I met this girl, and it was like crack. I spent every free second I could sending her emails or having drinks with her. For those of you who know me in real life know that when I fall, I FALL. And before I knew it, I was blurting out a bunch of overemotional shit to this poor chick, who naturally, wasn’t quite prepared for the insanity that is me. And fair enough on her part really.
So she was like “errrr” and I was “ummm” and that was that. I totally realised a lot throughout this short process. Relationships and thoughts of one are no good for me. My new plan is much like the old one, and goes like this: stay single until the end of 2011, work my ass off, become really rich and famous , and then fuck every single one of you.
Anyways, I’m back, and I’m gonna attack this shit with my middle fingers blazing now.
Despite all of this, there is stuff to say on the projects:
This is now officially what The Gravystroke is called. If you followed me on Twitter, you would know this. Nevertheless, the project came to a complete stand-still recently as Kris and Ash were in Croatia and Loose was gallivanting around meeting people like Johnny Rotten and such. That said, work on the website has continued and it is looking good. Our next video NITROUS OF THE LIVING DEAD is breathing on the finish line. With a little bit of luck, this will be done in 2 weeks? Further more, there is footage for another film already shot and plans for so many more.
The third and final song for the EP is probably halfway done musically. I am semi-happy with it, which isn’t really where I want to be. The concept is firming up though, still aiming for an end of year release. This is unlikely. But in the end, I can see where it’s going clearer and clearer, and I like.
This site makes me sad now. I dunno, I like the homepage, but the blog just feels loose and badly designed. The font sizes even change per article, which I guess is my fault for rushing out a blogger page without really knowing what I was doing. There is also NO SEO whatsoever, which is stupid. So hopefully I will slowly be picking it apart in the up and coming days, which does mean it might look a bit funny at times, please bear with me sweetheart.
It’s been a while since I’ve posted a blog, so Im happy you can now read 10 (more) People You Have To Follow On Twitter. It should be taken very seriously. I know it seems like I have been slacking, but for some reason there was a lot of inner turmoil this blogging round. I originally wrote half of a blog celebrating my one year on Last.Fm, reflecting on the music I had been listening to and how I felt about it. It sucked. So I scrapped it and began a blog on my life and it’s experiences with the Law of Attraction, which I roughly finished but didn’t feel like I wanted to launch it just yet. This does mean it will probably come out very soon. I moved onto this one because it was simple and fun and quick and at least useful, maybe. But I even know what the next few will be.
I am about 3 chapters into my autobiography. To be honest, I shouldn’t be working on anything else, I know this is the best thing I’ve got going for me right now. Still going to take a while though, but I have an epic feeling that this is the one. This is the project that will win.
And just remember, if you think I’m dead, check my Twitter. Or ask me on Formspring.
Will call you soon honey-pie.
Follow @LegoTrip
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