchte, wenn ich erwachsen bin. Ich schrieb “glücklich”. Sie sagten mir, dass ich die Aufgabe nicht verstünde und ich sagte ihnen, dass sie das Leben nicht verstünden."

If true, this is extra sad for two reasons: (1) Hazel Weatherfield may have no idea that her translation is currently being so abused, due to the language difference; and (2) This means that both of these quotes were ripped from an everyday Tumblr user, possibly their only chance at 15 minutes completely torn from their future.

You guys, the point is this: I see some really smart people posting this shit all the time. It's like they go onto autopilot the moment they hit Facebook. But as far as all of this goes, if you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem. So PLEASE for the love of PRESERVING HISTORY and HONOURING OUR HEROES, trust NOTHING, Google EVERYTHING FFS.

If I catch you now, I will slaughter you. This has been a fair warning.
Thank you.

Tuesday 31 July 2012

Official Guide To The Top 50 Albums Of 2011, Reinterpreted As Short Stories

Official Guide To The Top 50 Albums Of 2011, Reinterpreted As Short Stories

Look, I am just one man. I have never claimed to be anything else, because I knew this one guy who claimed to be two people, and he was off his tits messed up.

But I think when it came down to my 5-part piece of writing called The Top 50 Albums Of 2011, Reinterpreted As Short Stories... I pushed this one man to the very limit. I could not have gone any further or worked any harder on anything (especially in the space of time I did) without popping a neuro blood vessel, and I challenge anyone to disagree. Hence why I decided, so many months later, to step back and explain exactly how such a gigantic project came to be. This is what went down, OH PLEASE BE IMPRESSED WITH ME.

The ball started rolling for this blog as early as September 2010. I had decided to make a Top 50 Albums list for the said year, and very quickly found out that there were many more highly regarded 2010 albums than I had the time to listen to. Frantically, I did my very best (which wasn’t bad), listening to up to 10 albums a day and taking notes on each one, eventually putting together quite a decent bit of researched writing. But when it was done, I swore that 2011 would be different. I would start the second the year began, and would listen to every album made. Ambition is one of my strong points.

So from January the 1st to February the 28th, I kept a nice little Google Spreadsheet of albums I had listened to, giving each one a quick rough review. I grew so proud of this that I even invited some decent friends to take a look if they wanted to, until it became obvious that this was a very popular idea. I realised had to go public with it, and so I did. Introducing: The Juice Nothing 2011 Album Charts.

How it worked was like this: every weekday I would listen to multiple albums released within 2011, and then sort them in some kind of an order, pretending I was a famous music critic with an opinion that mattered. I would keep rough notes open for the world to see, and even included the album cover and Spotify links! OMG WOW! Actually, it was pretty cool because I knew at least 5 people personally who used it every single day as their main music resource, and the hits it received reflected many more.

But even when you are critiquing things, people will critique you, which is an interesting concept. The one thing a few people loved to give me shit about was that fact that I had included how many times I had listened to each album. Very often (especially with new albums) I would write a rough review and place it in a position on the list from only one listen. Shock! Horror! Judging an album after only one listen!? Sacrilege! And yes, you fuckers who said that were absolutely right. One should never judge an album on first listen, that’s ridiculous.

What these whiny bitches failed to take note of, was that I was telling you how many times I had listened to each one for that exact reason. I did it by choice. I didn’t have to do that, did I? But I wanted you to know that, yes, maybe I was calling an album shite/the best thing ever, but it was based on FIRST IMPRESSIONS. I didn’t want to lie to people and bluff that I knew what I was saying when my opinion could change on the next listen, so I was open, and fuck you. Furthermore, you have to understand that even though I didn’t always listen to a full album many times, I did always save the tracks that struck my attention into this Spotify playlist here. And seeing as I still listen to that exact same playlist on random every single day on my way to work/home, I often hear songs off each of these albums on an almost weekly basis. Happy? I am. I’m glad I finally got to address this.

I digress. The point is, I had this list, and it was growing and growing and growing. And then when June rolled around, I suddenly hit panic mode. I realised that despite having listened to hundreds of albums already, I hardly knew any of them at all. What was the point? I was trying to get to know which albums I loved the most, and instead ended up skimming so many that I didn't know any of them on any sort of deeper level. So, besides listening to new albums everyday, I also went back at this point and re-listened from the beginning of January, as well as rewriting each review in a much neater form.

What I didn’t realise is that round about this point, I had started to achieve the exact opposite of my original plan. I had begun to stress about music again, only much worse than I did at the end of 2010.

However, it has to be said that by the time November rolled around, I was in a very unique and thorough vantage point. I challenge anyone to say that they knew 2011 music better than me, and I still wouldn’t believe them. In the end I had listened to 580 albums from the year, the vast majority more than once. So needless to say that when it came to compiling the Top 50, it was a relatively straightforward process. The only thing I will elaborate about my final choices, is that I didn’t necessarily pick the albums that were the best, but rather the ones that stuck with me. Some made the list that weren’t half as good as their peers, but they wouldn’t stop talking to me in my sleep, while some very solid and perfect albums faded into obscurity.

Ok, so I had my top 50, great. And I had begun the tedious task of reviewing each one. I did this by taking the short reviews I already had written, and then reading other professional reviews to learn more adjectives I agreed with. I got through 5 or so using this method, when I realised that with some of them, there was a fictional story brewing within. And that’s when I got the oh-so-great idea of not just reviewing these albums, but rather writing short stories based on each one. It was cool. I still had time.

They got bigger and bigger until the worst thing in the world happened: I clicked that a lot of these stories could be connected if done in the right way. At first, I figured it would be a cool mission to have subtle themes that ran through just some of the albums, well aware that most people wouldn’t pick it up. An in-joke with myself, so to say. But as I went on, the story began to reveal itself more and more, and I felt like I had to commit to making this essentially one long story, all connected, each album a different chapter rather than their own entity. It was such a great concept that I could not ignore it, but now I was faced with a much larger effort without much time to do it.

In the end, it became so large that I had to release it in 5 parts, and even worse, I couldn’t even finish it before 2012. The final 2 parts leaked over into January, but I had no choice. Because by now, I was losing my mind. The project was so epic that it was swallowing me, and I was very depressed throughout the process. So many times I wanted to back the fuck out of it, but I was too far down the pit to do any such thing. I'm actually amazed that I stuck it out to the end to be honest, but I did, and on the 31st of January, I clicked Publish on the final part, relieved and in tears that it was finally over.

The unfortunate thing is that, while it is one of the biggest and best things I’ve ever tackled, the execution could have been better. The whole idea turned into a pile of bloated wank and was completely ridiculous. Sure, one of the biggest music review sites on the internet named The Needle Drop happened to stumble upon it and then devoted a Tweet to it. And sure, the hits for those blogs are thousands more than most of my writings. But the thing is, I knew not many of my friends had the attention span to even bother with it, which sucks because it deserved the love. I deserved the love. Even worse is that any one who did read it (and I love you!), would have been faced with a confusing and cryptic experience at best. This is mainly because I didn’t change the order of the albums to better serve the story, I just wrote around the fact it was still a Best Of list. Hence why it seems to jump all over the place. And hence is why I felt the need to write this guide.

Which is a good point to introduce the next chapter: the full story in the fastest execution possible. I hope after reading it, more people will appreciate what I have done here, because by any means, this is one fucking gigantic monster. It’s so complicated that I doubt anyone could even make a movie out of it. Hell, I hardly even feel like I can take full credit for writing it, because the albums themselves have their own personalities and lead the story in their own way, totally out of my control. To me, that's the coolest thing: here is this story which simply could not have existed until right at the end of 2011. That’s quite special to me.

Anyways, if you would like to give it a shot before reading the summary, I totally urge you to do so here. Listen to the albums whilst you read the chapters, otherwise you might miss it. For everyone else, this is what I was on about:

The Top 50 Albums Of 2011 Summarized

In the beginning, The Creator watches all things. He creates this story for his own entertainment, as he always has, on infinite loop. The Prophecy begins once again (Nicolas Jaar - Space Is Only Noise).

As per said Prophecy, King West visits King Jay’s kingdom (Jay-Z and Kanye West - Watch The Throne) which results in a disagreement of who is the greater king. Because of this, King West organizes a witch to place a sleeping curse on Jay's daugher, Princess Kylie (When Saints Go Machine - Konkylie), a spell that can only be broken by The Chosen One. King West then makes a pact with Satan, and together with the army of hell and his own army, he attacks King Jay’s kingdom (Graveyard – Hisingen Blues). This army includes King West’s son, The Prince, who recently had a dream in which he was informed that he was The Chosen one, and needs to wake Kylie. He finds and kisses her, breaking the spell, but they both end up dying that same day anyway (The Dø - Both Ways Open Jaws). The kingdom falls to West and Satan, while King Jay escapes to speak to the Wise One on the mountain. It is here he is given information about The Prophecy, learning that there will always be an Eternal Couple and a war between earth and hell, destined to repeat for eternity, where no one ever really wins (Astronautalis - This Is Our Science).

Centuries later, a pale girl (later known as Erika) is born into a village (tUnE-yArDs - w h o k i l l), and is celebrated for her differences, living happily for many years. However, this birth signals the start of the new Prophecy cycle. This information reaches a race of aliens who watch our planet, and they send in The Beasties to try and intercept the whole process (Björk - Biophilia). However, something interferes with their plans, and their spaceship gets stuck in our atmosphere (The Psychic Paramount - II), where they are eventually captured by the Japanese government. Eventually they manage to escape, and attempt once again to fulfill their mission (Gang Gang Dance - Eye Contact). At the same time, two Dragons with a similar idea build a robot and send it to try and alter The Prophecy themselves (Little Dragon - Ritual Union).

Many years later, Erika’s tribe is invaded by evil monkeys, and they slaughter everyone except for her. She endures torture at their hands, until The Robot catches up and frees her. This is witnessed by The Beasties, who decide to take the two of them to New York to escape (Modeselektor - Monkeytown). Once there, The Beasties take everyone to a party, where they meet a random girl and decide to fuck her (Beastie Boys - Hot Sauce Committee Part Two), mistakenly leaving Erika and The Robot there all alone. They never find them again, and can’t seem make contact with the mothership anymore, so they opt to stay in New York under disguise, enjoying life on Earth (Gang Gang Dance - Eye Contact). Similarly, The Robot also goes home to his dragon parents, who accept that one cannot meddle with The Prophecy after all (Little Dragon - Ritual Union).

In a different side of this story, a guy named Jimmy is living the good life (Foster the People - Torches) and ends up at that same party we spoke about earlier. He takes drugs, and then passes out. In this state, he experiences a vision where he meets The Wise Man on the mountain, who talks to him about The Prophecy and the role he has to play in it, ending off by instructing him to "help the girl" (Gil Scott-Heron & Jamie xx - We're New Here). Jimmy wakes up without remembering much of it, and then stumbles around the now empty party house, ending up having sex with some stranger (The Weeknd - House of Balloons). However, halfway through the act, he gets ditracted by a noise which he decides to investigate. It's here that he discovers a very lost and disorientated Erika (EMA - Past Life Martyred Saints). He doesn’t remember why, but he knows he needs to look after her.

After a while, it becomes obvious that Jimmy needs to make money to support himself and this girl who can’t even speak English. He gets involved with gang life (REKS - Rhythmatic Eternal King Supreme) and starts to move up the ladder (The Roots - undun), earning more cash, respect and responsibility. Erika starts to learn English, and they fall deeper and deeper in love with each other, as well as developing an unhealthy smack addiction. It’s here that Jimmy devises a plan to scam his gang and take all of their money, escaping this terrible life once and for all (Frank Ocean - Nostalgia, Ultra).

Surprisingly, the plan works, and they move to his parent’s house next to a forest with a lot more money, get off the smack, and live a much better lifestyle. One day in the woods (Washed Out - Within and Without), the couple come across a a massive Mammoth, who reminds Jimmy about what The Wise one told him about The Prophecy. He blessed Jimmy with superpowers and instructions to go fight in the Ocean War, which is yet another attack from Hell on Earth (Bon Iver - Bon Iver, Bon Iver). Jimmy gets euphoric after receiving the gift (Braids - Native Speaker), and changes his name to Buck Jacobs to reflect this new superhero persona.

Together, Erika and Jimmy/Buck move onto a boathouse closer to the ocean, fall even deeper in love, and become rich due to Buck’s new talents (Tennis - Cape Dory). He fights in the Ocean War and ends up defeating Hell, saving many people in the process and becoming a hero (Dumbo Gets Mad - Elephants at the Door), while Erika has fallen pregnant (Cults - Cults). However, in his new found fame, Buck ends up cheating with a girl named Lucy (Raphael Saadiq - Stone Rollin'), but upon finding out Erika is pregnant, he retires from herodom, and becomes a family man. Together they raise their daughter Gillian who also has superpowers of her own. Everything is perfect, until the day Erika receives a phonecall from Lucy who details the affair (The Black Keys - El Camino), which hurts her so badly that she packs her bags and runs away to the countryside. But being apart affects the couple very badly, to the degree that they both become very physically ill. Erika develops a bad tumour (Jessica Lea Mayfield - Tell Me) until she can’t take it anymore, and screams herself into non-existence, becoming nothing more than a marketable product, mass consumed but gone forever (Adele - 21). Buck, on the other hand, becomes a severe alcoholic and loses all his powers. He finds dealing with Gillian as a single parent very difficult, especially because it reminds him too much of his painful past. He changes his name to James and decides he needs to get rid of Gillian once and for all (Cage the Elephant - Thank You, Happy Birthday). He hires two men to take her away, who do so, and they put her up for auction to the highest bidding "orphanage for gifted kids". Needless to say, she fetches a very high price due to her super powers (Matana Roberts - Coin Coin Chapter One: Gens de Couleur Libres).

While all this has been going on, The Devil himself gets angry about losing The Ocean War. He puts the blame on his Mastodon, whose role is to give birth to special demons who will lead the wars. The Mastodon (sister of The Mammoth) then presents Satan with her latest creation, The Hunter, and they decide to initiate another war right away (Mastodon - The Hunter). They send this creature to Earth, where it is discovered in a junkyard by the Priest Giles. The Hunter bites him, which infects his mind and grants the demon full control over the man's actions (Tom Waits - Bad As Me). Giles then takes the creature back to the orphanage where he works, which is the same place that has recently acquired Gillian. That night, Gillian herself wakes up after a nightmare and decides to explore the building (Snowman - Absence), subsequently coming into contact with Giles and The Hunter. That’s the last we hear of her (Giles Corey - Giles Corey). After this, Giles (still under the command of The Hunter) gets hold of the British government to give them a long-lost code which he claims will open a portal they have long had in possession, but were unable to access (Frank Turner - England Keep My Bones). They do so, and it works, unfortunately opening a gateway to hell, unleashing Satan's army who invade Britain (Septic Flesh – The Great Mass). The effect on the world is peculiar and immediate, as the weather changes and animals begin to act strangely, all at the exact same time (Fink - Perfect Darkness). Children start rumours that Santa Clause was captured (Anna Calvi - Anna Calvi) and some human beings are tortured and turned into demons themselves (Chelsea Wolfe - Apokalypsis). The war has begun, despite The Devil receiving a visit from the angel St. Vincent, warning him that he will lose this round (St. Vincent – Strange Mercy).

Back to James, he is now in a much worse way, falling further into depression and alcohol addiction, as well as suffering from very strange dreams (Oh Land - Oh Land). After witnessing a vision in a puddle of Erika slow dancing with an unknown figure, he decides this is the last straw and he must kill himself (Jamie Woon - Mirrorwriting). He returns home to do the deed in his attic, where he discovers a letter that Erika has sent to him from beyond. She tells him not to kill himself but rather fight in the English War, as it is his destiny to do so (La Dispute – Wildlife). He does what it says, joining the battle (The Joy Formidable - The Big Roar) and accidentally shooting The Hunter in its eye, which in turn, wins the war against Hell. The country is still a massive mess even after the victory, but many humans have survived while all the monsters starve and die without leadership (PJ Harvey – Let England Shake). However, all the pain James has been endured has taken its toll, and he is destroyed mentally due to the loss of Erika and Gillian, as well as the horrors he was exposed to during the war. In the end, he decides to kill himself after all, and jumps in front of a train (Defeater - Empty Days and Sleepless Nights).

In death, Jimmy meets up with Erika and they slowdance in a ballroom. It is here Jimmy learns that the two of them were The Eternal Couple all along, not only in this lifetime, but also in the medieval lifetime, as well as an infinite amount of times before then. The Prophecy is destined to repeat forever, and they will always be cursed to live and die in complications and turmoil, but will meet back here afterwards, in love, forever more. They fade away in each other's arms, set to reborn once again. And the cycle continues (The Caretaker - An Empty Bliss Beyond This World).

The story ends back with the The Creator, who curses the story he made for his own entertainment, and mourns the pointless suffering just because he had nothing better to do. But despite all his self loathing, he starts the next Prophecy, once again (James Blake - James Blake).

The Bits Of The Top 50 Albums Of 2011 You May Have Missed

In the Graveyard chapter (#49), there is the line “A recent curse on his only daughter had left him weak, and the news must have spread to his enemies who had torn onto his land only days later, lead by a horse with wings made of fire.” This horse was one of the creatures birthed by The Mastodon, designed to lead that specific war. The monster itself being an obvious reference to Mastodon's 2002 album Remission which features said creature on the cover.

Also in the Graveyard chapter (#49), it ends with the line “A clatter of metal echoed not far from where they stood”, which was a deciding factor for King Jay to escape up the mountain, as he thought the enemy was closing in. However, this noise actually came from relatively harmless Prince trying to find Kylie, which was referenced in The Do’s chapter (#34) with the line “...knocking over piles of scrap metal which clattered and echoed in the hallways.”

Sticking to The Do’s chapter (#34), it mentions “a quaint white room, filled with assorted crafts and arty pottery” which is where Kylie slept in her spell. Decades later in Frank Ocean’s chapter (#27), the “reincarnate” of Kylie (Erika) is mentioned to also be into those crafts, when Jimmy suggests she could “could start selling [her] pottery”. Can’t actually remember if I did that on purpose, to be fair.

In Raphael Saadiq’s chapter (#41), Jimmy/Buck is very preoccupied when he is about to sleep with Lucy, “never once noticing his desperate cellphone ringing furiously in his back pocket”. That was Erika calling him from the Cults’ chapter (#22), trying to inform him she is pregnant with Gillian.

In the Dumbo Gets Mad chapter (#31), they talk of a boat “built out of the most indestructible wood on record, made from dragon trees”. Which seems like an obvious nod to the Little Dragon chapter (#2), surely.

Also in the Dumbo Gets Mad chapter (#31) (and much like the Graveyard chapter (#49)), there is mention of “a giant whale-like creature”, which was another creature birthed by The Mastodon to lead the war, and an obvious reference to Mastodon's 2004 album Leviathan which features said monster on the cover.

The “young adults [who] had romanticized about these fights in their imagination due to poetic stories from veterans at their local pubs” in PJ Harvey’s chapter (#3) were the same teenage boys from the pub in Frank Turner’s chapter (#39)

One of my favourite parts of the story. In Jamie Woon’s chapter (#11), Jimmy/James experiences a vision in a puddle of Erika waltzing with an unknown male figure. At one point, “the girl… turned her head and looked straight at James, as if looking right into the camera like they did on TV.” After he decides to kill himself, receives the letter, fights in the war, and then jumps in front of the train, Jimmy ends up waltzing with Erika in the afterlife in The Caretaker's chapter (#4). At some point during Jimmy’s questioning as to what was going on, “Erika opened her mouth to answer, but then quickly glanced up to the corner of the room, smiling at a camera like they were in some black-and-white film”. In case this doesn’t make sense, it proves that when Jimmy was looking into the puddle, he was actually watching his dead future self dancing with Erika. And when Jimmy was dead and slow dancing with Erika, she still smiles at the camera, making contact with the Jimmy in the past. I dunno, I feel like that was one of my best touches ever.

And finally, it is important to point out that this whole story (in particular: The Eternal Couple) actually ties into every Goat’s Nest story I have written so far. The evidence is also in The Caretakers chapter (#4), with the line “She reminded him of times even before then, times after then, and times beyond ordinary comprehension. Times when they were insects and times when they were bears. A time when he was a machine and she was a diseased little girl [You Don’t Have To Choose]. A time when they only knew each other for a small amount of minutes, both victims of a plane crash [The Art Of Enjoyable Flying]. Even a time when he was an inspired scarecrow and she was a humanoid fish-breed [The Poster Couple For Cross-Species Relationships].” All of this will make even more sense as more stories get released.

The Top 50 Albums Of 2011 Entries Reply

After the full article was finally completed, I did the obvious groupie thing and tried to get in contact with every single one of these artists. And it pretty awesome to actually get a few responses! They are as follows:

The Psychic Paramount (Chapter #46)
Guitarist Drew St. Ivany replied to my email, saying “Thanks Jared. We love it, especially how it starts with "Something had gone wrong..."

Giles Corey (Chapter #44)
I couldn’t find any contact details for this underground artist, so I tweeted their record label, who responded with “cool!”

Dumbo Gets Mad (Chapter #31)
I also found it hard to find any contact details for this awesome band, so I tweeted their label Bad Panda, who responded with “awesome Jared, thanks for the heads up!”. Even better, they started to follow me on Twitter, as well as contacting Dumbo Gets Mad themselves, who also started to follow me as a result. They both still follow me to this day. STOKED.

Fink (Chapter #16)
I tweeted them, and they responded with “quite a piece of work! might take us a while to read this...” :D :D :D

Matana Roberts (Chapter #13)
I tweeted her, and she responded with "thanks 4 the happy kudos+the lovely review! some ppl hated this record.tho $13,500? Is tht slave costs taking n account inflation?" Basically meaning, she totally fucking read it.

Little Dragon (Chapter #2)
These guys simply ReTweeted me when I told them about it. Which made my heart explode. I got a lot of extra hits because of them, and loads of celebrities follow their account, so who knows what actually came of this? I am such a huge fan, this alone made the whole project worth it to the max.

The Top 50 Albums Of 2011: Next 25

51. Battles - Gloss Drop
52. The Go! Team - Rolling Blackouts
53. The Horrors - Skying
54. Stateless - Matilda
55. Miles Kane - Colour Of The Trap
56. The Civil Wars - Barton Hollow
57. The Naked And Famous - Passive Me, Aggressive You
58. Planningtorock - W
59. Suuns - Zeroes QC
60. Wagon Christ - Tomorrow
61. Alice Gold - Seven Rainbows
62. Cat’s Eyes - Cat’s Eyes
63. Yelle - Safari Disco Club
64. Lanu - Her 12 Faces
65. Joan As Police Woman - The Deep Field
66. Tapes ‘n Tapes - Outside
67. Lia Ices - Grown Unknown
68. Noel Gallagher - Noel Gallagher's High Flying Birds
69. Radiohead - The King Of Limbs
70. Paul White - Rapping With Paul White
71. Dominik Eulberg - Diorama
72. WU LYF - Go Tell Fire To The Mountain
73. Seefeel - Seefeel
74. Amon Tobin - ISAM
75. Manchester Orchestra - Simple Math

The Top 50 Albums Of 2011 Conclusion

I think the funniest thing about this guide is that I constantly refer to the original short stories as a pile of wank. And then I went ahead and wrote another article dissecting the wank, so this is like a wank within a wank or something? Sounds kind of nice, actually.

Regardless (and as far as pure time and concentration goes) I think it is easy for anyone to see why this is probably my best work to date, in some ways. I mean, all things considered, I am extremely proud of the whole effort, and so if you didn't read it, I don't care too much. Just as long as when I die, someone says "hey, Jared did some stuff sometimes".

However, I do see the insanity and stupidity in the whole thing. And for that reason, I must apologise to anyone who actually enjoyed the stories more than they should have, because I will never ever do anything like this again. Music is not meant for such madness, and I totally destroyed my 2011 entertainment because of it. But now with this guide out the way, I can pretend everyone is happy that I cleared up a few of the finer details, and we can lay it to rest once and for all. I, for one, feel much better, thanks.

Oh my God, I can breathe.

Well, would you look at that? Juice Nothing blogs are all different and shit. To be honest, this change took effect on Friday the 13th of July 2012, but seeing as I am only announcing it now, let’s pretend it just happened. I knocked it up in a few hours, you like? I was very hungover and simply couldn’t take what it used to look like anymore. Which was this, if you don’t remember.

I know you don’t care, but I want to go into the four reasons why I have made this change:

(1) Blogger doesn’t have a nice embed feature, so I was using an iFrame which is BAD WEB-DESIGN. IFRAME NO NO.
So I have stripped the blog side of J0 out, now as its own separate entity. The main Juice Nothing site now serves as nothing but a gateway onto harder drugs. The Loling Floor has grown up and moved out.

(2) The page you are currently reading actually gets more hits than the main Juice Nothing site itself (interestingly enough, mainly from America, hi!) because it is jammed packed with so many keywords you couldn’t count them if you tried. Try! Which meant that by googling stuff like, for example, “I Am The Reincarnation Of John Lennon" or “How To Fuck Boys", you would end up on the shitty old design. Made me look like a fucking amateur.

(3) White-on-black text is a bad idea. I used to read my own blog and my vision would blur. This classic look provides much less health-threatening entertainment.

(4) Finally, go look on it in a smartphone! Go do it! It works sooo much better! It didn’t even work before! Hoorah! I fixed everything.

So that’s some Juice Nothing news, hope you were into it, because here is some more:

Since my last news update, there have been two decent articles written, as follows:

On the 17th October 2010 (a day after my birthday), I got an email from a girl who had no connection to me whatsoever except a mutual love and respect for a friend’s art. This friend was my favourite artist Scab, and so when she suggested we secretly collaborate on a piece to celebrate his genius, I jumped at the idea. I even mentioned it in this ancient news post here (it was the super secret thing).
If the original date of said email wasn’t enough evidence, it wasn’t as easy as it seemed on paper. We would write and write and then send drafts back and fourth, perpetually adding to it until we ended up with a fucking novel. As a result, test screenings didn’t go down well. It was bloated, spoke in circles and became far too complicated for its own good. So we hacked the shit out of it, sprinkled it with some magic spice, and that’s what you have now, just under 2 years later.
Scab is an artistic genius, and I will do anything to make him famous. Anything. In fact, making Scab famous is the number 2 thing on my to-do list. The first is to get famous myself. So if nothing else, just look at the pictures. I would never write a blog like this for anyone else, and it turned out to be a great little world where Juice Nothing and Scab meet on some sort of imaginary plane. Just click it already, fuck.
Scab himself was very flattered, by the way.

Official Guide To The Top 50 Albums Of 2011, Reinterpreted As Short Stories
Even though I began writing this pretty much at the same time the original short story was published, I was so sick of the idea by then that I just let it go. Even more interesting (for me) is that I wasn't even planning to launch it now. I have another blog written which is pretty much 90% done, but I just couldn't get over the final hurdle in time. So instead, I spent the last few days digging out this one and frantically rewriting it just to fulfill my quota.
So yeah, if you thought the short stories themselves weren't wanky enough, here is a whole fucking in-depth look at the wank. Still, it does feel good explain myself finally, and I am glad it's fucking over.

I have decided to take life slower until 2013 for reasons I will conclude this article with. As mentioned in the previous paragraphs, I do have another blog nearly written which I’ll cough out in the next 2 weeks or so, but I really want to put out my next short story above all else. By my standards, it’s very good. Not in a conceited kind of way, but just in a “holy shit, this surpasses everything else I’ve ever done, I am going to try get this published” kind of way. Maybe there is some conceit in there, actually. But for good reason.

Coming Down Happy was giving me panic attacks, man. I was going about it all wrong, allowing the negative reactions to really get to me. Because of this, I began working way too hard to get the second part of the story finished, attempting to rectify what the point of this project really was. I got pretty far too. But I was in the wrong space completely, and the reasons were not conducive to creative exploration. I even nearly unpublished the last two news items from the site because I cringe at how confused and fear-stricken I came across. It's embarrassing.
So fuck that, the second part will not be released this year after all. If it happens in 2013, that would be swell, but I don't care. However, other CDH stuff is going on, don't panic. At least one unrelated song is being planned; the comic is on my mind; and most importantly - I have a gig! If you are in London, please make an appearance! It’s guaranteed to suck and I’m nervous as all hell, but living in fear is what keeps me distracted from an otherwise dull existence. Here is a flyer:

And I will not lose sight of what is important ever again. Fun is important. Period.
Speaking of which...

Well, it finally fucking happened. After slowly stroking our cocks for so long, our collective jizz has shot fourth and we have already more than doubled the content that 2011 brought to the dinner table. And it’s only July.

In summary, this is what we released:

Hello Outlook, Show Me Your Reel
A show reel in our attempt to get free tickets and film a docco for Outlook festival. We got through to the interview stage, but ultimately didn’t get the job. Sucks, but cool. I see this video as more of symbolic thing: a showcase of where we have been, and a sign that new things are to come.

RAwDeAl - Don't Pity Me
Completely Ammr’s baby, this is a music video for a friend and talented rapper RAwDeAl. Sometimes in film you have to shoot videos for music you don’t like, and this was not one of those cases. Skill is ill. I love it, Mr. Khalifa. I love you.

Nuestra Casa Summer Boat Party
An old piece Kris gone and done. It is basically just people having fun and partying on a boat. Hard to watch while sitting at your desk, but it got loads of Likes so maybe people dug the torture. Masochists love us.

Nitrous of the Living Dead 2: HELLium on Earth - Official Trailer
A funny trailer put together by Ammr, advertising none other than

Nitrous of the Living Dead 2: HELLium on Earth
After almost 2 years, the sequel has finally been released. It's great for me to watch, because I was so drunk. As much as my impeccable acting will wow you into thinking I was walking around in fear, I was actually laughing hysterically in-between every single shot. That's how brilliant I am. You would never even know. Watch it and dare to disagree (warning: you will probably disagree).

There are 2 other videos on the verge of completion (or so I am told (and people often lie to me (dicks))) as well as another with some footage shot. Besides these, I can think of 2 or 3 other ideas getting thrown around, so FPP may never slow down ever again. Personally, I am super satisfied with this project, and don't mind just sleeping for a bit instead.

By reading the above Coming Down Happy entry, you may have smelt a slight hint of discomfort in my recent times. I eventually countered this the only way I know how: I reread Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis. For the 7th time. And it worked, as always. First thing I did was go gig hunting, which may or may not have been a good idea in hingsight.

But above this, I posted on the nets looking for a band. And then I got a reply. And then I met up with three guys who allowed me to put a mic to my mouth and make noise over their jammings. In just over a week, we were in a room and played some tunes, and it felt good. I think I’m in a band again or something. As you may know, I haven’t had the best of luck when it comes to this medium of collaborative creativity, but the intention is to have fun and the vibe feels right. Who knows what will happen? Maybe nothing. Maybe gigs and recordings and websites and groupies and record deals and cocaine and limos. My eyes are on the latter. But for now, it’s just four dudes, playing rock music, getting to know each other, rocking it out, not thinking too much. On a side note, I think the lyric “the same face that I make when I'm shooting guns is the same face that I make when I fuck” from A Kiss by Bad Meets Evil performed by Royce da 5’9” is fucking cool.

I have been doing a lot in recent months. Too much. To the point that I actually got extremely sick for 2 whole weeks back there, which I am positive is somewhat a result of over-working. I’ve felt like a headless chicken desperate for attention. I want to stop this madness. I want to chill. I want to die and fade into obscurity. So for the rest of the year, I am taking a much more backseat approach. It might be a while before I update this blog again, or it might be tomorrow. It doesn't matter, the point is I am feeling much better since making this decision. And who knows? This attitude could actually make things happen faster, so let’s all just get along and have nice times, ok?

Thanks for reading your own blog again, Jared.
It's a pleasure, Jared.

Thursday 14 June 2012


Written by Jared Woods and The Oracle

Scab is the best artist in the world My day couldn’t have got any worse. Lost in the unrelenting torrent of the frozen rain on the streets of London, I was verging on a panic attack. I had been invited to a friend’s art gallery, but I hated those types of things. Pretentious people nodding in thought, staring at pieces of "art" with some intellectual meaning buried so deep within them, that they make no sense to anyone but the wanky artist themselves. I found those situations uncomfortable and alienating. I guess I just didn’t “get” it, and generally chose to drink so much complimentary red wine that I would embarrass myself. Why was this? I used to love art! But now my numb frustration from the pouring rain seemed almost symbolic of my feelings towards the art world in general. Saturated. Watered down. Weak to the point of convalescent withdrawal and disappearing up its own ass.

joh, check out this venus flytrap bru Bitterly swearing at my thoughts and seeking refuge from the miserable weather, I ducked into what may have been the dodgiest pub in England, and found myself facing a sparsely populated choice of clientele. The stoic career alcoholics and the desperately lonely; the place reeked of cheap whiskey and long since shattered dreams. Still, the sheets of water bouncing off the outside sidewalk were even less inviting, and I decided to make the best of it. I ordered a pint based on the colour of its brand logo alone, and found a seat as far away from the locals as possible, next to an empty airless booth.

Victoria Beckham has significantly lost weight over the years As life happens to do so from time to time, unfortunate circumstances can lead to the best discoveries. Whilst sipping the foul liquid this pub sold as “beer”, a yellow piece of paper fluttered out of nowhere and landed at my feet. I looked down curiously and found some small yet interesting pencil sketch staring back at me. Naturally, I wanted to inspect this thing a little bit closer. But before I got my chance to lean forward and focus on this image, lightening fast claws struck towards my sneakers and snatched the page back into the darkness. There was someone next to me... something... which I’d failed to notice before, now cradling this rescued piece of paper like a lost child, still barely visible in the dark recess of the booth.

Fear would have been appropriate. At very least, enough discomfort to move seats, but this didn’t really occur to me. Whatever image I had glimpsed on that page was... different somehow. Different enough that the inquisitiveness overrode the fears anyway. So with a gulp of alcoholic courage, I turned to introduce myself to the stranger, and in return, he gave a short hesitant mumble, attempting to brush me off as quickly as possible. But I was driven by my eagerness too much to be deterred, persisting until this personality eventually began to respond.

My life was never the same again.

fucking squash the puppy ripping out the eyes of the fox, hey, mr. vulture

He told me his name was Scab (which was a great introduction if I ever heard one), and as the torturous image on the paper had suggested, he was an artist. As far as personal details go, he hurriedly informed me that this was all there is to know. He was, however, much more willing to share information when it came to the scraps of paper he had bundled up around him. How about that? Only ten seconds into the conversation and he was already displaying the trademark of a true artist: creating out of necessity rather than bolstering personal status or propagating recognition. “Would you like to see?” he offered me in a South African accent, noticing my eyes on the bundle of paper. He took whatever face I made as a “yes” and began leafing through the pile, extracting dirty scraps of paper and large canvases from a paint splattered rucksack which appeared to have no limits. Like fucking Mary Poppins or something. One by one, he carefully offered me what I can only describe as fragments of his mind: distorted and bloody visions echoing soundlessly into my unprepared psyche in great contrast to the delicacy in which he handled them. I was overwhelmed - torn between my debilitating astonishment of his genius, and an intense urge not to touch his work at all, worried I may catch something. The horror was far too tangible and corporeally filthy, but it was moving me. Whether to the point to tears or regurgitation I cannot say, as I am still unable to distinguish the one from the other when confronted with Scab’s work.

her babies were tearing at her breast whilst feeding The first thing that would strike anyone in my position was that Scab’s mediums know no bounds. His origins, he told me, are in roughly drawn comic books, produced to vent his frustrations as a child who then slipped into the dirty underbelly of London’s underground graffiti scene. Since then, he has moved into to delicate pencil sketches; deeply intuative photography; oil painting; many forms of professional illustration and mural work; animation; plasticine creations; and modifing found objects - among many other things. This makes it impossible to describe his style in any general way, but the more I allowed my eyes to consume his offerings, the more reoccurring themes started to appear. He has a definite fascination with a few specific things: almost every piece presents a myriad of distorted characters with nightmarish proportions; exquisite expressions on grossly exaggerated features which somehow retain incredible realism and breath-taking detail; a common flash of genitalia seamlessly resides on an unlikely part of the body; disease ridden corpses; unsettling renditions of agitated mental disorders; death; gore; madness. All these themes so cliché in words that they requite a special kind of delicate attention to avoid the pit of mediocrity. And while none of this could be considered too healthy by anyone’s standards, I felt strangely refreshed by this brand new ownership of the doom metal aesthetic.

cute bunny bunny organs fed to owls

The body of work he had on his person was immense, and I became fearful of the array of visuals entering my already quivering lobes. A burst of a Venus Flytrap grins several terrifying grins from signature protruding gums; an aerosol piece depicting a scrawny mosquito shits out countless lava (affectionately titled “Victoria Beckham”); an adorable puppy is crushed, eyes budging, newly appropriated as road-kill on a filthy sidewalk; a vulture tears the insides from a mother fox, witnessed only by her terrified newly orphaned cub; and two evil looking children rip at the breasts of their amputee mother, as her body shrivels into a painful nothing and her vagina bleeds below her (“It’s called The Miracle Of Birth” he tells me with incongruous adoration). I note that he speaks of his works minimally - not as objects, but as his friends, affording them introductions as if formally inviting them to speak for themselves.

sucking at the wound with a straw Despite the churning of my stomach, I also found a hugely compassionate side to Scab’s work. His creations are shocking, sure, but they have that deranged sympathy which ties into the inevitable truths of the real world. This impression was further cemented by two separate oil paintings. The first of which was a rabbit feeding its young; the second of a mother owl eagerly feeding its own chick the remains of that very same rabbit. This is as heart-warming and innocent as it is upsetting, an honest representation of the harsh realities within the cycle of life. And all of his work is intimately laced with this distinct undertone of humour, a painful childlike quality which can be as confusing and awkward as it is playful and honest.

He then produces an album cover illustrated for the band Mucofloris, featuring one sinister character joyfully sucking fluids from the injuries of another individual, using nothing but a plastic drinking straw. And then I think... well maybe he’s just fucked up after all.

pedophile behind a tree the prolapse queen

Regardless, I try to explain to him how he never appears to use gore just for gores sake, and how each piece validates its disgust with an element of purpose. He pauses, and then silently rummages deeper into his bottomless rucksack, presenting me with art of a slightly different nature - his cocky way to substantiate my remark without too much arrogance, I suppose. These examples were void of his blood-and-guts concepts, and rather a collection of offbeat images contradicting his other works, rearranging my preconceptions thus far.

the bone ladder to the baby child of your dreamsFirst a massive collection of collages emerge. Scraps of every magazine, cut-out and stuck together in a light-hearted fashion, sometimes nothing more than a man peering from a tree or a £20 note featuring a slightly edited version of the Queen, in the most peculiar of ways. He then introduces me to some of his photography, classically shot in black and white, just another notch in his lengthy belt of means to channel and create. It didn’t even end there, as more and more of these specimens found their way into my hands. An amusing short comic strip featuring the exploits of “Sour Cat”, depressed in a dead-end paper-delivery job. A delightful and intimate collaboration with the portrait artist Rachael Berry sees a menagerie of “undiscovered” creatures brought to light in impeccable detail. Various delicate nudes, interrupted by a thoughtful elongated mouse standing on its hind-legs, and then a series of 15 discarded fragments of wood brought starkly to life by vastly different expressions, emblazoned colourfully onto their former lifeless bodies.

cat in a dead end paper job breastfeeding a baby pig

Yet still, whilst these examples were generally non-offensive, Scab seems unable to fully escape the dark mumblings of something mischievous and tormented. Small details might skip the eye at first. A swollen vagina, for example, cut from a magazine assumes the place of a hairy moth’s mouth, which goes entirely unnoticed until you remember that moths do not generally have vaginas for faces. This type of discomforting aura is present throughout his entire collection, if you choose to look for it. Although I wouldn’t always recommended it.

a mouse bigger than a man Eventually the inevitable question broke the surface of my battered head, and I couldn’t stop my tongue from asking one specific personal detail. “How do you earn a living?” I delved, all too aware that any undiscovered artist will generally struggle to find the right market to pay for their talents. “I paint playground murals,” he responds despondently, vaguely aware of the ironic hilarity this stirs. He produces a photograph of one of his recent paid works, a fantastic psychedelic piece spanning a lengthy wall. Featuring myriad oddities: a large chameleon with gleeful children changing colour on its back; a huge glass pipe filled with water, carrying kids and assorted fish with the current; and the tentacles of a delightfully morbid green octopus, minding its own business. This kind of bright imagery could easily be absorbed for hours by any child, yet it still nurtures that unmistakable Scab undertone. Which, I imagine, could cause some concern in an oversensitive parent, perhaps reluctant to expose their offspring to such a twisted fairytale. I know it would for me. Something so awe-inspiring grants instant access to the imagination, and in that sense, potentially a massive influence on developing minds.

Basically: incredible.

the wood gang a moth's vagina

While he definitely expressed enjoyment in this type of work, his mood visibly lifts as he tells me in excitement about another string to his bow. He puts forward a few photographs of his latest adventures: people who have offered themselves to be permanent canvases for Scab’s mind, forever marked with the tattoos of his creation. These caught my attention in a more selfish respect, as I’d already envisioned my next inkage, and promptly asked him if he was any good at drawing trees. “You know, the old oak kind? Freaky and Autumn bare?” I should have known the answer. Within a few seconds he was scribbling something with a dark pencil on lose paper he had pulled out of thin air. I watched him work, the intense speed and focus coupled with a visible joy for doing what he does best. And before I could realise what was happening, he handed me the rough outline that had not existed only moments before. I took one look at the tree staring back at me; my own idea interpreted exactly as I’d envisioned it (had I the imagination to do so) and choked. “This is it,” I thought out-loud. “This is what I want.” He gave a small laugh (the first laugh he’d offered all evening) and agreed to do it by silently handing me his business card with a drunk-looking donkey on it. I wasn’t sure at the time, but I had just made a new friend.

is eating clay safe Touched, I continued to admire the piece, but in my periphery I was aware that Scab’s hidden face was darting around, ensuring we were alone. He asked me if I wanted to see something special, sounding much like a harmless flasher preparing to expose himself to my unsuspecting innocence. Without waiting for me to respond, he heaved yet another stack of paper from the bottomless bag and began to hand them to me somewhat cautiously.

“It’s called Johnny Cockhands,” he informed me. A perverse and elaborate graphic novel of sorts, cold in its colouring and presentation, portraying a most miserable character who is cursed with the affliction the title suggests: cocks for hands, and he is blatantly unhappy about it. In case you missed that, let me recap: HIS FUCKING HANDS ARE COCKS. The words themselves are by poet Steve Gregory, and Scab’s harrowing interpretations accompanying the tale have been under construction for many, many months, now on the verge of completion.

sad octopus with other ideas chameleon kidnaps kids

As if I wasn’t already drowning in the sheer quantity and dizzying proficiency of what I had already seen in our conversation, this was the poisoned cherry on top which would surely kill me. Instinctively, I pried as much as I could, but Scab refused to divulge any further. Perhaps regretting having revealed this precious work in progress, he gathered the pages back in haste before I could imbibe them fully. I was shook up, not only by his demeanor, but by the uncontrollable desire to see more of this narrative. Should I beg him? Pay him? Mug him? I borough these thoughts aside, but couldn’t get rid of one thought in particular: This guy is going to be huge.

owl tattoo Eventually I awoke from this state of awe for long enough to realise that the rain had now subsided to a drizzle, and patches of fading light broke through the grainy windows. I looked back at Scab who didn’t seem to notice this. He was engrossed in something else, and I decided one “beer” was enough for me and quietly made my exit. My mind had been significantly raped enough and I saw no reason to disturb him any further. I heaved my still sodden coat across my shoulders and walked out into the evening air, uneasy and exhausted. Time had flown by and I had missed my previous engagement, but I knew that something much more special had just happened. Something which left me feeling strangely rejuvenated by a new faith in art, a glaring contrast to the betrayal I had charged it with just a few hours earlier. So much so that I had already began to doubt any of this happened at all.

However, it did happen, and I proved this a few weeks later as I managed to secure an appointment for our second meeting. Yes, Scab has made his mark forever on my right calf with that tree tattoo I spoke of earlier, and it is with great pride I have become a permanent fixture in the Scab portfolio - with which I am no less obsessed. Our subsequent meeting was by no means any less extraordinary, and in some ways even more confusing than the first time. So much so that it would take another entire article to describe it, which I may write one day. But what I will say is that Scab appears to enjoy inflicting pain as much as he enjoys drawing it, and he certainly knows how to use needles. Point proven as I’ve literally had every single inked friend beg for his phone number since then, but I haven’t got his permission to give that out just yet.

Johnny Cockhands he has penis fingers

Since all of this, my own research has seen him compared to the likes of H.R Giger, Mateo Dineen, Jhonen Vasquez or even Mark Ryden (to name a few), but I find these comparisons far too lazy. Still, to place him in this calibre is most justified. He is possessed by what he does, and like the aforementioned artists, his results breathe with life, albeit sometimes a slow wheezing breath. One can practically smell the realities of his creations wriggling beneath the eerie silence of the pages, and you have to wonder how the world looks to someone like Scab. I mean, is anything really as it seems when everything is potentially something else? No, I don’t think so.

Tree tattoo All this aside, I feel it is impossible for me to sell Scab properly. I could never do his talent justice with any of the words in my vocabulary. But if what I have already said was not convincing enough, let me assure you that Scab is the most criminally undiscovered artist I have ever come into contact with. From our first meeting right until this moment (and the very reason I felt compelled to write this article), I can say that he is without a doubt my favourite artist on the planet. His work is like a disease, daring you to turn away in fear of something contagious, but is instead so busy breaking your heart that you can’t help but linger, hungry for more. And like his name suggests, scabs will grow on your cornea. They will hurt you. They will cause you discomfort and nag at your frayed nerves, but you won’t stop picking at them, tearing off pieces of yourself in the process. You will crave the injury, finding affection for the scars they leave behind, and eagerly inflict more wounds just to remember what it felt like in the first place. And when this happens, you will remember the time I told you this:

A tumour that festers as deep as Scab, can not possibly go ignored for any longer.

Visit Scab's site here, and Like his fan page here.

elongated clay figure pigeons are evil

mans best friend the best dream i ever had

zombies hand gripped his wrist miniature moth tattoo

the mother of all fuck ups his dog was twice the size of him

go to the dentist hippos have big jaws

Wednesday 30 May 2012

Scrapes On Your Knees

Juice Nothing Got Scraped On Their Knees

This is going to be one of those “I don’t have time for you right now” updates, because it’s true. I don’t have time for you right now. Mainly because you don’t have time for me. I get the statistics. I know how many people actually read these news items. Although contradictorily that doesn’t include you, because you are actually reading this. I guess "thanks" is what I'm trying to say? Whatever. The truth is that the only reason I don’t have anything clever or funny to go in this space is because all of my funny and clever is being used elsewhere, which will eventually reach you anyway. Christ, what the hell am I on about? This is the news:

As promised, I am making up for lost time and managed to release 2 fairly substantial articles in the month of May. The first was How To Fuck Girls And Not Cheat On Your Girlfriend which does exactly what it says on the box. It is the answer to all your problems as well as the answer to last years similarly titled How To Fuck Boys And Not Be Gay. People seemed to dig it, because it’s EDUCATIONAL. I wrote most of it on the tube during the frantic Coming Down Happy release months, so it was good to get it out there and still have a girlfriend by the end of it.

The second article was released TODAY, and goes by the name of Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works! Funny enough, I started writing this blog around mid-2010, but I was in a very unsettling mental space at the time and it didn’t feel right to launch something so happy-clappy whilst wallowing in self-pity. As a result, I put it on the back burner, but I did mentioned it ages ago in this super old news piece here. However, it was always on my mind, so recently I pulled out those pages and began rewriting it with added experiences and a more up-to-date reflection of my life. It turned out long and maybe it isn’t the most easy to digest, but it's still a solid piece of work I reckon, and a great injection of positive reminders into my life. If nothing else, admit the pictures are cool.

My plan is to release 2 articles next month too, as they are both pretty much done-ish. And then, believe it or not, there is a good chance July will see 2 articles as well, one of which may or may not be the guide to those The Top 50 Albums Of 2011, Reinterpreted As Short Stories I wrote, which still needs some sort of explaining. The point is, I just can’t seem to stop writing, and am having a blast doing so - why would I slow down? This kind of frantic creativity may not last, I must use it while I can.

After all this, I simple HAVE to launch my next short story. I am just under half way, and it is by far the coolest most researched fictional thing I have ever done. Amped.

On this side, I simply have no idea. I don’t even know what to say. It’s out of my court right now, as is the nature of collectives. From what I understand there are 3 videos basically done, so I guess we can all just try very hard to be patient? I’m trying very hard to be patient is what I am really saying.

As there is no point of repeating myself twice, you can find a bunch of Coming Down Happy news over here. I write about the beginnings of the sequel EP and then I moan about how depressed the whole project has made me in hindsight. The funny thing is that just after I wrote that, I went home and began busting out some of the raddest sounds I feel I have ever put together. So take it all with a pinch of salt, I feel much better now.

That is all,

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works!

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works
Ah yes, The Law Of Attraction. My story starts like most people’s, as I was introduced to the theory by one popular documentary by the name of The Secret. I will never forget that evening, it’s where everything in my brain changed. I am only half ashamed to admit I cried three times whilst watching it. The words just made so much sense to me, and more than anything, it held up a mirror to my current whiny miserable mental state of mind, reflecting back to me what I had been doing wrong for way too fucking long.

I know a few people who felt the same way: all of a sudden totally amped to pave their own existence and choose their own adventure. But one by one, I watched as none of them practiced what they preached or didn’t get the results they wanted, and then swore the whole thing off without allowing the magic to happen. Only a handful of people I know personally still subscribe to these ideals. For me particularly though, I was hooked, and read countless books by Wallace D. Wattles, Napoleon Hill, Bob Proctor and (especially) Abraham Hicks (to name a few); as well as going to seminars by John Demartini and Mike Dooley; and watching countless other movies and YouTube videos (especially Abraham Hicks, once again, she/he is my favourite). On top of this, I have also seen The Secret about 7 times, and while it is my least favourite of all the LOA materials available, it is a great gateway drug - I would always recommend you start there.

So what is Law Of Attraction, for those of you who don’t know? Well, it basically states this: whatever you think about the most will manifest into reality. By focusing on something (whether it be a good thing or a bad thing), more of it will come to result in your life. Once aware of the theory, the idea is to try and keep your thoughts on what you want as positive as possible. Which in more simple terms is as follows: be a little more optimistic and believe your dreams can come true, and they will. Because, if you think about it, who wouldn’t benefit from such a simple change of perception? Follow your bliss, yo!

Janthopoyism: Your New Religion

Look, I’m not trying to start a debate over the metaphysical aspect of this, or that people have been praying and casting spells to much the same effect for centuries. I am merely trying to explain that it’s like anything: if the thought feels good, it’s probably because it is good for you. If the thought feels bad, it’s probably because it is bad for you. That kind of makes sense, right?

Here’s a concept that works: have you ever learned a new word, and then suddenly you hear that word everywhere? Believe me, that word was always there, but seeing as our brains are bombarded with millions of images and sounds every day, we have a defense mechanism set up which only allows the stuff in that we have created a pathway for. It’s like when you are walking down a busy street, and a girl goes “OH MY GOD, SHOE SALE!” which she spotted from a ridiculous distance away. You would never have noticed that because that is not what you have focused your thoughts on, but this is all the girl can see. And then you might hear a football match coming from the pub and say “hold on honey, I just want to check the score” while the girl didn’t hear anything at all. It’s about becoming your own mind-gatekeeper, ensurng you choose what is worthy of your attention.

There are lots of little tips and tricks I have learned to make things work faster which I hope to touch on in great detail within these paragraphs, but keep in my mind that these are just my experiences and at the end of the day, you go ahead and live your life however you see fit. What do I care if you get cancer and die in a hospital bed all alone? I am totally in this for myself. But in this way, I am leading by example. Do not read this as me boasting on all the amazing and weird things I have manifested with minimal effort, but rather pick one of the following which you feel is something you would like more in your existence and then pay careful attention as to how I did it.

It’s fun! It has to be fun! Look at how much fun I am having! So much fucking fun!! Just look!!! Look!! Over here!!

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works: Material Possessions
10. Material Possessions
Generally people figure the main point of LOA is just to manifest material stuff. And why not really? Material stuff rules, and I have definitely done my fair share of this before.

There is a slight problem with this entry which I need add as a disclaimer first: when it comes to LOA, you get in-line mentally with the things you want and then they come to you in the most simplest of ways. Very often this happens in the form of a friend suddenly handing you something you asked the Universal Energy for without said person even knowing anything about it. However, sometimes these people don’t believe in the Law Of Attraction, and for that reason it seems ungrateful to just say “oh yes, you gave that to me because The Universe” and then walk away with your new presents. I’d hate to sound like I am devaluing their kindness, and for that reason I must say with all honesty that while I believe these things were a result of my purposeful manifestations, I am still eternally grateful for the parties involved who were selfless enough to hand me the things they no longer needed. Thanks guys! You are awesome, LOA or coincidence. And still, above all else, I believe that I have attracted some of the greatest individuals into my life in the first place, so it’s all related.

The main way to attract material things (or anything really) is to write a list IN PRESENT TENSE on what it is you want, giving thanks for this stuff as if you already have it. You should do this right now, to be honest. And then just by chilling and not over-thinking it, you allow The Universe to do what it does best, and those things will come to you within a few months (or so) without you paying a cent.

Using this method (and I can’t stress this enough, I seriously had these examples written down before they appeared in my hands without me even telling anyone) I managed to manifest: A hair straightener, 2 pairs of shoes, a backpack, 2 jackets, smart shirts, ties, a box full of socks, multiple pairs of jeans, and many other similar items. The majority of this happened at the end of 2008, and (as someone who had arrived to London with nothing but one suitcase of pretty much nothing) to gain these material objects within a few short months without looking for them or planning to buy them... was a godsend. As I said, I owe most of these things to nice people, in particular one friend who deserves maximum respect and recognition: SHOT MARK.

It was a total thrill for me to get these things at such a fast rate, that I started to do it for fun. It was like playing a game where I would pick something random and see how quickly it would come. I decided I wanted to see a red ball, which I ended up seeing within a few hours. I decided I wanted to see a balloon, and a few days later one was floating miles above my head. I realised these were far too simple, so I would start to focus on more complex things. For example: I wanted to hold a R2 coin, which in London isn’t a very common occurrence. I think that one took a month, where a friend asked me to change his coins into notes when I went to the bank, and in the middle of all these 2p’s and 5p’s, was a shiny R2 coin. I lol’d so hard. I then remembered my Dad used to have a shirt with a little crocodile logo on the chest. I wondered what that was, so I decided I wanted to manifest the answer - it had to just appear to me without any effort on my part. And appear it did! I was walking down the road and there was a little piece of paper on the ground. I pass paper on the ground all the time (as do you) but for some reason I was in sync to pick this specific piece of paper up, turned it over, and there it was. The crocodile was staring back at me, with the words LACOSTE underneath it. Ah yes, Lacoste, that was it, thanks Universe! I still have that piece of paper as a reminder.

I eventually stopped doing this shit, because after that I tried to manifest a guy named Nigel. And it just... never happened. Weird that. One day I will meet a Nigel and then I’ll say “I have been waiting for you” and it will probably freak him out. Still, if you are new to LOA, I think this section will be most helpful to you. Start with small simple things, write them down, and then let it be. And you will become addicted to that trippy feeling when that shit just appears out of godfuck nowhere.

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works: Creative Tools
09. Creative Tools
This one kind of relates to the last entry, but I figured it was interesting enough to grant it its very own space.

You might know this already, but computers are my life. Literally, I don’t even exist, the majority of me is binary, and my home is Social Networking sites. Sometimes I have to check my facebook just to remember my opinions on things or who it is I really am. This is not some joke, I am slowly fading into virtual.

So when I moved to London, I was a bit lost without my own PC. I was forced to hide in internet cafes or in my friend’s bedrooms just to get a taste of the web, and sometimes I would even read books and pretend they were wikipedia pages, editing the text with a pen. It was that bad. But I kept my eye on the ball, knowing I needed computers or I would die, and evidently The Universal Energy knew that too.

Noticing my discomfort, my friend (who was actually the same friend who gave me the majority of stuff from the previous entry, I think the angels must have sent him) offered to give me an unused laptop from his work as long as I ate one of his anal hairs. I eagerly agreed. Luckily, he didn’t hold me to that, but he did come through and brought home the shittiest slowest tiniest laptop in history. But do you think I was bummed? Fuck no, now I could stream porn and empty my overloading brain onto word documents again. It was good and it was free, and I was a happy lad again.

I then met another guy, and told him about the lol piece of shit laptop I was using. He was interested, as his Mommy needed a PC herself just to write emails really. He was going to give her his old big chunky (and far superior) desktop computer, which was a little bit advanced for what she needed it for. So he made a deal that if I gave her my shitty laptop, he would give me his Desktop and that would be better for everyone. Which was, uhm, AWESOME.

You do the math. I had been in London for about 6 months and had already come into possession of 2 computers without spending any money whatsoever. I kept my mind clean of negativity, asked The Universe for it, and then got it. Simples. Plus, this new machine was capable of running Photoshop and Flash and FTP clients and etc, and so without it there would have been no As Seen On Facebook, no Art-Pulpitations, no Help Jared Woods Meet Lily Allen, and no original Juice Nothing. None of it.

On a side note, I would also like to mention that in my time in London I have managed to manifest around 6 computer monitors. Which is excessive and crazy.

Eventually I bought my own laptop (which is a story in itself, and will be mentioned later), but even if you disagree with LOA - this was pretty “lucky” wouldn’t you say? Wow, I’m such a lucky boy!

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works: Travel
08. Travel
To me the key of Law Of Attraction is to become aware of those ideas that sound risky and scary, yet completely doable and right. Those are the true paths you need to follow. Fuck comfort zones if you want to grow - you need to recognize those thoughts that you lose your breath to, half out of fear and half out of excitement. Because those are the thoughts that fucking mean something.

That was what happened to me when I asked myself the question “should I to move to London?” It was like my brain said “lol, not a fuck” but some little creature inside of my stomach was screaming “FUCKING YES JARED, I’M SICK OF HERE, LET’S GO NOW!” So I called up my Dad and he agreed that this was a good plan. Then I went for a drive and witnessed a homeless man beating a homeless lady with a bottle, and this was all the confirmation I needed. I started organizing.

Now, this would be extremely simple if I had a UK passport, but I don’t, and fuck you if you do - you have no idea. Even worse is that literally just after I made the decision, it was announced that the law was scheduled to change, rendering is next to impossible for Saffas to get Work Visas. Basically, I was on borrowed time big time.

It was here that we realised due to the fact that my dead grandpa (who I didn’t really know, but am eternally grateful for now, thanks Gramps!) was born in the UK, making me legible for an Ancestral Visa. Sounds great, but the forms required were something stupid, I think the list was on the lines of:

My Grandpa’s Birth Certificate
My Grandpa’s Marriage Certificate
My Grandpa's Death Certificate
My Mom’s Birth Certificate
My Dad’s Birth Certificate
My Parent’s Marriage Certificate
My Birth Certificate
My Parent’s Divorce Certificate
My Mom’s New Marriage Certificate
A Clearance From The Cops Proving I Had No Previous Criminal Record
My Education Certificate
Proof Of Employment (we lied about this)
Proof Of Place To Live (we lied about this too)
Return Ticket
£1000 In The Bank
A South African Passport
etc etc.

These things are not easy. But I seriously stuck to LOA positivity (which was tough, let me assure you) continously reminding myself that this HAD to happen because that voice had told me so. I even quit my job right there and then without much of this prepared, because I couldn’t allow any doubt to enter my head. No half measures, no fail safes - this WAS happening.

Now, I’ll admit, I did have an advantage. My Dad was a politician at the time, which means we had access to a Home Affairs Office which the general public didn’t. So a lot of these documents (while still hard to come by) did happen a lot faster. Which, goddamn, I am grateful for. But I still think the following stands as a testament to what I achieved:

The fastest I’ve ever known someone to make the decision to go to London (with or without a Visa) and then get there, is three months. I did it in one. I won’t lie, it was stressful, but I can’t express enough the role that Law Of Attraction played here. I worked harder on keeping my mind clean above even getting the documents, and things were falling into my hands with seconds to spare.

Now I’m here. And was that little voice right? Fuck yes, that voice was right! I am more stoked about my life than I ever was, cured of the crap that was once in my life as a result of living a stagnant existence. I fucking own this bitch, is what I am saying.

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works: The Special People
07. The Special People
One thing I love more than anything is FAMOUS STUFF. That’s why I love London so much: everything has some song written about it, or some movie shot in it, or some famous person born around the area. But even better is how many celebrities are just hanging around arb places that you might be in at the same time.

That is to say, I have met my fair share of awesome people, and have already written two blogs about these interactions namely My Brief Brushes With Greatness and the far superior My Brief Brushes With Greatness Part II. Even cooler is that I have had many more of these run-ins, and Part III is actually partially written as I type this. There are too many LOA stories involved with all of these incidents (some of which I will still touch on in this blog), and I’d hate to ruin the next Greatness article by giving too much away, but there is one special incident I figured was cool enough to put into this piece because it is oh-so-LOA.

There is this guy called Tyler The Creator, you know of him? I’m sure you do, he is the leader of the hardcore hip-hop crew Odd Future Wolf Gang Kill Them All. He is so hot right now, a somewhat leader of the “hipster” community, and far too successful for a 21 year old rapper. Anyways, he has a formspring account where he answers fan questions quite regularly, and (being an avid formspring user myself) I decided I WOULD make contact with this dude. I asked him question after question, some smarty-pants, some OFWGKTA educated, and some deliberately insulting in order to get his attention. But still... nothing. However, I was determined, so much so that in my little Google Doc named “Greatness 3” where I record all of my recent celebrity-incidents, I wrote his name down as an official entry even though I hadn’t made any contact. Imagine my embarrassment if he never answered my question! I’d have to delete his name out of this document! It would be the first time that’s ever happened. I would simply die (even though I would be the only one who’d know).

And here’s the thing: he never answered any of my questions. Never. Man, I tried so hard, but there was never any response to my existence. So when I went to watch an Odd Future show a month or so later, I held a bit of a grudge, I’ll admit. How dare Tyler The Creator ignore me, doesn’t he know who I am?? No, he doesn’t. But the show was so good that I was quickly distracted, especially by the huge amount of pushing and pulling from the decidedly gangster crowd. I suppose I’ll make contact another time.

And then (despite having a broken ankle), Tyler suddenly jumped into the crowd, right next to me. He was right there! So I grabbed his arm, and he kept rapping. And his legs were smacking me in the face and I was helping hold him up so that he could keep spitting his illness into the mic. For a full minute or something, I was making physical contact with Tyler The Creator, holding him above my head and grabbing onto to his wrist. And while this is probably creepy in your eyes, I base my life on this shit.

In summary: I made a decision to make contact with him; I wrote it down like it already happened; and even though it wasn’t exactly the path I expected it to go down, it landed on my lap (or head) without any effort on my part. This is LOA down to definition: don’t try work out how it’s going to happen, just wait in faith that it will. Epicwin. More on this later.

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works: Little Things
06. The Little Things
Ignore the title, these are actually pretty big things. But in context of how they were manifested, it does make a bit more sense.

Very often (especially once you become aware of LOA) you will ask for something, forget about it, and then it will come to you. And only once you are deep within the experience, do you even remember that you had asked for it in the first place. It’s kind of like when you think of someone that hasn’t crossed your mind in years, and then you bump into them a few days later, or they give you a call. The teachers of LOA actually say that this is the best way to attract the things you want, because the more you think of something, the more chance you can give off mixed signals. But by giving something only a small thought a couple of times, the order is placed and nothing gets confused.

This is one of those. I nearly even forgot to include it.

In early 2009 (as part of a series of exercises in the book Ask & It Is Given by Abraham Hicks (THE BIBLE)), I would write down what I wanted everyday under the following categories: Health; Relationships; Career; and Home. As far as Home went, the greatest thing I could possibly imagine was that of “A Creative Household”; one where all the housemates worked enthusiastically on their own projects (much like I have aways been doing), and even better, collaborating on other ideas. For months I’d send out that request every single morning on the tube. But after a while I became bored of this (which will always happen), stopped doing it, and left those pages to rot under my bed, totally forgetting about them. Offering less resistance, as it turns out.

Only fairly recently (whilst researching for this piece actually), I went through my old boxes and found these lists I used to write. I nearly shat myself laughing. Because (at the time I rediscovered them), I was living with 4 of the coolest most creative/productive people I have ever met: Ash; Kris; Loose; and The Freewheelin’ Troubadour. We all had our own shit going, but when combined with one Mr Khalifa, we are The Mighty Funpowder Plot.

We make movies and such. No one has any set positions, we all get behind the camera and we all get in front of it. My other friends formed bands, we formed a film group. Sometimes there is even too much creativity here, as we share a Google Document filled with ideas that could keep us busy for years. Plus all the busy activity inspires us further to work harder on our own stuff, which is just a total win/win.

Basically: I used to tell people that “when I win the Lotto, I will buy a house where all my best friends can move in and we will work together on many beautiful arty things”. And I didn’t even realise I had that in the palm of my hands, without any money needed. Although I’m still going to win the lotto.

Unfortunately I no longer live with these guys, but I did for 3 years, and so the point is: I asked for it. I got it. The project was born, and it continues strong to this day.

On a lesser scale (but still worth mentioning) is another time I did exactly the same thing. During one of my writing sessions, I decided I wanted a tattoo. But due to the obvious large expenditure required to get this done, I also decided not to pay any money. I wrote this down on one of my lists as a passing thought and then let it go. It took maybe a year or so, until I noticed my favourite artist in the whole wide world (Scab) had recently ventured into the world of inking and was looking for canvases. I gladly offered my body for the cause, and we got to work. In the end, I happily did part with some cash (maybe £200 or so) but if you look at the piece, you will recognize that I should have paid a fuckload more. Are you starting to understand what I am talking about yet??

Read This Next Maybe

How To Heal Heartbreak In 20 Steps
How To Heal Heartbreak In 20 Steps

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works: Money
05. Money
This one is actually MASSIVE because it was done LOA text-book styles.

At some point during 2009, I decided I needed to go back and visit South African from London for my birthday - mostly because a girl had confessed her love for me and I wanted to discuss the interesting prospect in person. Oh, Jared. But the thing was, I had no idea how to afford such extravagance. This is because my employer at the time was not doing so well, and I hadn’t been paid my full salary for months - it was always late or just didn’t happen at all. That is to say, I was broke and hardly affording food or rent.

But instead I told everyone I was definitely going to make the trip and not to worry. Oh how they doubted me - which is my favourite thing. It’s inspirational. With this in mind, I put all of my LOA training into practice by doing the following: I would start by getting very high every night and then would proceed to watch this one particular YouTube video over and over with my face pressed up against the screen. I wish I could post the link to this clip, but it has since been removed, which sucks. However, it basically consisted of these trippy psychedelic spirals accompanied by hypnotic vocals summarizing the book The Science of Getting Rich (which is just about the blueprint for all LOA, a very quick read and available freely on the internet - totally worth getting right now!).

Sometimes my housemates would come into my room and be all like “WTF are you doing, dude??” It must’ve looked very strange. There I was with bloodshot eyes, dribbling on myself, hunched over with my nose pressed against the screen whilst assorted colours spat out into the darkness and audio looped about energy and abundance. I think one even accused me of witchcraft, which I guess isn’t very far off. But I explained “this is going to make money appear, you will see.” And they were like “how?” and I was like “that’s not my problem.”

After a month had passed (and I literally had no cash and no idea of where the next meal was coming from), my mom called me up to tell me a bunch of tax had been paid back to me from my old SA job. I can’t express this enough: I had no idea it was coming. I don’t even know how tax works, but it fell from the sky and into my bank account. And it was substantial! Not only enough to purchase the plane ticket to South Africa, but also enough to buy as much Subway as I could stomach! My friends were so pissed off, it was hilarious.

Jokes on me though, as that girl broke my heart into little shards of emo the moment I landed in the country. But that’s a different story...

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works: Employment
04. Employment
When I landed in London (the same date the recession started I may add, 08/08/08, look it up) I struggled to find a job. But I eventually managed to secure one working as the sole graphic designer for a debt clearance company, surrounded by lawyers and other such foreign paperwork. In hindsight, I have no idea how I coped with such boredom, but I remained positive (as I do) finding solace in the little things. One of these little things which I loved to do was, in the morning on my way to work, I’d walk into our local off-licence, buy a Mars Bar and read the Bizarre magazine on the shelf. In South Africa this magazine was hard to come-by, so I enjoyed raping my mind with images of tits and gory injuries. I have been reading that magazine since before I was even legally allowed to do so, and it is still my favourite publication to this day.

Life went on, and near the beginning of 2010, my employment had kind of fucked out and I was made redundant. I hated working there, so I saw it as a weird blessing and kept positive, but it did leave me in a very vulnerable position. I was miles away from any family and had no support system whatsoever. However, I just kept telling myself and everyone it was ok, fighting the feeling of despair despite having no idea where rent was coming from. A lot of people thought I was about to give up, but I was adamant and stuck to my LOA education.

I did this the usual way: by writing down exactly what I wanted out of a job, in present tense. But what people get wrong about LOA is that you do want to meet it halfway - do not just sit on your ass and wait for the world to come to you. You want to open up as many potential paths as you can to ensure the Universe lines you up in the smoothest way possible. I did this by applying to 100 jobs a week, sometimes less, sometimes more. Another thing I did on the side to keep my spirits positive was to continue my work on Help Jared Woods Meet Lily Allen, to which people thought I was insane. “Shouldn’t you be working on your CV rather than trying to meet a celebrity, Jared?” They didn’t understand that sitting in my room stressing about my unemployment would be counterproductive. I did my time, dedicated a few hours every day to job searching, going to every interview offered and taking countless of pointless calls from recruitment agencies. But I also needed that distraction to smile about, saving me from a swamp of potential negativity and disheartenment. There is a big LOA lesson in there.

Anyways, near the end of my joblessness, I was getting interviews out of my ass, and was becoming really good at them too. Until suddenly: everything exploded. My old job finally paid my redundancy money, so not only could I finally catch up on rent, but I even bought the nice laptop I still use today, which the new Juice Nothing, The Funpowder Plot, and Coming Down Happy were built with. And then I landed a meeting at a company called Dennis Publishing. I knew right away that this was the place I wanted to work, and luckily they wanted me to work there too. I got the job, and I am still here. I actually love coming in to work every morning, to the point that I always arrive an hour earlier just to have some time to myself at my desk - who else does that? The people I work with are genuine friends, the workload is still stimulating to this day, and it is a brand I believe in.

Oh, did I mentioned that one of the many awesome magazines we publish is Bizarre Magazine? Yeah, I get those for free now. You know when you open up to the front page and read all the editor/contributor names on the side? I know most of those people personally, some of them very well. That’s pretty trippy if you ask me.

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works: Health
03. Health
This is a big one.

Around 2007 or so (whilst still living in South Africa), I developed severe Carpal Tunnel Syndrome. My hands would freeze into position, aching and sending sharp pains from my fingers to the back of my neck. I couldn’t click a mouse or hold a pen, which is something you really miss when you earn money that way.

It gets even more hardcore. The Doctors were baffled! You see, my specific type of the syndrome was unrecorded in history for any type of reasons that would apply to me - usually a result of playing tennis, which obviously is something I didn’t do. It was defined by the ligaments in the hand tightening so viciously that you couldn’t even make a fist, which isn’t a computer thing. And before anyone makes a “wanking too much” joke - believe me, that crossed my mind. But apparently it’s unrelated, I could actually still manage a wank quite painlessly during all of this.

So yeah, the Doctors were ultraconfused and started a case study on me, which was cool because it meant I didn’t have to pay for constant check-ups PLUS I am in a book somewhere. Rad. Still, I had to wear this silly ugly cast with a huge piece of steel keeping my wrist from moving. Even worse, I had gigs booked with my then band No Better Ego Trip - all of which I still played because The Show Must Go On. Except the pain was so bad that my plectrum would keep falling out of my retarded hands - not very rockstar. I had prescribed stress-balls, specific daily exercises to run through and other weird things to do involving warm water and outdoor activities. And still nothing was working! If anything, it was getting worse, all while these medical people observed me and wrote shit down in their over-sized notebooks.

Then one night I went to a seminar held by The Secret’s own Mike Dooley, who said lots of cool (but generic) shit, except for one thing which really got to me. It was something like “If you are fat and you constantly buy low-fat foods, you are reminding yourself of your weight problem. Same goes for poor people: always purchasing the cheapest products in the shop reminds you of a lack of money. Once in a while, you should splurge!” I related this to my hands, and suddenly realised what I was doing wrong. All of these casts and exercises and warm-ups and check-ups were a constant reaffirmation of my condition, so right then and there I ripped my cast off and never did a single thing the Doctors told me to from that point on.

What I did do (and as weird as this sounds) was just tell my hands how much I loved them. Every time the pain flared up (as it did often) I wouldn’t give it the satisfaction of registering it. Instead I’d replace that thought with one of gratitude... because these are my fucking hands! It’s very easy to feel blessed about your hands when you think of all the things they have allowed you to do. Another thing I did (which I think was the most powerful) was when someone asked me “how are your hands, Jared?” I’d reply “Great! 100% healed!” even though that wasn’t the case - they hurt so fucking bad.

But funny enough, they started to get better and better. And pretty soon (a few weeks), I was using them as I used to with minimal discomfort. So when my next check-up came around, the medical peeps were blown away to see my improvement. They even said “this is a miracle!” (which it might have been), followed by “you’ve been doing your exercises haven’t you?” I didn’t have the heart to tell them the truth: that some New Age Thought Movement had fixed me, so I just said “Yes, I have”. I don’t think the medical journals would have liked the real conclusion.

I am now fully recovered, thanks for asking.

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works: Love
02. Love
Ok, I am not 100% proud of the first part of this entry, but it’s still a prime example of the powers of LOA.

So I really liked this one girl. The reasons were superficial as fuck - she was incredibly hot. I could show you photos that would blow your mind. And as I do, I was very open about my feelings towards her, but she was very coy with the whole thing in that special way only hot girls can afford to be. We would hang out and we would share many laughs, but it just never fucking happened. Eventually I grew frustrated and decided to LOA it, and wrote a quick list (in present tense, of course) about what I was looking for in a girl. In exceedingly fast fashion (maybe a week?) a different girl from High School broke up with her boyfriend. And like The Devil’s Vulture On Heat, I swooped in to pick on her messy heartbreak.

When I put it that way, it sounds terrible, but in all truth she was a perfect match to the list I had written. To. The. T. I read it as a gift from “God” and was grateful for it, not really questioning and just going with the flow. I mean, it was a bit of a disaster due to the mental space she was in, but I still stand that of all my girlfriends she was one of coolest and best matched for me (at the time).

So I asked for a girl, and I got a girl. Simples, right? Not entirely, because the real kicker came when this relationship made the original superhot girl mad-jealous, realising she wanted me after all because now I was unavailable. You know how hot girls are. Always must get what they want when they can’t get it.

Ok cool, now I have 2 girls and I have to make a decision. So after some heavy thought, I felt I had to go for the hot one, because I had invested so much time (and fucking money) into trying to get her for a year, and maybe she was the gift from “God” in the first place. Maybe this was how his plan was supposed to go.

So I broke up with the one and got with the other. Like a dick, sure, but an amped dick. However (and as one would expect), the hot girl didn’t quite turn out to be who I thought she was, and we broke up after a month. Fuck, I messed that one up, didn’t I? Funny enough, somehow I didn’t, because only a few days after this break up, the other girl wanted to get back with me again. This was probably just to show the world she could do it or something, but I was cool with it. Of course, my facebook relationship status looked like I was a complete man-whore, but man-whores are praised in modern day society. And as far as LOA goes, I got what I asked for INXS and then some. Nobody should ever be able to get away with such nonsense.

Eventually we broke up too (even though I ended up chasing her to London), leaving me heartbroken and probably deserving of it. But damn, we had some good sex, and that’s what really matters at the end of the day.

That was a good example, but the truth is I have sooo many of these. It actually blows me away that anyone is ever single without wanting to be - it’s just so easy to get someone if you want someone! I could sit here and list every single success story I have had using these practices, but I think the only one that really matter is this:

It starts off much the same, except on steroids. Sick of wanking and sleeping alone, I started to write a list of what I wanted in a girl in present tense. “I love my girlfriend because...” etc. I wrote on this list every day until I had over 100 factors I wanted in a lady-friend. If this sounds like too much - just wait, I didn’t stop there. Instead I organized these entries in categories, like “appearance; culture; social; sex etc”. Once I had all of these neatly grouped, I drew a detailed cartoon picture of each section, displaying the girl and myself (very important that I was in these pictures, take note of that) in situations based on what I had written about, illustrating the points as accurately as I could.

The whole process took 4 months, and it was fucking FUN - as it should be. Never EVER even attempt ANYTHING I have said if it isn’t fun, because it won’t work. But as with all things, I eventually grew bored of the whole process and stopped doing it to focus on something else.

Now if you’ve been paying attention, there is one thing I can’t express hard enough, and that is that these things need to fall in your lap with minimal effort from your side. Effort itself is counter LOA because it conjures up images of hard-work and pressure, whereas the whole thing should happen naturally and easily. Oh, and naturally and easily it did! In the weirdest of ways...

On the 28th of August 2010 I went to a festival called LED, crowding around the stage before Die Antwoord were set to come on. And who should I bump into? No one else but the first girl of this story. The one I came to London for. The one who had refused to see me since that point for no real reasons that I know of. We said some awkward hello’s and spoke about hair and then quickly turned our backs on each other. In that moment I realised I was truly and completely over her, and I could finally just let that one go. Then I watched Die Antwoord and it was fokken ill.

Literally 5 minutes after the show ended, the most beautiful girl I had ever seen walked up to me and said “Hi! My name is Lizzie.” And I was like “Hello, my name is whatever-you-want-it-to-be, darling.” I decided right then and there I was going to have her. Funny enough, that part of the story was all but effortless. I chased and I chased and I pained and I pleaded, but much like the stories before (and what you would have assumed already), I gots the girl in the end. But unlike the stories before, we are still together after a year and a half. We’ve lived together almost that entire time and we are still in love in the deepest and childlike of ways. Babytalk in the morning kind of crap that would make you sick unless it was happening to you. We fart in front of each other and it is the first relationship I have ever had where I am 100% myself, and yet she still actually likes me somehow. She is everything on every list I have ever written, I recognize this, and am eternally grateful for this amazing event where somehow we were just in the right place at the right time, without mutual friends or any other such easy way for it to happen. It is the epitome of LOA amazingness; the happy ending everyone wants; and I just caught myself doing that gushing thing again. I am sorry. But if you want this - just try it. Trust me, please. What do you have to lose?

Undeniable Proof That The Law Of Attraction Works: Lily Allen
01. Lily Allen
So who isn’t sick of this story yet? Show of hands, anyone? This is the last time, I swear! Regardless, I have never really told the story like this before, and is actually the sole reason I wrote this blog in the first place. Everything else was just a con to get to this point, forgive me.

On the off chance that you don’t know (and in the fastest summary as possible) this is what went down: I made a website to meet Ms. Allen because she is super hot and I couldn’t bear the thought that she didn’t know who I was. My plan of action included generating Twitter buzz by creating a website, cartoon, and a short film which no less than begged people to send it to her. And it worked! She tweeted about it, and it was all very intense and exciting. It’s still something strangers talk to me about to this day.

And then I met her. But this was not because she contacted me to do so or because I followed her every move around London. It was as simple as literally bumping into her in a pub - the same pub I go to around 3 times a week. A 5 minute walk from my work, as it turns out. My local. She knew who I was when we spoke, she called me by name, I got a photo, said goodbye - and that was that. I consider the whole project a fantastic success and I sleep better at night time.

But in one way, it wasn’t a total success in some eyes. This is because (and various people have pointed this out) my original mission was to meet her using nothing but the internet. And in the end, the said meeting was a result of what some call “chance”. It’s a pity that what no one seemed to recognize what was the massive and pure LOA action that took place here, undoubtedly the biggest proof I have ever experiences or heard about since becoming aware of the theory.

You see, as much as London is swarming with popular figures, you don’t meet them out that often - it’s a pretty big place. I shook hands with Pete Doherty once and bumped into Beardyman on the tube, but besides that, in my 3.5 years of London experience, this kind of thing is still a massive rarity. Hell, it’s pretty much unheard of to even bump into people you actually know personally in London without making some sort of an arrangement first. So tell me, how is it possible that I made a website to meet one specific celebrity, focused all of my good thoughts on it, put loads and loads of positivity and thrilling creativity into it... and then I just so happened to bump into her without changing my routine whatsoever. It only took 9 months for that to line up too, which in my opinion is pretty fucking impressive.

It gets even weirder than that somehow. A year or so later, I walked down the stairs of my house and who else but her younger brother Alfie Allen was sitting on one of my couches, visiting my housemate. As if this all wasn’t enough to make an episode of Twilight Zone, I actually had no idea who he was up until 4 days before that moment. This is because I had only just finished watching a marathon of all the Game Of Thrones episodes - I had seen the season 1 finale the day before he was in my living room, I think. So we smoked a spliff (oh dearie me, my little brother’s in his bedroom smoking weed) and spoke about nothing but himself - as celebrities tend to do, I suppose. He was a cool guy though, but that’s not the point. The point is this: I had put so much thought into meeting Lily Allen and kept it positive and happy by using all the creativity I could muster within these cartoons and films and whatnot... that she actually manifested into my local pub. And the strength of LOA was so strong, it continued to ripple and ricochet until her brother manifested into my lounge. That’s insane. I can still hardly believe it.

If this is coincidence, answer me this: Have you ever heard of a coincidence of this magnitude? Have you experienced one? Do you know of anyone who has? Fuck, if you really stay adamant that this was nothing but luck, it’s got to be the biggest “luck” you’ve ever heard of, true? But like, really? Really? Come on, fucking think about it for a second. And while you do that, allow me to wrap this up quickly:

The end! I hope you enjoyed reading about my life as much as I’ve enjoyed living it. But more than anything, if this article didn’t prove to you without a doubt that LOA works, then I apologize for the inaccurate title and I wish you success in justifying all of this in your head somehow. But for those who are convinced (or were already convinced), I think the real reason I wrote this piece will be obvious. Just think about the goodness I have just allowed into my life, and what could manifest from all of these positive reaffirmations. Hell, if I was you, I might even think about writing something similar...

But to everyone, believers or non-believers, all I can say is this: keep watching me. You have no idea what’s next.