
Tuesday 15 May 2012

How To Fuck Girls And Not Cheat On Your Girlfriend

Please note: this blog was written particularly with heterosexual males in mind, but I think just by changing a few gender specific words here and there, it could apply to anyone.

How To Fuck Girls And Not Cheat On Your Girlfriend
Around late August 2011, I launched one of my most “praised” blogs ever, which was a guide on How To Fuck Boys And Not Be Gay, totally risking everyone’s views on my sexuality and scaring my homophobic friends across the globe. Due to its success (and also to rectify my masculinity) I figured now would be a good time to write a continuation to that article, except this round keeping it a bit more MANLY - the brother blog, if you will. And this is it.

But before I get to it, there is something I need to address (as if I haven’t spoken about this to death already). I have a girlfriend, and I would never fuck other girls behind her back. I don’t say this because I am avoiding trouble or that these rules don’t apply to me - because they absolutely do. No, the reason why I would never cheat on my partner, is because no other girl is hot enough. Believe me, I spent 25 years searching for a lady who wasn’t so fucking ugly and stupid, and so far only my girlfriend is even remotely in my league. I would have to drastically drop my standards just to fuck someone else, and why would I do that? Why are all other girls so repulsive anyway?

Anyway, enough about me. Let’s discuss you, and how you can do naughty things behind your lover's back 100% GUILT FREE! Because (and let’s be honest) your bitch is already cheating on you right now. Girls know all of this stuff - never forget who the real enemy is, and enjoy your new life.

Rule#1: Three’s Company Too
The movie Road Trip was funny in that mindless-popcorn-16-year-old kinda way, but it did have some interesting information when it came to the rules of cheating. For one, the whole “It's not cheating if you spread peanut butter on your balls and let your dog lick it off - because it’s your dog!” is absolutely true. But besides that example, most of what was said was complete bollocks. That is, except for this one fantastic stand-out piece of wisdom: “Let's say that you were sleeping with two girls at the same time - it wouldn't be cheating because they would cancel each other out.” This is simple Maths. The negative act of cheating (-) multiplied (x) with another negative act of cheating (-) equals (=) a positive (+). Another equation which works is that the blame is shared between 3 people, therefore you are only 1/3rds guilty rather than 1/2, which does not round off to a full-on cheat. You see? Maths saved your relationship once again.
It goes even deeper than Mathematics though, as cheating itself is generally considered an emotional sin against your lover. But with two girls, it is purely a physical act. This is because no man could keep 2 girls emotionally happy. Hell, I’d struggle to keep 2 girls physically happy, and I have a very large penis. Regardless, I predict the whole thing would be guilt free anyways, and something you would be proud of rather than ashamed of. Something you would simply have to tell your friends about. Something your girlfriend would inevitably find out anyway because you couldn’t keep your fat mouth shut. In fact, if you were half a man, you’d go straight home, look your girlfriend in her eyes and say “Honey, I banged two bitches last night!” because that is something only a special kind of guy could pull off. And special guys are keepers.

Rule#2: Achololololol
All too often when people get caught cheating, their response is “Yeah, but I was drunk!” Wait, is that supposed to make me feel better? You drink every day, bitch! So must I now assume that every time you drink, our relationship is at risk just because your judgement is a bit impaired? Fuck that! Getting drunk and messing around with someone else is cheating! Stop your crap.
However, if you were so out of it the night before that you wake up next to someone with no clue of what happened, then it didn’t happen. You need to love yourself a little more and give yourself the benefit of the doubt. Oh, the girl said you slept together? She’s lying. Oh, there’s a semen filled condom floating in the toilet? Not yours, it was always there. You are not like that. You wouldn’t cheat. You are a good person. Get dressed, leave, swear off alcohol, never think of it again.
However, if you find yourself in the cheating position without the alcohol crutch to lean on, just avoid eye contact the whole time you are doing the deed. It works much in the same way. You didn’t see anything, what’s everyone on about?

Rule#3: Salt In The Wound
The very root of all cheating troubles stem from a girl’s insecurities about your actions. Trust or something. But let’s say you slept with a far mid-50 year old woman with 3 fingers missing. Is that cheating? Hell no - that’s a fucking disgusting joke. No one in their right mind would be bothered by this except yourself, which in turn would result in you loving and appreciating your girlfriend even more, trying desperately to erase what you have done. If your girlfriend found out, she would probably just laugh in your fucking face and break up with you because you dropped a league - not anything to do with cheating. This applies to anyone who is in a significantly less standard than your girlie. Ugly is one reason. Mentally handicapped may be another. And what about prostitution? That is surely not cheating because you had to pay just to get laid at the end of the day, and that’s pretty funny. Isn't spending hard earned cash for vagina what your girlfriend is for anyway?
In this vein, I think acts of homosexuality for a heterosexual man are not cheating either. It’s like if your girlfriend fucks another girl, is it really so bad? It’s just people being all weird and experimental and stuff, and everyone knows no cock could replace a vagina for a straight man. Sexuality 101, yo.

Ugly Girls Don't Count
Rule#4: It Takes Two To Tango
A wank is not cheating, but why is that? If you break it down, it becomes fair to conclude that the act of infidelity requires a partner of sorts, who isn’t your girlfriend. It’s like a 50/50 deal, meeting halfway and getting the job done. But what if you don’t exactly meet halfway? Examples of this would include a situation where you do not ejaculate. How could that be cheating? That’s a cock tease right there (and probably serves you right) so no need to feel any guilt buddy. You probably feel bad enough as it is. Conversely, what if only you cum? This works particularly well if there is no kissing or hugging or expressions of affection - just you cumming. The best way to achieve this (which is slightly against the title of this blog, but I’ll allow it) is where there is no fucking at all. Like a hand-job. Or a blow-job. Yeah, a blow-job! FUCKING LOVE BLOW-JOBS! For they are nothing more than an aided wank with swallowed evidence, and a wank is not cheating. This girl just did you a favour - she got nothing out of it, no harm done.
And while we're on the topic, is anal really cheating? It’s just her bum after all, right? I’m not too sure about this one yet though, but I will keep you posted.

Rule#5: Time Travel
Have you ever not done something sexual you really wanted to do, which to this day fills you with so much regret and shame that you wish you could go back in time and do it? Of course you have. I have, like, a thousand of these examples - I’m a very naughty boy. Well, worry no more! Believe it or not, you can time travel to ensure you do everything sexual you ever wanted, and yet still not cheat. For example, say there was the hottest girl in High School who sat a few seats away from you in maths class and she was beautifully tanned and her name was Pascal. She blew bubble gum, played on her phone, and laughed with her friends... all the while you just watched from a distance. You’d follow her home just to get better wank material for alone time. You’d collect hairs from her desk to cast spells on her. What was I talking about again? Oh yeah, the girl that was out of your league. You would never get her, because she only dated jocks who would slap your lower jaw off if they ever read your diary or blog.
Ok, get the image? Fast forward to now: you have money, you have an education, you have style, you have a girlfriend. And out of nowhere, this past girl you have imagined fucking a thousand times is suddenly drunk and trying to put her tongue in your ear. Hey man, listen to me - you OWE it to your past self to fuck this vagina. Your teenage version would kill you if you passed it up! This is not cheating, dude - this is taking what you deserved all those years ago! And you can save it into your memory accordingly, filling a gap in your timeline which was always your destiny to full, nothing to do with present time or relationships.
As if your mind wasn’t already exploding from the vast knowledge I am presenting here (for free, I might fucking add) there is yet another way to time travel. This is when you fuck someone that you have already fucked before. Therefore, it is not a new memory, so you can freely place it somewhere else in your history and move on. It’s all about convincing yourself at the end of the day. And if your girlfriend asks “Did you fuck your ex, Barbara?” you can reply with all confidence “I have fucked her before, yes.” And if she asks “And recently?” you can reply with all confidence “not recently, no” because, really, what does recently mean? The last 5 minutes? 30 seconds? And if she asks “When you were out last night and you bumped into Barbera, did you go home and fuck her?” you can reply with all confidence “Baby, I’m not sure who you think I am, but you must understand that me and Barbara have been together before and there is a reason why we are not together now. It was nice to see her, but now I have come home to you and only you. So please can we stop these accusations and just love each other?”
Because nothing you said there was a lie.

Rule#6: Let’s Do The Timewarp Again
This one is so straightforward that it has become a cliché, and once again involves you accepting yourself as the master of time. “What happens in Vegas, stays in Vegas” you ever heard that one? It’s, like, a law. The same has also been said about Amsterdam too. And Thailand. In fact, you can substitute “Vegas” for anywhere you feel comfortable with. It actually goes even deeper than that, for example: “What happens on New Years...” Classic! Or birthdays - obviously it’s not cheating on your birthday! It’s your special day! Cheating on her birthday is definitely cheating though, don’t do that.
I also think it’s fair to say that if you fuck a girl whilst listening to, say, The Black Keys or Rihanna; or watching a Scarlett Johansson film or some porn... well, this wouldn’t be cheating either. How could it be? These are very delicate situations - who in their right mind could control themselves? You girlfriend would do it, is what I’m trying to say. She’d do it with me. Although fucking me is definitely not cheating either in any circumstance, for I am irresistible.

There are a thousand reasons why this wouldn't be cheating
Rule#7: An Honest Mistake
Everybody makes mistakes, that is what makes us monkeys. But I am not one for using that as an excuse if you can’t keep your cock to yourself. “Oh, it was a mistake, forgive me,” fuck off, you totally did that on purpose, we all know it. However, there are some interesting ways around this. For example: a twin sister. Yeahhhhh. If your girlfriend has a twin, then it really isn’t your fault if you get a bit confused, it’s actually the said twins fault. The same goes for a very similar looking sister. Or even a mom. You could blame darkness, or alcohol again for this one. “Baby, I thought it was you!” You’d still be in shit, but you did not cheat. This works particularly well if you actually call the [twin/sister/mom/granny/somewhat-resembling-brunette] your girlfriend’s name in bed. In fact, as a fail safe, every slut you sleep with you should call your girlfriend’s name in bed, because then you were not cheating. How could it be cheating if you were thinking about your girlfriend while fucking someone else? I don’t know. As long as you wash your cock afterwards, there is no issue.
Another addition to your armoury is if you do the deed in front of your girlfriend. Just use the “oops, I missed” excuse. Works like a charm, every time.

Rule#8: If It Wasn’t For Date Rape
It goes without saying that if you get raped, you didn’t cheat. That’s common knowledge, it’s tragic and not funny. But depending on how well you know Satan (and I know him very well), you can use this theory to your advantage. For example: spike your own drink. Any girl who fucks you is taking advantage of a roofied man! That is pretty pointless though, because you wouldn’t remember it. And have you ever tried to get an erection on rohypnol? IMPOSSIBLE, MATE.
Ok, how about this one: while you are getting busy with this girl who isn’t your girlfriend, gently whisper the magic word “no”. OH! THERE YOU GO! You said no. RAPE!! For extra legit points: press charges on the bitch!

Rule#9: Virgins Don’t Count
I’m sorry, they just don’t. Neither do celebrities now that we’re on the topic of “it’s-never-gonna-happen-buddy-but-if-it-does-happen-do-not-let-it-pass-you-by”. Because any decent girlfriend would give you a high-five for this, not a break-up.

Rule#10: The Golden Loophole
And here it is: the easiest way out. If your girlfriend never EVER finds out, it isn’t cheating, because in life you are only cheating if you get caught. Conversely, if she does find out, admit to it right away, because then you are being honest, and cheaters are liars by definition. The whole act of cheating is a trust thing, but by coming clean immediately, you prove you are still trustworthy. In summary: do everything you can to keep her from becoming suspicious, and then if she confronts you, be completely open about it. Using this method, you are sinless no matter what you do. I mean, don’t expect the girl to stay with your dirty-ass, but you can go to sleep at night knowing you did the right thing. Sort of.

There is a word of caution with all of this: use a condom. Vaginas are weird things, but the absolute allure and unique beauty of the moist flaps can confuse our hard-wiring. Make no mistake - vaginas can hurt you! They can swallow your dick forever! They can spit out babies that resemble you and demand money! Yes, maybe you can run from pregnancies, but you can’t run from the creeping syphilis chewing holes into your ballsack. Now try explain THAT to your girlfriend. She won’t dig it bro, and she’ll tell people.

Tune in next week where I’ll tell you how to brutally rape and murder your best-friend’s girlfriend and yet still remain buddies. Until then, take care of yourselves, and each other.

Read This Next Maybe

Rockstars Fuck Each Other
Rockstars Fuck Each Other

Monday 23 April 2012


Fear Of urinals
I’m 27 years old and I still fear urinals. Very often in a public bathroom if all the stalls are occupied, I pretend like I need a shit and wait for them to become available, even if there is just one other guy using the facilities. Sometimes I shift nervously on my feet and place my hands on my buttocks, wincing a bit as if I really really got a big log coming. You know, to make it seem more authentic (even though I probably just come across as a dramatwat).

The reason I do this is because so many times I have stood there with my wang hanging out, and nothing comes. Some dude will be breathing heavily next to me, pissing away joyfully, and I just can’t force the liquid's motion. I can literally feel the urine retreating back up into my bladder. It’s no concern about dick size, mind you - I’d happily pull my pants down in front of a crowded bathroom and shout “LOOK AT THIS!” Hell, I could probably even have a wank into the urinal much faster. But instead, my mind plays games, my urethra gets shy, and so I do a pretend shake and walk away. But I know I didn’t pee. And I’m certain the guy next to me knows I didn’t pee too, and is probably thinking “ooh, look at the scaredy boy, so self conscious he can’t even take a leak.” What’s worse is that I still need a fucking piss.

Of course, this doesn’t apply when I’m drunk. I whip that shit out anywhere and let all the urine flow, unafraid and proud. In fact, one of my favourite things to do whilst intoxicated is to stand next to a guy at the urinal and then start pissing before he does. And suddenly, he can’t pee anymore. Hell yes bitch, the roles are reversed! I purposefully take longer so he writhes in discomfort, his mind now fucking with his penis. I grunt and keep an eye on him using my peripheral vision, so even though he isn't sure, it does feel like I'm aware that this job isn't getting done. And sometimes... just sometimes... if I’m lucky enough... he’ll do a fake shake and walk away.

Girls will never understand this shit.

So, wow, how ya’ll doing?? It’s been ages since I’ve updated this thing, which in all fairness is exactly what I intended to do. I said so. But if you are even remotely interested in my shit, you’ll know that I’ve been a very busy boy lately. It’s actually a miracle I’m posting here even now. Well, I won’t keep you in suspense, here is what’s been happening in my creative world:

God, I’m already so sick of that name. But it is nice that after 3.5 years, this project is actually out there, with just one last song to go. It has caused so much trouble in life. I have lost friends and even family members, and yet I am still glowing with pride. It’s kind of like having a son who becomes the biggest mass murderer in history. You know it’s wrong, but goddamn, at least he wasn’t second best.
The final video will be launched this Thursday here. And if you haven’t watched the others, I urge you to do so. Never have I done something so intense and amazing. If it sounds like I’m boasting, it’s because I fucking am.

Now while it seems to have been quiet on this side, I have actually been writing something fierce. I’ve just launched the Top 50 Lyrics Ever (according to me) article, which was a quick one (this news post is probably longer) but I feel it’s a worthy piece and something I’ve been meaning to do for ages.
Besides this, I have a collaborative piece 100% done (I think) but am waiting for the word from the partner in crime. Er... if you’re reading this, get back to me please?? Thanks.
I have also got another article 90% written which will be done very very soon, and another old one I will be reworking. Plus there are many others. Basically, what I am saying is this: every year I aim to do 12 pieces at least, and 2012 will be no different. I launched the final 2 parts of The Top 50 Albums Of 2011, Reinterpreted As Short Stories in January, and have launched said lyrics blog now, in April. April is the 4th month of the year, so 4 - 2 - 1 = 1. Which means if I launch 2 blogs next month (which I will), I am already 100% up-to-date. But at this rate, I’ll be launching 2 blogs in June too, which will put me ahead.
What’s my secret? Writing on the tube, bitch.

Much like Juice Nothing, a weird thing has happened here: we are collecting a backlog of unfinished work. Nitrous 2 is surely done, but I just don’t understand wtf is going on. Some finishing touches everyone wants that I bitch about, but no one listens. However, and so help me God, May it will be launched.
Besides this, Ammr has been working hard on a rad project, and is very far with this. Loose has been the center of another idea, which is half shot I believe. We have a full piece shot for Halloween already and I have another idea which I will be pushing to be filmed in May.
Then if (IF) I can convince the boys to shoot a Coming Down Happy music video, we already have 6 projects in motion - which is much better than last years 2, would you agree? Yes, you would.

Finally, I must end off by saying that My Head Is So Full Of Fuck right now. I have been writing my fingers to the second knuckle and working my ass to the stomach on Coming Down Happy. Plus my real job has been insane AND I am moving house at the end of this month, which is an organizational mindfuck on its own. All of this pressure would normally cause tension within me, but what has ended up happening is a blur. Each minute of my day is so full up that I only stop to eat (quickly) and sleep. The weeks evaporate and I can’t tell the days apart. It’s numbing and it’s fast and I can’t even see it happen. Maybe this is how you’re supposed to do it all along: push yourself so hard that you break on through to the other side, where routine propels you past time an you build and empire without even being there.

Anyways, follow me on Twitter.